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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by STARSRedfield View PostWhat i'm saying... there are old animations from the Era 1... or Era 2, Leon Run animation is the same showed in the first trailer with his Civilian Clothes, the way he runs is different like the era 2 - 5, the animations used in the Beretta differs from the Era 2, a machine gun animation also is found but maybe it's from the era 4 but contains the running animation from the Leon Civilian build, also the handgun animation is different... Watch the trailer of the Civilian Leon on youtube... the running is the same, only that era 4... that animation of the old build runs very slow..... This animations are found in the Broken Weapons... Lead Pipe, Rocket Launcher, Grenade Launchers, Colt Phyton... in Leon Gamem in Elza game... Lead Pipe, Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launcher, Hand Grenades, Colt Phyton, Flamethrower.... Using this broken weapons (Left + Right to see the animation) will crash the game by changing to working weapons...
I'll see if I can grab some screenshots or .gifs if I happen to find the time to do so. Good eye on this stuff. Not a lot of people noticed these small details. In fact, I just discovered that the unused shotgun model that Dark Biohazard discovered a few weeks ago is actual in the WIP.
Originally posted by D.Birkin View PostNo pattern.I navigate my image archive.
Last edited by Guest; 09-01-2013, 08:21 PM.
Originally posted by Kegluneq View PostI decided to take a look at in-game footage to figure out what you were trying saying (no offense intended) and I think I figured out what you're hinting at. The Colt Phyton doesn't really fit as a proper example because that was added by TeamIGAS, but the remaining weapons and animations of said weapons you mentioned seem to have placeholders in them. These placeholders are indeed from Era 1 Build (at least the shotgun model is, and so is the animation, which would be tweaked and re-used for the SPAS-12). The 3-rapid shot animation seems to be about the same, except without the brutal recoil (although, again, this could be a throwback at Era 1's animations). There is something weird going on with Elza's handgun animation with two of those weapons you mentioned. It's definitely not Era 4 build Elza's, but it could be Leon's. I'll have to check it more carefully. I don't think there is any difference in Leon's dashing animation, perhaps excluding the speed, but the actual motion seems to be the same.
I'll see if I can grab some screenshots or .gifs if I happen to find the time to do so. Good eye on this stuff. Not a lot of people noticed these small details. In fact, I just discovered that the unused shotgun model that Dark Biohazard discovered a few weeks ago is actual in the WIP.
Originally posted by doriantoki View PostJust out of curiosity, how difficult would it be to implement RE3 style stairs? I realize that new animations were used in RE3 for these sequences, but ignoring that, and using the regular animations, how difficult would it be, still?Last edited by Renard; 09-01-2013, 09:44 PM.
Originally posted by Renard View PostOne of the things I never understood in RE2 was how Leon's all like "Let's split up." to Claire (an inexperienced teenager). But then when he talks to Ada (a mysterious woman with a gun who almost shoots him) he's all like "We need to stick together. It's my duty to protect you,".
Like what? You're a policeman letting a teenager go off on her own? It's dangerous out there!
I think Leon had some police experience in 1.5.
I like to think of Claire missing the train and Leon wondering why the hell he didn't wait and contact her before starting it.Last edited by Accell; 09-01-2013, 10:49 PM.
Originally posted by D.Birkin View PostNo pattern.I navigate my image archive.
Zombie_X, can I count on you to help me catch 'em all?