Given that owners of the various builds of RE 1.5 use their hoarding of the prototype as little more than an extension of their small penis (see Curator), a man with seven builds of RE 1.5 must have had a Lorena Bobbitt type incident.
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by Eteponge View PostGiven that owners of the various builds of RE 1.5 use their hoarding of the prototype as little more than an extension of their small penis (see Curator), a man with seven builds of RE 1.5 must have had a Lorena Bobbitt type incident.
Originally posted by PROTOBOY View PostI find in bioflames some time ago, now I don't remember the link but if I find I will show for you, in this version have the Leon with short hair, or like Renard said "
Grant Bitman" in that build.
I am so curious to know more about this build, of course I prefer the build with the lobby present in THE TEAM and 80% build, but this old one is quite
Originally posted by Eteponge View PostGiven that owners of the various builds of RE 1.5 use their hoarding of the prototype as little more than an extension of their small penis (see Curator), a man with seven builds of RE 1.5 must have had a Lorena Bobbitt type incident.
Originally posted by Eteponge View PostGiven that owners of the various builds of RE 1.5 use their hoarding of the prototype as little more than an extension of their small penis (see Curator), a man with seven builds of RE 1.5 must have had a Lorena Bobbitt type incident.and remember that prolly a huge reason for 'hoarding' is because of people from this community tend to hound and make threats :O
Last edited by Guest; 09-21-2013, 09:15 PM.
In their facebook account, IGAS said that the next video won't be a making of video... Maybe a gameplay trailer with proper progression???Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?
Originally posted by Rick Hunter View PostThe same debate always comes again, again and again... Capcom isn't going to do anything about it.
Originally posted by Don Piano View PostDon't be so sure, they aren't exactly in good shape financially.....i could see them doing something douchey if things get too dire. Of course i want it all to go smoothly but i don't want to jinx it lol they are a company/business at the end of the day
Originally posted by Don Piano View PostDon't be so sure, they aren't exactly in good shape financially.....i could see them doing something douchey if things get too dire. Of course i want it all to go smoothly but i don't want to jinx it lol they are a company/business at the end of the day
They could let the team finish their build and release it and use it as publicity for themselves. Lots of publicity for doing absolutely nothing, a pretty good deal for someone in trouble, money wise. Let someone else do the work and claim some of the credit, not the nicest thing to do, but while a conscious is nice, business is business.
If they shut down the project they would only further anger RE fans, after the last 3 REs that would be a REALLY bad idea even if you are not having money troubles.
I used to look at a game and think "Oh, Capcom are involved in this, i'm going to get the collectors edition!".
Now I think "Oh, Capcom are involved in this *Puts the game back on the shelf*".
If they cancelled the project I would think "Oh, Capcom are involved in this *Spits on the game, throws it on the floor, set it on fire, urinate on the game, get thrown out of the shop, brake nose on landing, get up and then say*..... It was worth it.
I personally think Capcom are in favor of this for a few reasons:
1. It's good PR for a soiled reputation over the past several years. Megaman Legends 3 comes to mind. Capcom needs to win backs fans and stop the dissatisfied ones from leaving for good. Canning this project would further alienate many of their core RE franchise fanbase.
2. Fans and critics alike have lamented the loss of survival horror in the series over the past several years, and Capcom have stated that they intend to push the series back into that direction. Team IGAS is basically giving them a free headstart with this game considering that it's generated enough attention to have articles written by several online gaming sites and word of mouth between communities. It's brought some of us back into the community (myself included) after a long-term absence. If this release is well-recieved by fans old and new alike, then it will be a strong indication as to what Capcom should do with RE7. And this release isn't costing them a penny. Not to mention eople have been asking and petitioning Capcom to release 1.5 (finished or not) for years. It'd be foolish to piss away so many opportunities and fans just to throw their weight around and "show people who's boss".sigpic
"Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."