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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • As strange as it sounds, perhaps that is what the toilets could be used for? A locker room would make perfect sense, but if there is no room for it within the Police Station and the toilets hold no specific items, it could be used to change costumes?


    • Originally posted by STARSRedfield View Post
      Thanks D.Birkin for claryfing or questions... and looks they already add the ANALOG SYSTEM CONTROL... RESIDENT EVIL 1.5 Dualshock Ver., if RESIDENT EVIL 2 Retail has his DUALSHOCK Ver,...why 1.5 not?
      It would not be retail quality without it. Dual Shock and vibration support were standard in 1998. We need to keep high standards.
      Last edited by D.Birkin; 08-26-2013, 05:37 PM.
      “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


      • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
        It would not be retail quality without it. Dual Shock and vibration support were standard in 1998. We need to keep high standards.
        Thanks D.Birkin Dualshock looks promising in the build... and as everyone are questioning... THE BATHROOM/SPECIAL ROOM, it's too oddly, even in retail RE2, the RE 1.5 has no Bathroom... even locker rooms were you can change your clothes (Damaged, High Resistance to Damage) as everyone is posting right now....

        From chrisliam2:
        yeah I forgot about the special room , would be cool to see it , will elza and leon even have alt costumes ? I guess it would be in the locker rooms.
        and I wonder who they have got to do the end game art work for leon and elza you know that stat screen that get's shown when you complete the game.
        Is it possible to change clothes or isn't avaible yet?
        Last edited by STARSRedfield; 08-26-2013, 05:46 PM.


        • Originally posted by STARSRedfield View Post
          Thanks D.Birkin... and as anyone is in a certain question... THE BATHROOM/SPECIAL ROOM, it's too oddly, even in retail RE2, the RE 1.5 has no Bathroom... even locker rooms were you can change your clothes (Damaged, High Resistance to Damage) as everyone is posting right now....
          I'm sure the bathroom was in the corridor next to the main lobby as shown in the Halloween trailer. It was locked, perhaps for a good reason?


          • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
            Everytime someone says that, I feel like I'm talking to someone who had their childhood robbed of the greatness of growing up with the greatness of rumble pak benchmarks like Lylatwars/Star Fox 64, Goldeneye/Perfect Dark, DualShock greatness like Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, or modern alternate implementation like Metroid Prime Pinball
            (Also, those Xbox One feedback triggers are so hot ... man ... I miss flight sticks and racing wheels with powerful Force Feedback )
            O-oh my...


            • Originally posted by Akimbo View Post
              I'm sure the bathroom was in the corridor next to the main lobby as shown in the Halloween trailer. It was locked, perhaps for a good reason?
              Maybe it's locked, because is a missing room for the completing the game and has not yet implemented? Is one theory, maybe like in every RESIDENT EVIL game, at the end of the game (RE1, RE3) or doing an special action (RE2 Brad Vickers outside the RPD with the locker key), the right one is completing the game....


              • Originally posted by STARSRedfield View Post
                Maybe it's locked, because is a missing room for the completing the game and has not yet implemented? Is one theory, maybe like in every RESIDENT EVIL game, at the end of the game (RE1, RE3) or doing an special action (RE2 Brad Vickers outside the RPD with the locker key), the right one is completing the game....
                Perhaps, or maybe it could be locked for when you finish the game and unlock the key that opens that, like you suggested? Perhaps that's a bit far-fetched though.


                • Ah so it was vibration! I remembered that for a long time that it was not yet implemented, but I saw D.Birkins avatar and showed vibration as activated. Nicely played sir.

                  How strong will the feedback be or will it be variable?

                  Like lets say you get a few light pulses to indicate good health (after bitten), then get a stronger pulse to indicate caution, then a strong pulse to indicate danger? I think that a pretty cool idea for a rumble feature.
                  My Head-Fi Page


                  • Thanks for the acknowlege, D.Birkin. Seeing as how you guys are making your visit here I might as well ask something I never saw asked in this topic before:
                    What are YOU and your TEAMs feelings that this build, that can be categorized as the 3rd of 5ish builds of the prototype, is the one you guys received D.Birkin/Zork? I have yet to hear you guys response about this build.


                    • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                      How strong will the feedback be or will it be variable?
                      On a level comparable to official Dual Shock versions.

                      Originally posted by NEOMEGA View Post
                      What are YOU and your TEAMs feelings that this build, that can be categorized as the 3rd of 5ish builds of the prototype, is the one you guys received D.Birkin/Zork? I have yet to hear you guys response about this build.
                      Are you asking if we would have preferred a different build to expand the engine or I get questions bad?
                      “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                      • Very nice D.Birkin. Keep up the good work.

                        Any plans to release cover art with "now supports the dual shock analog controller" stamped on it just like for Resident Evil Directors Cut?
                        My Head-Fi Page


                        • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post

                          Are you asking if we would have preferred a different build to expand the engine or I get questions bad?
                          That's what he asked, your interpretation was good even though the question he asked was worded badly.


                          • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
                            On a level comparable to official Dual Shock versions.

                            Are you asking if we would have preferred a different build to expand the engine or I get questions bad?
                            Well each build has something unique about them. Build 1 exclusively has the extensive lobby (which I personally believe is because originally the precient was planned to be only 1-2 floors), build 2 which the only one to feature civilian Leon with female zombies, build 3-this build has the unique pistol animations. Build 4 and 5 don't seem to have any personal aspects,at least build 4 doesn't-we can say build 5 is unique to have voice work.
                            If we found a later build instead, removed like features like the two handed animations could be needed to be injected from scratch or the concept of pipes being a melee weapon might have been completely removed from the disc and would go unknown to be an idea. I appreciate this build to be obtained because I really like the idle/walk animations but at the same time deeply saddened that the entire 2nd and B1 floors of the precient to be completely absent minus the helipad and chiefs office. Build 5 would be nice but maybe concepts within build 3 might have been long removed. With build 3 your kinda smack dab in the middle of its lifespan.

                            I suppose what I really asking is, based on capcoms coding within this build, are you given a good enough impression to build off of?

                            EDIT you know what I guess this is a stupid question. Build 5 would be the best for you guys to have. I'm just over thinking.
                            Last edited by NEOMEGA; 08-26-2013, 08:45 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                              Any plans to release cover art with "now supports the dual shock analog controller" stamped on it just like for Resident Evil Directors Cut?
                              Our builds do not have “now” vibration support. It was always planned to have the feature. Dual Shock tags on back cover fit better for this.

                              Originally posted by NEOMEGA View Post
                              I suppose what I really asking is, based on capcoms coding within this build, are you given a good enough impression to build off of?
                              Capcom's code is very clean to follow and understand. Many games do dirty things and the user does not see it because you are not interested in what moves the game. Users should only care for result on screen. I think this build was perfect as a start point because it made many things easy to understand about engine internals. Following builds could be interesting to see what Capcom improved or changed but ultimately not a base to keep with restoration.
                              “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                              • Wow, i never thought of it like that, as usual you educate and enlighten us.
                                Knowing the code was more basic and developer kit-like in the 40% build than it would have been in the bioflames build is awesome.

                                I cannot wait to see what you guys do with weapons animations, weapon models, item placement, and new enemies and AIs.

