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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Team IGAS' Final Version of RE 1.5 will be in all likelihood far above and beyond superior to even what RE 1.5 could have been had the original creators stuck it out and tried to make it as great as possible. So, most likely better than even a 100% final version you could get from a parallel universe if you had sliding technology.


    • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
      Team IGAS' Final Version of RE 1.5 will be in all likelihood far above and beyond superior to even what RE 1.5 could have been had the original creators stuck it out and tried to make it as great as possible. So, most likely better than even a 100% final version you could get from a parallel universe if you had sliding technology.
      I wouldn't have guessed!

      We also have to remember they are using much better and superior tools the Capcom did. Also they are using computers that are 100-1000 times more powerful then what Capcom used. We now have windows 8 on 64 bit systems and they used windows 95 with something like 1 gig hd, 8 or 16 mb ram, 16 or 32 mb graphics and this is just a rough estimate.


      • Yup, todays consumer grade computers are like supercomputers compared to what was out in the 90's. This should speed things u greatly, especially with rendering.
        My Head-Fi Page


        • May I also add that with the small team IGAS has using the hardware and software today is equivalent to the 50-60 staff they had. Better tools in other words is like more manpower.


          • Originally posted by Ultimacloud123 View Post
            We also have to remember they are using much better and superior tools the Capcom did. Also they are using computers that are 100-1000 times more powerful then what Capcom used. We now have windows 8 on 64 bit systems and they used windows 95 with something like 1 gig hd, 8 or 16 mb ram, 16 or 32 mb graphics and this is just a rough estimate.

            May I also add that with the small team IGAS has using the hardware and software today is equivalent to the 50-60 staff they had. Better tools in other words is like more manpower.
            Plus, they are using many convenient features from later RE games to spice the game up.
            Last edited by Eteponge; 09-19-2013, 03:30 AM.


            • Just when I thought this thread went complete retard and became worthless...

              Originally posted by News Bot View Post
              ...You come along and post that. Great quotes, Bot. Its good to hear from Mikami-san about how the Dev team took to shelving 1.5.
              If you have Twitter, follow me!. =P


              • "Mikami: With 2 I thought it would be good if Kamiya-san’s ideas were expressed.
                Interviewer: He’s asleep though...
                Mikami: Yeah, he’s asleep.
                Interviewer: He’s dead."

                Greatest quote ever in the history of this thread.


                • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
                  Plus, they are using many convenient features from later RE games to spice the game up.
                  people fail to remember that 1.5 was a game never finished. many ideas never implemented and many ideas never had chance to flourish because of state of unfinished production. yes. it was a game shelved by developers because it was broken and not as good as developer intended. mikami and kamiya took approach of scrapping to start new, we take approach of using what was and salvage. when it come to features and functionality we feel transcend what considered norm and possibility during original intended release frame of 1.5 we early on made decision to make lots of it optional and available/unavailable with toggle function in options or game mode choice.


                  • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                    people fail to remember that 1.5 was a game never finished. many ideas never implemented and many ideas never had chance to flourish because of state of unfinished production. yes. it was a game shelved by developers because it was broken and not as good as developer intended. mikami and kamiya took approach of scrapping to start new, we take approach of using what was and salvage. when it come to features and functionality we feel transcend what considered norm and possibility during original intended release frame of 1.5 we early on made decision to make lots of it optional and available/unavailable with toggle function in options or game mode choice.
                    You took something broken, and not only are fixing it and touching it up, but also upgrading it, finishing it, taking creative liberties with it, and turning it into an RE masterpiece, which the original unfinished unpolished version could never have been, even had they released it and completed it as they set out to before cancelling it. Each update we see, videos and images, it just gets better and better. I like what Team IGAS is doing, not just fixing the prototype, but making it fun.
                    Last edited by Eteponge; 09-19-2013, 06:31 AM.


                    • Originally posted by OKeijiDragon View Post
                      Just when I thought this thread went complete retard and became worthless...

                      ...You come along and post that. Great quotes, Bot. Its good to hear from Mikami-san about how the Dev team took to shelving 1.5.
                      The 1.5 development team keeps trying to sell everyone on how broken it was, how it wasn't fun, how they all agreed starting over was a good idea, etc. etc. etc.. We get it. But it doesn't matter anymore. 1.5 is coming, whether they like it or not. Haters can stay pressed.


                      • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                        The 1.5 development team keeps trying to sell everyone on how broken it was, how it wasn't fun, how they all agreed starting over was a good idea, etc. etc. etc..
                        It really seems like they tried their best to make people try and forget about it. We will probably never know the real reason(s) behind such a decision, but some of the explanations they gave sound quite hilarious, like the story about bugs. Like, seriously? If fans can fix them or find a way around them without the engine sources, I don't see how a skilled group of programmers can't properly debug the code while still retaining most features intact. Many of the complains given by Capcom could be fixed in a way or another, so I guess the real explanation could only come from somebody who wasn't "afraid" to tell the truth behind one of the biggest cancellation fiascos in the history of video games. Then again, at this point I don't think anybody really cares about it, unless you're extremely curious about unknown and irrelevant facts.
                        Last edited by Gemini; 09-19-2013, 12:21 PM.

                        Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                        , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                        • I think most people have the wrong idea though. It wasn't some sort of piss-on-the-fans conspiracy. I honestly do believe they were unhappy with the product and the direction of the game. And that's fine. Games have been cancelled for that very reason before. It's when they try to pile reason on top of reason that it starts to get a little much. They were unhappy with the product so they started over. Okay, we get it. Do they really have to go around shitting all over it? I mean, in the end it WAS something they created, and served (especially as we've recently seen, in ways never realized before) as the inspiration for the final product (RE2), which is legendary at this point.
                          Last edited by doriantoki; 09-19-2013, 01:09 PM.


                          • It kind of reminds me of bands who will make a throwaway song that becomes popular with fans, but they themselves HATE the song and find it embarrassing that anyone likes it. Or a writer that makes a throwaway short story or screenplay that they think is crap, but fans love. Etc.
                            Last edited by Eteponge; 09-19-2013, 02:10 PM.


                            • I find it hard to believe that everyone at Capcom unanimously decided 1.5 was garbage and that restarting the project was the only way to deliver a quality RE title.

                              I can understand why they would all agree with each other and to support their superior's decision in the press, as it would be unprofessional to do otherwise...but it's unrealistic to believe that the game would have gotten as far as it did if everyone thought it was trash.
                              "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                              • Originally posted by Graco View Post
                                I find it hard to believe that everyone at Capcom unanimously decided 1.5 was garbage and that restarting the project was the only way to deliver a quality RE title.

                                I can understand why they would all agree with each other and to support their superior's decision in the press, as it would be unprofessional to do otherwise...but it's unrealistic to believe that the game would have gotten as far as it did if everyone thought it was trash.
                                Exactly how I feel about the situation, I'm sure there were people on the team who liked 1.5
                                Last edited by ajrich17901; 09-19-2013, 03:10 PM.

