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  • 15 years too late early access?


    • So i come back and see some drama, shocker. The build leaking isnt that concerning, we all know how the MZD build leaked so it was only really a matter of time before the PV build leaked in the same way. What does look weird is all this breaking news ** shit going on in this thread and others, seems like the forums under some lame attack. Basically this is just another normal day in the RE-verse.


      • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
        I didn't click the download link.
        Have fun with your blurry placeholder icons, pixel-less companions, leon placeholder characters, and broken weapons.
        I hate this attitude, Sure the IGAS version is going to miles better. but its still nice to have to untouched original build for archiving purposes and beta collectors.......of course i would prefer the 80% version though


        • Am I the only one who won't download that untouched build?
          Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


          • Originally posted by Don Piano View Post
            I hate this attitude, Sure the IGAS version is going to miles better. but its still nice to have to untouched original build for archiving purposes and beta collectors.......of course i would prefer the 80% version though
            Now now. No killing one another. Anyway, some people really just wants to play an enjoyable, finished and polished game -- and, to be honest, I think the general impact IGAS' project could've had on classic RE could be much bigger if it weren't for these odd leaks and people's general desire for drama and what not, unless, you know, they somehow manage to deliver the best classic RE experience to date or something along those lines (or headlines!)


            • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
              Am I the only one who won't download that untouched build?
              Probably, i mean why not? Even if IGAS cared which they've said they don't i'd think the MZD build leaking would be the bigger inconvenience to them given thats their work so i don't get this attitude that it's somehow disloyal or disrespectful to them to get something that's out there. I mean you can think that about whoever leaked it sure but not downloading it yourself isn't gonna do squat. I'm just assuming thats your mentality to not downloading it, that's really the only argument i've seen apart from what Carn just posted which is fair enough, that mentality at least is understandable.
              Last edited by rewak; 09-24-2013, 07:43 AM.


              • My drama sense is tingling!
                Hail the heros of the revolution!


                • Originally posted by Aleff View Post
                  My drama sense is tingling!
                  Your new avatar makes me cringe.


                  • Any particular reason you're posting that, rather than actually any of the words that triggers it?

                    Oh! Wait. Ahaha. Seems like it might've gotten caught in a DB update, so it got perma-changed instead of just filtered upon request
                    Last edited by Carnivol; 09-24-2013, 11:13 AM.


                    • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                      Any particular reason you're posting that, rather than actually any of the words that triggers it?

                      Oh! Wait. Ahaha. Seems like it might've gotten caught in a DB update, so it got perma-changed instead of just filtered upon request
                      Any paticular reason why that exists? -__-


                      • It's been smacked on the bottom of the first post in the hacks thread too - This is what i meant when i said some weird shit is going on like some kids messed with the forum.


                        • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                          Any particular reason you're posting that, rather than actually any of the words that triggers it?

                          Oh! Wait. Ahaha. Seems like it might've gotten caught in a DB update, so it got perma-changed instead of just filtered upon request
                          A little birdie told me to write "C H U R C H" (sans the gaps) for an entertaining result. Man, this place is a looney bin!


                          • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                            Any paticular reason why that exists? -__-
                            Yes. 'Cause some people just live and breathe for the drama.

                            Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                            A little birdie told me to write "C H U R C H" (sans the gaps) for an entertaining result. Man, this place is a looney bin!
                            Now why would you go and do something like that? (Or say something like that for that matter)


                            • 22 lurkers (vultures) lol gotta love 1.5 drama , you could make a documentary about it lol.


                              • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                                Now why would you go and do something like that? (Or say something like that for that matter)
                                I just wanted to see what would happen, to be honest. I'll delete the posts.

                                I say this place (read: thread) is a looney bin because it has become a bin of looneys. Long since retired has been any serious discussion of the prototype, which largely died with Alzaire, Ridley, and Ys1. People are either uninterested or regard such discussion as being tantamount to spoilers. I'd be more than happy to take this kind of anachronistic pining back to Bioflames, but lo, my account is still deactivated because Dot50 is MIA and swallowed the key. Now that IGAS has been redirecting all of their updates to Facebook, that seems like a more organised platform.

                                I'm not trying to knock you or your forum, it's just that this thread in particular has become problematic, and surely that isn't "breaking news" to you either.

