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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
    So I'll say it once again, no bragging.
    Or maybe you're just acting like the usual attention whore you've always been. Enjoy your minute of fame.


    • I lost it because I was having dinner with my family...


      • ProtoBoy, I really wouldn't be too upset. You're honestly not missing anything incredible or sacred and I promise you that, aside from the usual lure of owning something in the original state, it really is as is often discussed; broken, buggy, things are hidden or incomplete. I received mine many moons ago and after a few days, pretty much just carried on life as normal. Like I said, the IGAS effort and the fact they will release the original build alongside their project is the one worth waiting for.
        Last edited by BiohazardFE; 09-23-2013, 07:32 PM.

        "Beware the friends bearing false gifts and speaking with fork tongues. Poor Four-Eyes!" - Rev, New Dominion Tank Police


        • Not an attention whore either man. Nice try but no cigar. I was trying to help out and relay information on the build.

          Arguing with you is pointless as I am always wrong in your eyes. Can we leave it as it is then?

          PROTOBOY, you're not missing anything at all. It's just as bare as the MZD build. So nothing to get worked up about. I'm sure someone on here will reupload it and post it again.
          Last edited by Zombie_X; 09-23-2013, 07:34 PM.
          My Head-Fi Page


          • Why exactly hasn't anyone reuploaded it? xD come on people if the leaked build from February can be on here the real build should be allowed also, minus w/e was in the original readme.
            Skip the drama and just upload the damn thing already.
            Last edited by ajrich17901; 09-23-2013, 07:37 PM.


            • Originally posted by ajrich17901 View Post
              Why exactly hasn't anyone reuploaded it? xD come on people if the leaked build from February can be on here the real build should be allowed also, minus w/e was in the original readme.
              Skip the drama and just upload the damn thing already.
              Carnivol banned the person who posted them and removed the download links.


              • Originally posted by Renard View Post
                Carnivol banned the person who posted them and removed the download links.
                Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the download contain a readme that was starting drama or something? Don't see the harm in reuploading just the game itself.


                • It's funny, having been a Bioflames hardcore member from 2003 and enduring everything we did then, all the broken deals, all the claimers and unfathomable topics discussing every single aspect of the game, when it finally came - it was disappointing. I feel mainly due to the fact we had all been raised as it were on Kim/INFLAME's exclusive material, which was of course the "80%" variant. Such is life. The yearning for something you can't have, that unknown. Nevermind.

                  And I should hope no one does upload it again, the build has brought me nothing but grief in a few ways, and myself and as I'm sure many others as it now appears could have done the same as far back as a year ago and derailed any future efforts or acquirement's to the community. I once felt the same way, obligated, often intoxicated by the thought of being the hero who brought it to the masses, but something stopped me, something always does. It was difficult, but it's that unwritten rule, that unseen respect, the boundaries which I acquired from the Bioflames days. I don't mean to sound like some kind of wise veteran, or a smart ass, but we ALL wanted to be that hero, but now it's here, I don't feel like that anymore. I respect the community and I respect the team in a way where I wouldn't upload it, regardless of all the tit for tat and point scoring, the general flaming between members and forums and what have you. They have promised and worked hard to deliver a richer experience for us all, and regardless if I had the original or not, I think that's the route we should all take and the prize we all want.

                  "Beware the friends bearing false gifts and speaking with fork tongues. Poor Four-Eyes!" - Rev, New Dominion Tank Police


                  • Originally posted by ajrich17901 View Post
                    Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the download contain a readme that was starting drama or something? Don't see the harm in reuploading just the game itself.
                    Not exactly, the readme was titled a bit offensive, sure not the best way to provide such a present, but the file itself was empty. And yeah, the last guy who uploaded it got banned for it...
                    It doesn't matter to much that thing is floating around now and it's funny to see who everyone how got it and had the balls to admit it now uses his 2 last seconds of internet stage time to brag about having it but not being able to share it
                    Enjoy the last seconds of that, I think by tomorrow that thing will be everywhere...


                    You amaze me, always so cryptic...


                    • Originally posted by TheMortician View Post
                      Not exactly, the readme was titled a bit offensive, sure not the best way to provide such a present, but the file itself was empty. And yeah, the last guy who uploaded it got banned for it...
                      It doesn't matter to much that thing is floating around now and it's funny to see who everyone how got it and had the balls to admit it now uses his 2 last seconds of internet stage time to brag about having it but not being able to share it
                      Enjoy the last seconds of that, I think by tomorrow that thing will be everywhere...
                      Thanks for the civil response =) I hope your right.


                      • I didn't click the download link.
                        Have fun with your blurry placeholder icons, pixel-less companions, leon placeholder characters, and broken weapons.


                        • Indeed. I can't argue BiohazardFE. I think we all wanted to be that hero. But there are risks involved, big ones. IGAS too a risk by releasing their build. Releasing the 40% PBV is another one altogether as it contains unmodified code. But also you could take heat from private collectors and such. It's a tough call to leak something out.

                          To some taking jabs at me: I don't care. It'll be all over in no time now.

                          Darkness, as RMandel pointed out in his videos, it's nothing special at all. I played it once then put it away.
                          Last edited by Zombie_X; 09-23-2013, 07:57 PM.
                          My Head-Fi Page


                          • It's out there now and it's only a matter of time before it shows up again. Then there will be disappointed folks and people faking 80% builds. And then boredom. Lots of it.
                            "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                            • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                              I didn't click the download link.
                              Have fun with your blurry placeholder icons, pixel-less companions, leon placeholder characters, and broken weapons.


                              • Different day same shit, man if i where you zombie x i would've never stated that i own a copy if im not planning to release it to the public, but now you're carrying the 1.5 gipsy curse which means that every crazy member in this forum will be after your ass demanding you to release it lol !

