Originally posted by Accell
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
"Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."
That's possible. Perhaps Ada tells Leon about how Annette leaked the virus out but he still helps her as the chance of survival increases with more people.
I'm anxious to see IGAS' custom cutscenes. Since D.Birkin said they weren't hard to implement, making them should be a breeze. All he has to do is create a chain of frames, so that should not be hard.
Also seeing as "CAUTION" and "DANGER" animations are available for each character, I do wonder if the limping system from retail will be implemented along with those animations. I still hope they do. Perhaps for another game mode though, as the purist in me is kinda crying out.
Would be cool if they also added the dodge system of BH3 to it.
It'd be cool to have it but I'd rather not. I think that is an unneeded addition.
Originally posted by Graco View PostDo we know she was trying to redeem herself? She could be cooperating with the player to increase her chances of survival, and the player discovers the truth indirectly, possibly.
This also brings up the issue of what the hell the survivors do with Annette after their escape with this horrible new knowledge of her fresh in their minds (assuming that woman survives, of course)...Last edited by Accell; 08-16-2013, 11:32 PM.
Like in the first game, certain characters live or die depending on the player's choices. It's unknown whether Annette is one of them. In the 40% build, she is in the control room of the escape train in Leon's story, but not in Elza's story. She may only die in Elza's story, but who knows.Last edited by Renard; 08-16-2013, 12:39 AM.
I'd rather the characters just switch to the idle/limping animations immediately if you stop moving. If they do this, it'd still serve its purpose as a visual health level indicator, without affecting gameplay. That's what they seem to have done in the final beta anyway. Either that or implement it and make it an optional feature (unless D.Birkin finds incomplete code in the game that points to it being an intended feature).
Also, it's probably a really silly idea (inb4 "OWWW MAH GAWD, UR IDEA SUCCKZZZ"), but I think it'd be cool if they could include a "retail" arrange mode where the events in the game are replaced with retail's story and cutscenes (you'd find Ben in the jail cell, Claire would replace Elza, Ada would be a spy, etc.). It'd basically be retail playing out in 1.5's settings. They could modify item and enemy positions, as well as which doors are locked to make it a completely different experience from the base game. Either that or just include a regular arrange game where the locked doors and key item locations are completely different. The Arrange Mode in DC got it right, but wasn't quite different enough from the original classic mode to totally satisfy me. I'd even settle for a "scenario B" where the side characters have been switched around.Seibu teh geimu?
accidental double post -
mods, please delete. thanks!Last edited by biohazard_star; 08-16-2013, 08:09 AM.Seibu teh geimu?
Originally posted by biohazard_star View PostI'd rather the characters just switch to the idle/limping animations immediately if you stop moving. If they do this, it'd still serve its purpose as a visual health level indicator, without affecting gameplay. That's what they seem to have done in the final beta anyway. Either that or implement it and make it an optional feature (unless D.Birkin finds incomplete code in the game that points to it being an intended feature).
Also, it's probably a really silly idea (inb4 "OWWW MAH GAWD, UR IDEA SUCCKZZZ"), but I think it'd be cool if they could include a "retail" arrange mode where the events in the game are replaced with retail's story and cutscenes (you'd find Ben in the jail cell, Claire would replace Elza, Ada would be a spy, etc.). It'd basically be retail playing out in 1.5's settings. They could modify item and enemy positions, as well as which doors are locked to make it a completely different experience from the base game. Either that or just include a regular arrange game where the locked doors and key item locations are completely different. The Arrange Mode in DC got it right, but wasn't quite different enough from the original classic mode to totally satisfy me. I'd even settle for a "scenario B" where the side characters have been switched around.
Originally posted by Zombie_X View PostThat's possible. Perhaps Ada tells Leon about how Annette leaked the virus out but he still helps her as the chance of survival increases with more people.
I'm anxious to see IGAS' custom cutscenes. Since D.Birkin said they weren't hard to implement, making them should be a breeze. All he has to do is create a chain of frames, so that should not be hard.
Also seeing as "CAUTION" and "DANGER" animations are available for each character, I do wonder if the limping system from retail will be implemented along with those animations. I still hope they do. Perhaps for another game mode though, as the purist in me is kinda crying out.
I'm willing to bet that that status animations were meant to be used in conjunction with he tattered clothing and excessive bleeding, which I would absolutely love.
Originally posted by News Bot View PostSurvivor's plot is great. The production values just doesn't do it any justice.Last edited by Graco; 08-16-2013, 03:39 PM.sigpic
"Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."
^ I would love the limping aswell.. That's why I hated RE1 - you could never tell how damaged you were and I used to die as I never used to check in inventory.
1.5 had the blood, true - but if the character is far away, you can't see - plus Caution and Danger don' seem very distinct from eachother.."I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"
The idle limping animations are already there.
Leon's and Elza's Caution and Danger limping animations, respectively.
The only thing that I'd agree to would be to see the 2-3 delay gone, as mentioned by biohazard_star.
If you start porting BH2's retail limping motions to BH2 Prototype, you will screw the game balance. Game design is a sensitive thing. In BH2 retail, the limping motions put you in jeopardy if you were facing zombies and back stepping while shooting or if you were trying to run away from the dogs. But even in danger, limping still allows you to outrun zombies and did not compromise your ability to face Lickers or Ivys (the first because the ability to fight them is dependent on sound making, and even in fine they will catch to you after you engaged them in battle if you start running away from them at close distance; the second because they are generally placed at a reasonable distance, or positioned in a way that gives you enough time to blast them). The only enemies that benefited from the danger status were Cerberus, Super T-103 and William Birkin IV. There was a meticulous design of the enemies when taking into account the limping system.
The same does not hold true for BH2 Prototype. The game did not, and as far as we aware, would have not that limping system in the first place. And for good reason, too. The dashing burst of zombies could easily catch up to the player if they were in danger status, the gorillas would be too fast to be outrunned (and given their twisty AI and movement, compromise the whole idea of re-positioning when you are fighting them) and the spider monster (not "arachnophobia", which is a condition to describe irrational fear of spiders) could run to the player or spit the venom from a distance.
In a battle mode, it might be possible to outmaneuver these design problems because you get to choose the enemy placement in certain areas, thus creating certain advantages (or disadvantages) to the players if some of the gameplay features pan out against the odds. But completely messing with it in the original scenario's features is disrespectful towards the original developers who certainly knew much more about the game they were designing and how it should be played out than the fanbase or team I.G.A.S.
TL;DR: If it ain't broken, don't fix it.Last edited by Kegluneq; 08-16-2013, 06:36 PM.