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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
    The hunters were only able to decapitate or eat you if your status was at least caution.
    Well in Advanced mode, a single claw swipe from them is already enough to lower your health down to 'caution' level, and once that happens they'll be incessant in using the decapitation attack.
    Seibu teh geimu?


    • Chris' Advanced mode is hard, sometimes I use the double ammo cheat (hold right on Advanced until it turns green).

      I thoughts Bio2's nightmare mode was hard as hell. Wasn't it like 10 shotgun shells for a zombie? like 20 handgun rounds for a zombie as well? Hello infinite ammo cheat!
      My Head-Fi Page


      • idk y RE2 didnt have a hard difficulty by default the game was just too damn easy! The nightmare/hard mode in DC/PC verions just felt forced and unnatural unlike Arrange Mode and the harder modes in REmake. Hard mode from what i played is just not very fun


        • I kind of meant the Hunters in RE3, lol
          Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


          • Hunter decaps on sub fine in advance is true. Especially in Jill's game where she has less overall health than Chris. If you've been attacked a couple of times and are just above caution in fine still you can still be rendered headless.

            The three hunter basement switcharoo is horrible and then there is two more put in one of the hallways. I think one leaps out of the mini hall by the tiger statue but that might be original. It's been a while. I also hate the zombie ambush by the attic entry. There is one at the t junction corner than can grab you before you can get the angle on it.


            • Originally posted by Rombie View Post
              Hunter decaps on sub fine in advance is true. Especially in Jill's game where she has less overall health than Chris. If you've been attacked a couple of times and are just above caution in fine still you can still be rendered headless.

              The three hunter basement switcharoo is horrible and then there is two more put in one of the hallways. I think one leaps out of the mini hall by the tiger statue but that might be original. It's been a while. I also hate the zombie ambush by the attic entry. There is one at the t junction corner than can grab you before you can get the angle on it.
              I always get the magnum before the attic ambush


              • Do you guys want the Team to add a much harder difficulty at all? I think it's be nice to have EASY/NORMAL/HARD modes by default. They could do a lot of cool things.

                Is till think it'd be rad if they added in enemy randomization somehow, like they enemies spawn differently each time you enter a room. Maybe not for the main game but perhaps within other modes that they might possibly add.
                My Head-Fi Page


                • I think hey should have only the original mode (and maybe a toned-down easy mode for wimps) available from the start, and then once the original mode is beaten, things like an arrange mode or an expert mode would be nice to unlock.


                  • A hard mode would be easy anyway since you have a fully operational debug menu and an easy and quick inventory item creation system at any time, so I don´t think we could expect much of a challenge from 1.5.

                    The default difficulty is ok, at the end what matters is the experience, but if IGAS want to add a hard or nightmare mode with debug menu and item creation disabled it would be an interesting challenge, of course it´d only work if the game is playable from start to end without needing debug menu.

                    I wonder if all weapons and ammo would be obtainable trough game progression or we´ll need to create some of them.
                    The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                    • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                      A hard mode would be easy anyway since you have a fully operational debug menu and an easy and quick inventory item creation system at any time, so I don´t think we could expect much of a challenge from 1.5.

                      The default difficulty is ok, at the end what matters is the experience, but if IGAS want to add a hard or nightmare mode with debug menu and item creation disabled it would be an interesting challenge, of course it´d only work if the game is playable from start to end without needing debug menu.

                      I wonder if all weapons and ammo would be obtainable trough game progression or we´ll need to create some of them.
                      Pretty sure they've stated quite a number of times that their aim is to make a complete retail-quality title. Once they're done with their restoration work, you won't need to use the debug menu for anything unless you want to mess around with it, and that's assuming they won't lock it out from the final version.
                      Seibu teh geimu?


                      • Retail doesn't have a debug menu anywhere and even taking that out of the picture in BETA 2 is just a matter of nulling 4 bytes. If they're aiming for a retail experience like it's been stated countless times, you can already forget about debugger menus and consider playing the game in the way it's meant to be.
                        Last edited by Gemini; 07-21-2013, 11:33 AM.

                        Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                        , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                        • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                          A hard mode would be easy anyway since you have a fully operational debug menu and an easy and quick inventory item creation system at any time, so I don´t think we could expect much of a challenge from 1.5.

                          The default difficulty is ok, at the end what matters is the experience, but if IGAS want to add a hard or nightmare mode with debug menu and item creation disabled it would be an interesting challenge, of course it´d only work if the game is playable from start to end without needing debug menu.

                          I wonder if all weapons and ammo would be obtainable trough game progression or we´ll need to create some of them.
                          Have you been following what'\s going on at all? It's gonna be a "retail" release, meaning the debug menu will be blocked. Good though, I want an original Resident Evil experience.


                          • Retail release doesn´t mean you can get all the weapons and their ammo through normal game progression. In RE2 some weapons can be only obtainable with Leon and some others are exclusive for Claire. 1.5 has two shotguns, two magnums and various handguns, so we don´t know if all weapons will be available for both Leon and Elza. If IGAS put the M37 for Leon and the SPAS-12 for Elza and you want to have the M37 with Elza you would need to create it via inventory, that´s what I meant.

                            Debug menu doesn´t need to be locked, so people who want to mess around with it and test things or have extra fun could be able to do it, no need to be so closed-mind, debug menu availability wont deprive anyone from having his/her true purist RE experience.
                            The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                            • Only the grenade launcher and hand grenades are character specific. The four handguns are also character specific, but they're pretty much identical function-wise. As seen in the leaked build, all the other weapons can be used by both characters. There are multiples of some weapon types since the other ones are supposed to be stronger replacements you pick up later in the game. The machine guns, for example, do not have a matching ammo clip item to reload them since the other gun (MC51) is probably supposed to function as both the upgrade and "refill" once you empty the weaker one (M10) you pick up earlier in the game.
                              Seibu teh geimu?


                              • They also did state there would be ways to explore with the debug feature. The only thing I can think of is some sort of unlockable code you have to enter, or loading up a save file with "Debug Mode" unlocked. Who knows though. But right now I have clammy hands and am sweating bullets thinking of 1.5.

                                So how are you guys going to play 1.5? Let me show you my gaming set-up I will be using:

                                Click image for larger version

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ID:	403169
                                My Head-Fi Page

