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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Im with the team but i like more unfinished john.


    • It's quite funny how long it took for people to find those links when they've just been sitting in plain sight in Rmandel's latest text file.
      Seibu teh geimu?


      • I saw them yesterday, but I didn't realize they were of the raw build. OTL


        • Heh, I didn't know the factory line was that incomplete. It's still funny as hell. So all the bitching on the other board for the vanilla build was for nothing. The flamethrower just didn't even work either.

          GOLD, just gold. The team broke the build, ruined it from overuse of C injection... blah blah blah. It's nearly the same build but the MZD was touched up quite a bit.

          I still wanna play the vanilla build though. I have some custom images for a eboot awaiting.
          My Head-Fi Page


          • Recently I just beat Metroid Zero Mission, - wonderful game btw - and there was an unlockable version of the first Metroid.
            Clearly ZM is a remake, but man was I horrified of how different they were. I'll probably feel this way with the original build when the final is out.


            • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
              It's quite funny how long it took for people to find those links when they've just been sitting in plain sight in Rmandel's latest text file.
              I've known this for at least a week.
              If you have Twitter, follow me!. =P


              • Now is it me or are there even more rooms missing from the vanilla build than the MZD build (excluding custom rooms)? No factory entrance/lobby? The team even started updating all the backgrounds.. So the MZD seems to be much more complete. Heck some areas in the vanilla build don't have music, but in the MZD build they do.

                The differences are there and it's kinda jarring.
                Last edited by Zombie_X; 08-20-2013, 10:37 PM.
                My Head-Fi Page


                • The original 40% is more unfinished than MZD one... I did not know that Factory Line A was so unfinished and some of the Action things (OPEN THE MAGNETIC DOOR IN THE LAB ENTRANCE WITH THE ID CARD) were avaible in a certain point of the game and in the MZD build were broken, maybe for more functional code... but IGAS team give us a more descent 40% build with rooms from Trial Disc in my opinion the original 1.5 game only with the Retail one, the original label SLPS-9999 aahhh, but i like the untouched 40% build but the MZD build is more descent...

                  Thanks to RMandel to give us and showing theories of the ORIGINAL or at least BETA (OMG i hate that word) Alternate (That word too) or hypothetical Walkthrough... and the videos of the untouched BIO 1.5... i hope that 40% is not the only one... 20%, 65%, 80%-95% (sorry, I'm exaggerate the things) or 1996 or 1997 V-Jump Build... If BIO1 have the V-Jump release why 1.5 not.

                  Well I'm exaggerate the things again... Sorry and wait for the builds...
                  Last edited by STARSRedfield; 08-20-2013, 10:49 PM.


                  • MZD should official be dubbed 40%-45% build. I was leaning more toward 45% but I may be guessing a little high. 43% sounds to dull. The "raw" footage is proof that everyone on 123 is complaining for no reason. It's a steaming pile of crap with potential.
                    Last edited by Ultimacloud123; 08-20-2013, 11:16 PM.


                    • I think we're all agreed on how good the Team's RE15 Trial Edition is going to be compared to ... this.

                      Can you say AMEN, brothers?!
                      Last edited by RMandel; 08-20-2013, 11:25 PM.


                      • PREACH, brother, PREACH!


                        • The dogs do act differently though. They don't fall after being shot (the way this is handled is very awkward), and they're now able to tackle the player to the ground, for which the animation is very rough and incomplete.
                          Ah, but D.Birkin did say at some point that the reason they don't fall down is because the AI is broken, and that they're meant to, just like in retail. However, I did forget about their newfound ability to tackle the player. That explains why they were rewriting the dog AI, I guess. I wonder why they ultimately removed that ability from the dogs in retail? I'd have been pretty cool if they could pin you down like that -- it'd make them much more dangerous.

                          Also, pretty interesting to see gameplay footage of the raw build. To be honest, I can't see what the fuss is. The MZD build turned out to literally just be the raw building with some extra stuff ;)
                          Obligatory signature ad for things I've made:

                          You can find out more at my website or Facebook


                          • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                            My interest in extracting data from the disk only goes so far as to acquiring the backgrounds and other neat unused content hidden away in it. I'm sure a lot of people are motivated by the same exact reason. Maybe after the game is released you could release a promo pack featuring high-quality renders of the backgrounds used in the game, as well as documentation on stuff that got cut out/changed?
                            Now why would anyone want to do that?
                            All the custom backgrounds the Team have slaved over - yeah sure, we'll just hand all our hard work over to everybody on the net for free.. right? >.<

                            Some people are all take, take, take huh? I say, work for them and extract them yourself - a tool will surely become available in the future anyway
                            "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                            • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
                              Now why would anyone want to do that?
                              All the custom backgrounds the Team have slaved over - yeah sure, we'll just hand all our hard work over to everybody on the net for free.. right? >.<

                              Some people are all take, take, take huh? I say, work for them and extract them yourself - a tool will surely become available in the future anyway
                              Sorry? I said high-quality renders. You won't find those on the disk. I could work for them, but that would entail breaking into a certain someone's home and stealing the raw image files from his computer.
                              A lot of people genuinely enjoy viewing the background pictures and unused content, which is why even Capcom themselves release galleries of those in all sorts of media (making of books, artbooks, etc.). I myself am a noobie 3D modeller, so I appreciate perusing the works of other modellers.

                              If they do choose not to release them (and that's fine), then it most likely will be for reasons other than what you have stated.
                              Last edited by biohazard_star; 08-21-2013, 07:10 AM.
                              Seibu teh geimu?


                              • Nice vid of the original build.. nice to have a version in Japanese

                                Looking forward to preview edition next month I wonder if I'll play it over and over like the RE2 demo all those years ago

