Anyone else notice that the zombies in RE3 very heavilly resemble the ones in 1.5?
No announcement yet.
Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Perhaps, but I think it's more of a coincidence.
I know D.Birkin is going to implement new zombie types, and I hope they will follow the same art style as other 1.5 zombies. I personally want the lab zombies redone as they are ripped directly from RE1. Perhaps the team could make 3 or so new lab zombies and ave them in there.
It's also be cool if there were some zombified USS soldiers wandering around. The body armor would protect them so headshots is the only way to kill them.
D.Birkin, how come in some rooms, the muzzle flash and smoke from a gun are much smaller or much larger? I know it varies from room to room. Is this some glitch or incomplete code?Last edited by Zombie_X; 08-06-2013, 07:58 PM.
Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
D.Birkin, how come in some rooms, the muzzle flash and smoke from a gun are much smaller or much larger? I know it varies from room to room. Is this some glitch or incomplete code?Last edited by Darkness; 08-06-2013, 10:38 PM.
I hope we get something soon. Sometimes I think they have one already prepped and ready to go but wait and choose a time to release it. Maybe even to have a squirm for a moment but I doubt it. I am referring to update videos and the like.Last edited by Ultimacloud123; 08-07-2013, 11:07 AM.
Originally posted by Chris' Boob View PostI haven't really kept up to date since the 1.5 was leaked and then officially 'released' by the team...
Has anything new really happened since then? Keeping spoilers to a minimum if possible o-o I just don't want to go through all these pages!
Originally posted by Renard View PostI use ePSXe. What do you mean by config?
Originally posted by Darkness View Postenhanced texture resolution, petes open gl plugin.
I will try to config, i have the version 1.9.0 and 1.8.0 but I am noob to config epsxe plugins;
Last edited by PROTOBOY; 08-07-2013, 10:33 PM.