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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • yeah FMVs is a little bit too much to ask for.
    but i can definitely see some voicing done.
    Get some decent voices, by announcing tryouts.


    • I still think that the should give some small dialogue out per each character and have some sort of audition unless they already found the talent they need.


      • I'm sure everything is under control and they have everything sorted out. If there is voice acting I think they probably had it planned out long ago.
        My Head-Fi Page


        • If i remember right they said they have voices already covered


          • Wow, they already have voices covered? Huh.


            • Originally posted by imacwesker View Post
              A few things here:
              - I am "imacwesker" only on THIA. I am "Wesker" everywhere else, in the old RE community (from 1997 to 2007)
              - There are 2 stories, at least, about the "origins" of the RE2 beta vers2.
              A) Tyrant, webmaster of Evil Online, released screenshots made with the emulator Bleem of the beta in 1997-1998. His source for the beta is unknown, but he is the first RE webmaster to show them.
              B) Evilude contacted me in 1998-1999 about a copy of the beta. He bought it on an Italian beach with a lot of other pirated games. According to him, there was a guy selling them openly on the beach. He gave me this beta and I fall in love with it. I loved to check all the changes between the beta and the retail game. It is because of this beta that I changed the focus of my website from "survival-horror games" to "Resident Evil betas only".
              I didn't know that Evilude gave it also to the guys from WU.

              I had my share of problems with Dama and his henchman Trent. Trent can read French and took most of my exclusive texts, and presented them as his/REHs'. I went into many arguments with him and Dama on this subject and you can find a few of them in Bioflames forums.
              It is because of him (and a few other people but mostly Trent) that I made my layout into Photoshop, preventing English-speaking people to copy paste the French texts into Google Translator and use the translations on their own websites.
              I've tought that beta owners made a trading in the Italian beach back in a summer, now the fact that it was being sold as an pirate copy was interesting, maybe the seller knew more, wasn't the beta in sharing networks/torrets/etc at the time?


              • Originally posted by Renard View Post
                Wow, they already have voices covered? Huh.
                They never said they had it covered but rather "what is an RE game without voices?". This is essentially what Zork had stated in the past, leading many to believe that there will be voices. I really hope there are voices.
                My Head-Fi Page


                • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                  They never said they had it covered but rather "what is an RE game without voices?". This is essentially what Zork had stated in the past, leading many to believe that there will be voices. I really hope there are voices.
                  Ah, I remember that being said somewhere as well. I'm really hoping for voices too.
                  Last edited by Renard; 08-04-2013, 12:06 AM.


                  • I know some say that FMV's seem impossible but as far as I can see every update is a realization that the impossible is possible. Think about it, 1.5 being made available to the world years ago was impossible. Seeing it for ourselves was impossible. Having it finally be completed was impossible. We are first hand seeing the impossible happening so FMV's may be possible even if it doesn't happen. We will just have to see.


                    • FMV's would take a while to render and such, but there are converters to convert AVI to STR, so that's already one of the bases covered. I'd personally love to see FMV's but if we don't get any I won't mind.
                      My Head-Fi Page


                      • Id be okay with text opening and ending as long as we get the whole game <3


                        • If I remember correctly, there are FMVs in 1.5's 80% build, but unfinished. They got as far as animating the mouths to lip sync with the voices.

                          Didn't someone say Team IGAS has (limited) access to the 80% build?


                          • Originally posted by Renard View Post
                            If I remember correctly, there are FMVs in 1.5's 80% build, but unfinished. They got as far as animating the mouths to lip sync with the voices.

                            Didn't someone say Team IGAS has (limited) access to the 80% build?
                            Not the build itself, rather they had access to information pertaining certain details and differences, the supplier was unwilling to give the content itself as, unfortunately, people took it upon themselves to "leak" a build again (which never actually happened, they just said they would)


                            • So yeah, Birkin's avatar has me pretty excited. I wonder how far away it is?
                              "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                              • Whether it is likely or not, seeing FMVs in the game would be a huge surprise. Of course, I could easily play the game without them, but just imagine loading up the game when it's released, choosing Elza or Leon, then bam: Opening FMV. Wishful thinking I know, but would be cool to see.

