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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
    I didn't click the download link.
    Have fun with your blurry placeholder icons, pixel-less companions, leon placeholder characters, and broken weapons.
    you people are so full of politics.

    its fun, didn't want to play a "mutant" build with no sentimental value, so yes this is great, but nothing like a real game with a purpose. the placeholders don't bother me, its just cool to see something different.
    who cares who has it, everyone thinks the mzd build is far superior why is anyone complaining or being spiteful? because more 1.5 is spreading around? how horrible!


    • Perhaps, but I expected it. PI should have probably said nothing to begin with. I was kinda excited though.

      Joshua, you are right. It doesn't matter who has it. The MZD build is superior anyways.
      Last edited by Zombie_X; 09-23-2013, 08:04 PM.
      My Head-Fi Page


      • I guess I can understand the allure of the 40% build, but isn't it just a barely finished, barely playable game at the end of the day? I'd be more excited for the fabled 80% build, but I imagine the Team's version will be even better than that. By the way, to the guys who got the 40% build before it was taken down, is there anything interesting, or is it pretty much the MZD build minus the English and IGAS content?


        • Originally posted by Renard View Post


          • Originally posted by BiohazardFE View Post
            ProtoBoy, I really wouldn't be too upset. You're honestly not missing anything incredible or sacred and I promise you that, aside from the usual lure of owning something in the original state, it really is as is often discussed; broken, buggy, things are hidden or incomplete. I received mine many moons ago and after a few days, pretty much just carried on life as normal. Like I said, the IGAS effort and the fact they will release the original build alongside their project is the one worth waiting for.
            Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
            Not an attention whore either man. Nice try but no cigar. I was trying to help out and relay information on the build.

            Arguing with you is pointless as I am always wrong in your eyes. Can we leave it as it is then?

            PROTOBOY, you're not missing anything at all. It's just as bare as the MZD build. So nothing to get worked up about. I'm sure someone on here will re upload it and post it again.

            You didn't understand, I was looking for 1.5 many years ago, since I was kid, when I back of the school with the game magazine talking about the unreleased
            version, since that I started to look around but i never find it, I also talked with my Japanese friend but he could do nothing since even in Japan already was
            difficult to find it, even in that time. I cant remember how many times I got it from bittorrent a lot of RE2 beta 2, and trial version, which in the description was with fake description with biohazard 2 prototype, 1.5 beta etc, every time was just time wasted, just beta 2 and trial edition renamed as prototype and 1.5.
            I understand that is broken, but like I said I don't want to sell it, trade etc, i want just to keep with myself as a collector thing.

            I appreciate the work of you all guys who makes mod for classic RE games, your patience is also great, we ask a lot of noob questions and you all gives calm, and clever answers. The TEAM IGAS is also amazing like the other guys who makes mods.
            I have sure when comes next year, or after that with the final release of TEAM IGAS finish it will be a great work.



              LOL! I forgot about the Japanese text. Gross.


              • Speaking of IGAS, I really wonder what they'll show in their next video. I hope to see some sort of progression type video.
                My Head-Fi Page


                • I guess next video say something related with the preview version, like bugs and improvements.


                  • Officially leaked as an above post said previously.
                    Last edited by ajrich17901; 09-23-2013, 08:54 PM.


                    • Fucking disrespectful. People put their trust into you and you leak what they give you without their permission?

                      RMandel, I'm giving you full access to my bioflames account if you want to leak this yourself since you were the first person to come clean about possessing the Era 4 Build. If this going to be made public, then it's going to be a proper leakage into the place that originated all this hunt. Not in this pleb, attention-seeking and immature community.

                      And yes, I'm whoring my one minute of fame for this to be properly released.

                      Also, before I forget, RaccoonSurvivor, congratulations for your comparisons on BH1.5 and BH2. This is the fine work that keeps me from neglecting this place forever. Keep it up, I'll be looking forward for more of your stuff, if you are interested in pursuing the subject.
                      Last edited by Kegluneq; 09-23-2013, 09:11 PM.

                      BioHazard YouTube Channel
                      BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                      • Originally posted by BiohazardFE View Post
                        It's funny, having been a Bioflames hardcore member from 2003 and enduring everything we did then, all the broken deals, all the claimers and unfathomable topics discussing every single aspect of the game, when it finally came - it was disappointing.
                        I've always known that it's going to disappoint as a game. Guys, come on, it's unfinished BETA code, not even a complete game. The thing about 1.5 is that back then nobody was expecting a talented team like IGAS to step up and offer us a full restoration PRO BONO. The prototype alone felt like something great, because nobody had any reason to expect better.


                        • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                          you people are so full of politics.

                          its fun, didn't want to play a "mutant" build with no sentimental value, so yes this is great, but nothing like a real game with a purpose. the placeholders don't bother me, its just cool to see something different.
                          who cares who has it, everyone thinks the mzd build is far superior why is anyone complaining or being spiteful? because more 1.5 is spreading around? how horrible!
                          What many people fail to remember during times like these is that a simple Facebook account with a handful of pictures cost the community a leak of the final build. Things like this could have potential unforeseen consequences to greater things.
                          Last edited by Graco; 09-23-2013, 08:58 PM.
                          "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                          • Originally posted by Graco View Post
                            What many people fail to remember during times like these is that a simple Facebook account with a handful of pictures cost the community a leak of the final build. Things like this could have potential unforeseen consequences to greater things.
                            Who spread this information? Facebook pictures did not make our contact disappear. Data leaks did it.
                            “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                            • The vanilla build and the 'mzd' build aren't exactly what I'd call playable anyways. Just played the vanilla and it's what I expected, hopefully some retardism can cease now that it's out. So yeah, I'm still rooting for the coffee man who likes to wear his sunglasses at night.


                              • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
                                Who spread this information? Facebook pictures did not make our contact disappear. Data leaks did it.
                                Let me guess..

                                "Special tools to operate" - READ: pSX emulator 1.14 to play the .exe file.

                                When will you ever clarify what actually happened with the contact? Why is there so much secrecy surrounding it? I don't get why not come forth with this information, or at least, explain to people why it cannot be disclosed at this time, if there are intentions to do so in a proper occasion. All you're doing is getting people on to you, figuring out things on their own (even if they are slightly misguided, yet still correct to a certain degree) and potentially screw yourself further if someone behind the curtains is watching what's going on in this community.

                                BioHazard YouTube Channel
                                BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project

