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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • people do not understand what undertaking doing 5 languages is. we said in an old video that backtranslating is a possibility, but it is still large undertaking that requires much work and someone need to do this work.

    at this time, all translation staff on all 5 big languages are people with enough experience with translations at a level we are proud of. we will have to make large undertaking in making sure quality of final result is to our expectation and not amateurish or delivered as first draft. a first big problem with japanese language is we do not have industry level native speakers. we have many people who speak japanese and have worked with it on professional level available, but they all refuse to do translating text to japanese because of concern for quality when language is not native. so even if you know japanese, you are not the person we need. people with no experience translating retail games of modern era when storage space limitation was removed do not also know how much text a game like 1.5 have, so they often say yes to help without realize how much work is to be done. then everything fall apart. getting help from non professionals is no choice.

    a second big problem is the font and text. we need secondary text routine for japanese and similar language. the original build had japanese. but it also only had few letters and many missing in font. the other biohazard games also have incomplete alphabets. it is because japanese have such large alphabet that games more often only include the letter they exactly need. the playstation 1 is a system with limited hardware and system resources are valuable. before we even do start inserting a language like japanese and going forward with technical issues, we should know exactly what letters are needed for the fully script translation with game font. then we need to know how to approach this to make it for fitting. it is a large undertaking and doing it from start will delay all.


    • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
      i like your way of thinking. historic dates are always nice to remember
      That sounds promising hah. Really looking forward to it though, whenever it's released!

      And if you really want Japanese text you guys can translate it on release and submit it to them, maybe they'll be kind enough to implement it for you.. This is probably a dumb thing to say but I kinda feel the Japanese community could of done more for 1.5 (either that or they don't care enough in the first place), even the leak happened from Capcom USA. However, deserve's got nothing to do with it, B.Zork has mentioned the real reasons


      • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
        people do not understand what undertaking doing 5 languages is. we said in an old video that backtranslating is a possibility, but it is still large undertaking that requires much work and someone need to do this work.

        at this time, all translation staff on all 5 big languages are people with enough experience with translations at a level we are proud of. we will have to make large undertaking in making sure quality of final result is to our expectation and not amateurish or delivered as first draft. a first big problem with japanese language is we do not have industry level native speakers. we have many people who speak japanese and have worked with it on professional level available, but they all refuse to do translating text to japanese because of concern for quality when language is not native. so even if you know japanese, you are not the person we need. people with no experience translating retail games of modern era when storage space limitation was removed do not also know how much text a game like 1.5 have, so they often say yes to help without realize how much work is to be done. then everything fall apart. getting help from non professionals is no choice.

        a second big problem is the font and text. we need secondary text routine for japanese and similar language. the original build had japanese. but it also only had few letters and many missing in font. the other biohazard games also have incomplete alphabets. it is because japanese have such large alphabet that games more often only include the letter they exactly need. the playstation 1 is a system with limited hardware and system resources are valuable. before we even do start inserting a language like japanese and going forward with technical issues, we should know exactly what letters are needed for the fully script translation with game font. then we need to know how to approach this to make it for fitting. it is a large undertaking and doing it from start will delay all.
        Well Said B.Zork, there are people who dont undertand what really takes to make a retail game, i really want the japanese version of this game but like you said if we want quality it takes time and it needs the right translator. for me i like the idea of the 5 lenguages for me and most people knows english, so its good.

        Please people stop complaining and enjoy. if they make that decisions is for one reason.



        • Honestly, its a nonfactor issue.
          Just something to blab about.
          So excited for the "Preview Version"


          • That is an idea. Have all the game dialogue and such translated to Japanese and keep it on the side in a Word Document maybe as some package and have someone who is bold enough to do the work themselves while having all the resources they need to do it. Only logical way I can think of if people are really desperate for a Japanese release.


            • Originally posted by Ultimacloud123 View Post
              Only logical way I can think of if people are really desperate for a Japanese release.
              But nobody is. Which is why its a huge waste of time for IGAS. the people on here are just shooting the breeze.
              "meh japan release makes sense deerrppp"


              • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                But nobody is.
                Nobody in Japan wants a release? Sure, why not.


                • Japanese simply isn't as simple, from both linguistic and technical standpoints, as the common European languages. The complaints are not needed, and really, it's not as if Japan doesn't get far more than any Western nation. I'm sure they can wait like the rest of us.
                  Last edited by News Bot; 08-05-2013, 11:33 AM.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                    Nobody in Japan wants a release? Sure, why not.
                    come on, you know what i meant.
                    theres no clamor for it.
                    I'm sure there are a few people aware of the project who want it in their language, but like its been said, a pain the ass trying to do all that for a small small minority.


                    • If they can´t translate the game to a specific language, they won´t do it. No need to ask for a japanesse translation when they are already doing translation to five or six different languages, including english, and now english speakers ask for a japanesse translation?
                      A lot of japanesse gamers are acquainted to english language, it won´t be a big problem.
                      The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                      • My thoughts exactly, well said. It would be so much effort to translate it into Japanese and for it to make sense

                        I'm just greatful we got any 1.5 in the first place

                        I think team IGAS are doing an amazing job


                        • I find kinda hard to believe that there's any real "BH1.5" fanbase, for oh so many reasons. First things first, in Japan copyright is taken seriously, like outrageously seriously: you could really go to jail for illegally downloading a game, music track, or anything else. Hell, most websites with strategic guides even refrain from posting screenshots because of the crazy copyright restrains or just in pure fear of legal threats.

                          Most searches specifically aimed at finding Japanese articles of IGAS or this specific project only produce very lonely blog entries, random website articles, or return just Nico Nico playlist stuff, with YouTube footage rehashed in low quality, along with low view hits and no comments whatsoever. Certainly shows some interest, but it's nothing like what we have on western pages. I couldn't even find a Japanese forum board with anything about it. Guess it's not my lucky Google day.

                          Just as a final note: what's with the sudden interest for a "Biohazard" release? I honestly don't even see the reason why the western audience would get bothered asking for that. If Japan wants it, they could post where the team hangs out and kindly demand for it. It is certainly ironic, thought, because in the 80's and 90's Europe had the exact same issue with Japan shutting doors on some important western releases.

                          Creating a Japanese translation might generate some interest, but for now it seems like a waste of resources, rather than a useful way of making it reach the masses.
                          Last edited by Gemini; 08-05-2013, 01:59 PM.

                          Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                          , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                          • See. Sometimes I can be proud of having the peasant language that English is as my native language!


                            • I'm sure there will be english speaking japanese people who will make a translation patch like we see with alot of japanese only games translated to english, if the demand is there then i almost guarantee it will be done

                              On another note, Have they anything about zombie german shepards being in the final version?. It's probably been asked before but i was curious


                              • I think the German Shepards were from an earlier build of 1.5 before they were replaced by the current Cerberus.

