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  • ^Yeah, that's right. But maybe the team could planing the VA from the base and release the game prepare for that stuff, but without it. Obiously is just their decision, and IGAS is the people who must evaluate if it is something valuable.

    And yes, is obvious that incorporate the VA later meaning more work and extra testing. But maybe is the only way to have the game with voices. Anyway, all the final fantasy, parasite eve and other games of psx era doesn't have VA. And we enjoyed those games. Isn't the end of the world if the game comes only with text.
    Last edited by The_Wes; 09-06-2013, 10:34 AM.
    Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


    • That'd be extremely counterproductive and add delay for a feature that is more than likely not happening or not even required to begin with.

      Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
      , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


      • Originally posted by Darkness
        the game is gonna feel lackluster without voicing though, sadly.
        Originally posted by B.Zork
        agree. is not resident evil without.
        its been stated over and over they want a "retail feel", how would that be possible without voice acting?

        i would still be thankful to have a good game to play, but it would not feel like resident evil no matter how good the text was.


        • I don't care I can enjoy the game with or without voices as long as I can read the text and it all fits on the screen I will be very happy , and if voices do come along some day then I will consider it a bonus for this awesome game.


          • voices will be done, itl jus take a very long time for it i guess


            • Originally posted by P.I.M.P. View Post
              voices will be done, itl jus take a very long time for it i guess
              yeah it might be the last thing they add , since I'm sure there are more important bugs and glitches to sort out.
              but when it doe's get done one day I look forward to it.


              • Movies are more like one of the last things you'd add to development phases, no matter really if they are planned ahead or kicked in at last minute since all they do is "play movie X, resume game". Sound (really any type of it) is always developed throughout almost all phases with the exception of final stages, as it's usually something that needs to be set in stone at some point and can greatly influence programming at many levels, especially if the sound is streamed and disk access has to be shared among resources that might need sudden caching. If it's not announced at some point, don't bother bringing that up once every three weeks.

                Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                • The only thing regarding voice work that i really want to see is the lab alarm system changed. I don't much mind if there aren't voices for the speech through the game but that stupid alarm blaring "We're sorry, the number you have dialed is not in service at this time, please hang up and try your call again" is very stupid.


                  • Originally posted by rewak View Post
                    The only thing regarding voice work that i really want to see is the lab alarm system changed. I don't much mind if there aren't voices for the speech through the game but that stupid alarm blaring "We're sorry, the number you have dialed is not in service at this time, please hang up and try your call again" is very stupid.
                    Yeah that always made me laugh.
                    at first I thought it was just gibberish , but when I listened more closely I heard that silly message lol.


                    • Originally posted by rewak View Post
                      The only thing regarding voice work that i really want to see is the lab alarm system changed. I don't much mind if there aren't voices for the speech through the game but that stupid alarm blaring "We're sorry, the number you have dialed is not in service at this time, please hang up and try your call again" is very stupid.
                      And it should occur less frequently. I don't need to be informed (again) that the shithouse is about to blow up in flames as soon as the prior message ended.
                      Last edited by Graco; 09-07-2013, 08:20 AM.
                      "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                      • "All employees take your shit and get the fuck out immediately" repeat "All employees take your shit and get the fuck out immediately"


                        • Lols.

                          I'm wondering if they figured out how to add those little demo sequences that play while waiting at the main menu. They are STR files, but more or less trigger a predefined cutscene. I'm sure they'll figure it out.

                          Oh and loading messages as well. "You have once again entered to world of Survival Horror. Good luck".
                          My Head-Fi Page


                          • Remember, always keep an eye and an ear open, because every stray word that Team IGAS utters will always have a profound multiple meaning, cryptically confirming Voice Acting, FMV, and everything your personalized 1.5 hearts desire.

                            Herp Derp.


                            • I can live without the addition of voices in the game. It seems that people feel that it is confirmed because Team IGAS want to bring the game to 'retail quality' and retail quality would have voices and all. Once again, subtitles wouldn't ruin the experience at all.


                              • But people must realize that getting voices recorded could cost money. Money the team may not even have. Although for all we know it will happen.

                                No matter what they do, I want to play the game.
                                My Head-Fi Page

