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  • Implementing voice acting is probably something they'll want to implement after the game has already been released. Recording voice acting involves raising funds and getting people outside of the core IGAS group involved in the project. Setting up a fund raiser sounds risky since a team member has to stick his neck out by attaching his personal details to the fund; that's something they're trying to avoid since it could lead to a C&D and lawsuits. Hiring voice actors probably entails the same risk, and with the addition of the possibility of them leaking info/sensitive details/spoilers to the public.

    Once the game is released, fans can do their part by starting a project to get voice acting done for the game. There'd be no strings attached to IGAS, aside from them implementing the voice work that has been recorded and funded by other people.
    Seibu teh geimu?


    • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
      How about accepting donations to hire professional actors?
      I think as soon as money starts to get involved capcom will crash the party


      • Technically Capcom would get involved if the team was intending to make a buck off their work. However regardless if money is used or not game companies will still go after people if they feel they are a threat. Sometimes they even hire them to there company so there wont be an competition if they decide to make an original game. Good example is Square went after a team who wanted to remake Chrono Trigger in full 3D and the crashed the party and threated them with lawsuit if the decided to continue their work. Now here is the thing that gets crazy, they were completely non-profit with skills in the professional range. This happened about 10 years ago give or take.


        • Originally posted by Don Piano View Post
          I think as soon as money starts to get involved capcom will crash the party
          You win.


          • Voice acting requires some kind of decent level at least. People would laugh or blame on amateur voice actings or sound recording mistakes and it would turn probably more into something that harms the experience rather than improving it. And professional voice actors won´t do it for free. Give up on voices, the game will be enjoyable and understandable enough with subtitled dialogues.
            Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 09-05-2013, 04:08 PM.
            The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


            • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
              Voice acting requires some kind of decent level at least. People would laugh or blame on amateur voice actings or sound recording mistakes and it would turn probably more into something that harms the experience rather than improving it. And professional voice actors won´t do it for free. Give up on voices, the game will be enjoyable and understandable enough with subtitled dialogues.
              I can live with that, remember that both parasite eve 1&2 had no voice acting at all !


              • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                I can live with that, remember that both parasite eve 1&2 had no voice acting at all !

                I personally don't see any point to adding VAs, but at the same time it's not something I'd lament.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • I also think that inadequate voice acting can hinder the game's atmosphere, though I wouldn't want to discourage the team if that's what they will decide to go with.

                  And there are examples of VA being extremely good when you least expect it. An indie game The Cat Lady features an excellent voice acting and people who did it, worked for free or at the minimum wage.
                  Also Koudelka had one of the best voice acting of PSX era, with a much smaller budget compared to Capcom or Square titles.
                  Last edited by MiLØ; 09-05-2013, 06:07 PM. Reason: free not fee


                  • Besides the fact that they are trying to produce a retail-quality game (and retail has voice acting), it's not necessary for the gameplay. Or story for that matter, because there are subtitles. It would add a more cinematic experience though.

                    Kind of ironic the only one who has a voice line in the game is G-William Birkin saying "SHERRY!", and he doesn't even talk in retail.


                    • Originally posted by MiLØ View Post
                      I also think that inadequate voice acting can hinder the game's atmosphere, though I wouldn't want to discourage the team if that's what they will decide to go with.

                      And there are examples of VA being extremely good when you least expect it. An indie game The Cat Lady features an excellent voice acting and people who did it, worked for free or at the minimum wage.
                      Also Koudelka had one of the best voice acting of PSX era, with a much smaller budget compared to Capcom or Square titles.
                      You make a valid point. The atmosphere would be completely different without VA. I can already imagine.

                      Speaking of PE not having VA it is for one an RPG and their coding must be insane if they have to use 3-4 disc for FF games. In fact none of their game had VA till FFX/PS2 came out and they could throw a buch more media onto one disc.


                      • this game will be fine without voice acting , the team have more important things to deal with then worrying about adding voice acting.....


                        • I don't believe they will ask for money just to make the voice acts.

                          Maybe we just can ask if they can do it for free if the team approves..


                          • While voice acting would be cool, if they can't implement it for legal, financial, or whatever other reason, then I'd be fine with long as I can read what's being said.(with word wrap and the text going at a speed that most could read it at)

                            Of course, I'm sure D.Birkin and co. at Team IGAS have made those issues a priority when it comes to the text.
                            Last edited by Flak Master; 09-06-2013, 12:30 AM.


                            • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                              Once the game is released, fans can do their part by starting a project to get voice acting done for the game. There'd be no strings attached to IGAS, aside from them implementing the voice work that has been recorded and funded by other people.
                              That's an interesting point of view. When the game will release, the fans could done the voice acting. And if that voice acting pass the quality control of IGAS, maybe they could consider make a version 1.1 of the game with VA for cero dollars...
                              Last edited by The_Wes; 09-06-2013, 05:37 AM.
                              Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


                              • Originally posted by The_Wes View Post
                                That's an interesting point of view. When the game will release, the fans could done the voice acting. And if that voice acting pass the quality control of IGAS, maybe they could consider make a version 1.1 of the game with VA for cero dollars...
                                Adding voice acting means testing more things, and possibly rearranging other aspects of planning. You don't just append huge amounts of work like that, you plan them ahead, way ahead.

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