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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • It's missing some details that were probably going to be added later. The biggest difference though, is definitely the colors. Perhaps if team IGAS had left the original colors, people would be singing a different tune? I can see why the colors were changed for retail, it's just overall easier to see what's what, and rooms that have been identified against rooms that haven't, are easier to identify, especially against a dark background.


    • Nah its the border people are missing.


      • Hey, guys, sorry I've been out for about 7 months.
        I, um, had a stroke.
        Yeah, life became... interesting.
        If you need me, I'll be reading what I've missed out from pages 440-740 :/
        "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
        PSN Gamercards


        • Whoah, a stroke? You OK man? I hope you are.

          Now since the maps are being edited, will the team be adding additional rooms that weren't on the MZD builds maps? Like the East Hallway's bathroom? I wonder.

          If they do re-do the entire inventory, then I hope they keep it very similar, but upgraded. Like still have the same layout, but fix some layout issues.
          My Head-Fi Page


          • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
            Whoah, a stroke? You OK man? I hope you are.
            Thanks, man. I'm alright, I've just had a lot of problems to deal with, lol
            Still going through some, with any luck, they'll be gone, soon.
            "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
            PSN Gamercards


            • Originally posted by Renard View Post
              I'm colorblind anyway, so I don't give a hoot if any colors are changed. I believe people are talking about this one though.

              People are upset because they want the 1.5 feel, they forget this is the TEAMS project so they're going to change what they want to how they want it. I still don't understand how people can even complain.....


              • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                Nah its the border people are missing.
                Oh, lol, I hadn't even noticed the border. I won't be missing it, personally. I can understand how some purist people feel that this design decision may have been the wrong one.


                • Guys seriously since when do we care about the maps details so much, honestly how many of you used the maps when you played the original trilogy for the first time ?


                  • About my and opinion of the other players I think we just said or opinion, not saying that what the Team is wrong or right, just our opinion I barely understand how to change the hex
                    codes of a simple weapon and worse talking about to fix(or in the team case) or not only fix but finish a project left in the secret files of capcom.

                    I cant say about the others, but I believe they didn't said that they are wrong or not, we just said our opinion, I don't requesting for they change, they do want they think is better to do. I hope who didn't understand previously see what was the point.

                    I played (tested) this available build for download a lot of times, I never be tired to do it I liked, I think if I already like the game that is now I will like much more when the final project
                    end, I don't care about time, I never asked and I need will ask about release date, I understand everything need time to happen and unfortunately nobody have the super power to like the flash.

                    Everyone have opinion and I just said I proffer the 1.5 map, I like the retail map also, but even if I didn't like I understand they do what they do, and the final release will be amazing.


                    • things still work of progress. please remember that original map code was very broken and not suitable for displaying of full map.


                      • So please sorry if I give the wrong impression, was not my intention to you B.Zork and D.Birkin, you and everybody of the Team are amazing professionals and programmers.


                        • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                          Guys seriously since when do we care about the maps details so much, honestly how many of you used the maps when you played the original trilogy for the first time ?
                          There is much wisdom in your words my friend.


                          • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                            Oh, lol, I hadn't even noticed the border. I won't be missing it, personally. I can understand how some purist people feel that this design decision may have been the wrong one.
                            Public likes to analyse thumbnails that show nothing of real feature.
                            “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                            • Originally posted by PROTOBOY View Post
                              So please sorry if I give the wrong impression, was not my intention to you B.Zork and D.Birkin, you and everybody of the Team are amazing professionals and programmers.
                              Don't feel bad. This is a forum, people are free to voice their opinions, and they are doing just that. And if others don't like that, they can suck it. People aren't judging or trying to convince the team of anything, just stating their opinion.

                              Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
                              Public likes to analyse thumbnails that show nothing of real feature.
                              Having fun?

                              inb4 the thirsty ones freak out about D.Birkin's new avatar.


                              • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                                Guys seriously since when do we care about the maps details so much, honestly how many of you used the maps when you played the original trilogy for the first time ?
                                Everyone used the maps more or less often, they were very helpful in first playtroughs, though of course may not be needed for later replays. But those who say "I never used a map" ..... come on, sounds weird.

                                A lot of us already know enough the 1.5 layout, but there will be allways new players who grab the game for the first time, so map is a good feature and something that is meant to be in the game, not an useless thing that anyone needs.

                                Well, as said, the map screen changes doesn´t bother me at all and team IGAS had their reasons. I just hope the inventory screen won´t need too much modification.
                                The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase

