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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • The question is whether they will reintroduce them or not. I personally think it would be a good idea. German Shepherds for the police station, doberman for the factory.


    • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
      Why are you so worried about Japanese? Most fans do not understand it and play in English.
      Originally posted by Gemini View Post
      Just as a final note: what's with the sudden interest for a "Biohazard" release?
      Originally posted by strikedio84 View Post
      Please people stop complaining and enjoy.
      Originally posted by Darkness View Post
      the people on here are just shooting the breeze.
      "meh japan release makes sense deerrppp"
      I feel like my questions were misunderstood. I'm not "worried" or "interested" in playing a Japanese version. I just found it curious that a Japanese release wouldn't be available to a country who supported the series with big sales numbers in the past, and continues to do so today. I thought that was still a lot of Japanese gamers that might potentially be interested in this project, but my own investigation has lead me to believe that 1.5 is a very tiny niche in the Japanese internet at best. Still, I was mindful of the answers that needed to be on the record, and Zork succeeded giving them.

      Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
      people do not understand what undertaking doing 5 languages is. we said in an old video that back-translating is a possibility, but it is still large undertaking that requires much work and someone need to do this work.

      at this time, all translation staff on all 5 big languages are people with enough experience with translations at a level we are proud of. we will have to make large undertaking in making sure quality of final result is to our expectation and not amateurish or delivered as first draft. a first big problem with Japanese language is we do not have industry level native speakers. we have many people who speak Japanese and have worked with it on professional level available, but they all refuse to do translating text to Japanese because of concern for quality when language is not native. so even if you know Japanese, you are not the person we need. people with no experience translating retail games of modern era when storage space limitation was removed do not also know how much text a game like 1.5 have, so they often say yes to help without realize how much work is to be done. then everything fall apart. getting help from non professionals is no choice.

      a second big problem is the font and text. we need secondary text routine for Japanese and similar language. the original build had Japanese. but it also only had few letters and many missing in font. the other biohazard games also have incomplete alphabets. it is because Japanese have such large alphabet that games more often only include the letter they exactly need. the PlayStation 1 is a system with limited hardware and system resources are valuable. before we even do start inserting a language like Japanese and going forward with technical issues, we should know exactly what letters are needed for the fully script translation with game font. then we need to know how to approach this to make it for fitting. it is a large undertaking and doing it from start will delay all.
      And this well-written, justified response does the job. I know you're dealing with a project that requires a lot of holes to fill in and all new assets and material to create, so this Japanese text thing is secondary or even less, but I just wanted to know more about that from you in detail. Thank you, and good luck finishing the game. I look forward to it.
      If you have Twitter, follow me!. =P


      • I see. I too was not bothered by there not being a Japanese release, but rather I could not understand why the language could not be implemented. I thought it'd be simpler to implement the Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji after the other languages were striped out. Well it seems it's too stressful on the engine? That's the way it sounds.

        I hope you guys didn't take my post as bitching, well it kinda was, but I felt the Japanese players were getting jipped. Now after reading what Zork stated and what I know of Japanese, it would have been too large of a task, especially translating it and know what symbols to use.

        Please don't be mad Zork, at least I hope you are not. I'm glad it was explained thoroughly.
        My Head-Fi Page


        • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
          "meh japan release makes sense deerrppp"
          Japanese is the game's original language, makes sense to me.


          • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
            I hope you guys didn't take my post as bitching, well it kinda was, but I felt the Japanese players were getting jipped. Now after reading what Zork stated and what I know of Japanese, it would have been too large of a task, especially translating it and know what symbols to use.
            We got gypped a hundred times with many stuff that never came out of from Japan, and it´s not that terrible. Also, 1.5 is probably far more popular over the RE western community than in Japan itself.
            The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


            • Another day, another whine.
              Hail the heros of the revolution!


              • Originally posted by Aleff View Post
                Another day, another whine.
                Maybe we should give some cheese for that whine. (corny joke)


                • Quit whining, im a native Arabic speaker and i don't remember the last time i've seen Arabic language in any videogame whatsoever ! Instead of whining i started to learn English and i have improved a lot in the past few years...


                  • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                    Quit whining, im a native Arabic speaker and i don't remember the last time i've seen Arabic language in any videogame whatsoever ! Instead of whining i started to learn English and i have improved a lot in the past few years...
                    Totally Awesome. You mentioning your Arabic has me thinking and wanting falafel and hummus.


                    • Originally posted by Renard View Post
                      I think the German Shepards were from an earlier build of 1.5 before they were replaced by the current Cerberus.
                      I'll never understand why Capcom did this.


                      • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                        The question is whether they will reintroduce them or not. I personally think it would be a good idea. German Shepherds for the police station, doberman for the factory.
                        Fuck yes, they should do this.


                        • If they reintroduce them they should have a new AI written for them. The German Shepherds would be bigger, stronger, deal more damage, but move a bit slower. The Dobermans would of course be smaller, weaker, do less damage, and move faster.
                          My Head-Fi Page


                          • Originally posted by Aleff View Post
                            Another day, another whine.
                            LOL, I usually bitch at them 'cuz I'm just tired of the ignorance around here.

                            Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                            If they reintroduce them they should have a new AI written for them. The German Shepherds would be bigger, stronger, deal more damage, but move a bit slower. The Dobermans would of course be smaller, weaker, do less damage, and move faster.
                            That would be lovely. I wonder why they dropped the Shepherds in the first place, and brought back the cerberuses(forgot the dog breed) to 2 again. Makes more sense to have Shepherds in a Police station anyways? I believe they are more widely used?
                            Last edited by Guest; 08-06-2013, 01:09 AM.


                            • I doubt the German Shepherds are still on the build, but it wouldn't be too hard to recreate them. I think MartinBiohazard made an RE2 hack to make the dobermans look like the 1.5 German Shepherds by extending the tail and editing the texture.

                              Some of the purists out there probably wouldn't like this though. I don't blame them.


                              • the shepards were overwritten unlike the femzombies which are a different "type" of enemy so were just taken out but remained on disc.

