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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by warren View Post
    as i said in the past, i wish igas used their talent to translate great psx games that were never released in the west, like mizzurna falls
    Big ol thumbs up support for that one, nothing really to do with this project but i would love to see a translation of that one day.

    By the way it suddenly occured to me that the FB page was launched pretty near or maybe on the anniversary of the first video release, which was the antiscam video.
    Last edited by rewak; 09-23-2013, 09:07 AM.


    • Text encoding is not a problem. Our text format is xml encoded with UTF-8. One real problem is support for languages that use big font sets. Those need specific handling the engine does not support at this stage of development.
      “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


      • If I had to choose 1 game for IGAS to translate it would be Shin Megami Tensei Persona 2: Eternal Punishment or Persona 2: Eternal Punishment for PSP. The sad reality is they translated the 1st game, the 1st part of the 2nd which is Persona 2: Innocent Sin, and lastly the 3rd game also. To make matters worse they also brought the 4th to Vita. So in other words all others are localized and translated except for Eternal Punishment. Yes I could play the PSX version however the PSP version is a completely different beast all together. There is actually a huge fanbase for the Persona series.

        Last edited by Ultimacloud123; 09-23-2013, 01:06 PM.


        • ^Haven't you gotten things a bit upside down there? ATLUS released Eternal Punishment in English on both PS1 and re-released on PSN (PS1 version, that is, no official translation of the PSP port) and ATLUS did their own translatin of Innocent Sin for PSP (meanwhile Gemini, who quite often posts in this thread, did the PS1 fantranslation of Innocent Sin). (Guess the fanbase doesn't really pay that much attention ...)

          There's no significant unturned stones in the Megami Tensei franchise besides the first Devil Summoner after they released Soul Hackers in English on the 3DS...


          • For those gamers who are huge fans of obscure Japanese-exclusive games, why not try learning the language? It seems like a sound investment.


            • Japanese IS sort of time-consuming to learn, many people can't make the investment.

              Speaking of translations, Finnish and Swedish should be relatively easy. I know for a fact that Finnish could be done with the existing German fonts. Swedish would need the letter "Å" from the Swedish alphabet, not sure if the IGAS build has that one pre-installed. But the problem with Fin and Swe would be the total lack of demand. Gamers from those countries usually don't care about localizations.
              Last edited by Northman; 09-23-2013, 03:30 PM.


              • OH HAPPY DAY!!! I FINALLY PLAY 1.5!!!

                i love the atmosphere, but it seems like it feels the same the whole time no matter where you are at. makes sense they change everything but the lab.


                • Hey,

                  The 40% build is not released publicly yet. Only the original owner of it has that power.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	PSX.EXE_23092013_163840_0579.png
Views:	1
Size:	20.9 KB
ID:	403278
                  Last edited by Zombie_X; 09-23-2013, 08:25 PM.
                  My Head-Fi Page


                  • i bet it'll be pub soon anyways with the way this is going lol

                    no envy at all haha


                    • I'm not so sure. Though I have agreed not to release it, others might, that is if others do have it. As of now only I and a few others might have it.

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	PSX.EXE_23092013_164416_0612.png
Views:	1
Size:	33.5 KB
ID:	403279 Click image for larger version

Name:	PSX.EXE_23092013_164531_0654.png
Views:	1
Size:	60.3 KB
ID:	403280 Click image for larger version

Name:	PSX.EXE_23092013_164629_0923.png
Views:	1
Size:	53.9 KB
ID:	403281 Click image for larger version

Name:	PSX.EXE_23092013_164646_0745.png
Views:	1
Size:	71.6 KB
ID:	403282 Click image for larger version

Name:	PSX.EXE_23092013_164653_0210.png
Views:	1
Size:	58.7 KB
ID:	403283
                      My Head-Fi Page


                      • so the vanilla build is released?? I havnt been on here in awhile .
                        See No Evil


                        • Originally posted by DyceGamez View Post
                          so the vanilla build is released?? I havnt been on here in awhile .
                          a few people have it, spread from friend to friend i'd assume , but na it's not 'out' out yet


                          • No it's not released. I can however provide info on the build to everyone as long as we all stay civil.
                            Last edited by Zombie_X; 09-23-2013, 08:24 PM.
                            My Head-Fi Page


                            • Seems to be spreading pretty fast even if there is no public download link.


                              • Seems so. There's a few more than me who have it.

                                Anyways, anyone want any info on the build?
                                My Head-Fi Page

