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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Although I must say, the Facebook page was indeed a great decision, those who don't want to wade through all the many fan discussions, drama, speculation, etc, in this thread can get new content through Team IGAS' posts on Facebook.


    • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
      I had actually stopped posting in this thread for a long time, and I only returned because D.Birkin's avatar updates were interesting. Now that he has moved the updates to Facebook, I've moved onto Facebook as well. If he starts updating his avatar again, I'll be right back here again. I partially agree with your "if you don't like it, then just leave" attitude, but the fact is that this is the only THIA thread where D.Birkin and B.Zork post updates about the project. As Kegluneq understands, I am tired of wading through shit to find gold, and most of us (even me at times) are guilty of pollution. I'll bow out for now.
      I'm more bothered by the notion that the responsibility of creating more interesting discussion is that of the other members than the ones with the issue. I'm not saying anyone should leave. But the antagonistic behavior of certain people only makes the issue worse, not better.
      "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


      • I've downloaded the PVB... and... it's better the IGAS Build, a lot of bugs... the Flamethrower is missing, and something new and scrapped from the IGAS build... the Fire extinguisher is a weapon (colt phyton instead)... well... the MZD build is better than the 40% original build.
        Last edited by STARSRedfield; 09-24-2013, 08:36 PM.


        • Then why don't we move on and talk about 1.5 then?

          Lets talk about how the leaked build compares to the MZD build.
          My Head-Fi Page


          • Apparently the leak is poorly dumped or something? I can't run it on EPSXE 1.9 and I'm away from my modded PS2.

            For now I'll be just playing Dino Crisis I guess.
            Hail the heros of the revolution!


            • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
              Then why don't we move on and talk about 1.5 then?

              Lets talk about how the leaked build compares to the MZD build.
              Leon and Elza take damage from fire in the PVB.
              Last edited by Renard; 09-24-2013, 08:56 PM.


              • iirc, they do in mzd as well.


                • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                  Then why don't we move on and talk about 1.5 then?

                  Lets talk about how the leaked build compares to the MZD build.
                  I made this a few months ago based on seeing the vanilla playthrough on youtube and put it on bioflames buuuut nothing so I'll just paste this here:

                  I guess I'll add alittle more to this; After playing some but then looking at the curator videos, if these truely are the same build these are the differences the I.G.A.S. team changed:
                  Texture details to John and the injection of a Marvin and a Brian Irons model
                  Custom Character ID cards in inventory
                  More professional looking item icons
                  Retail injure voices
                  East Corridor texture with retail floor 1 music*
                  3Rd floor corridor

                  Broken compared to vanilla build:
                  When crows die on roof they fall to a invisible floor very high in the sky instead of the actual floor
                  Ledge off of roof in the SWAT car outside area is broken-ALL ledges broken
                  Brian Irons model can't stay on the couch (maybe because of increased model size?)
                  the scripted AI for the zombies that are on the outside in the lobby corridor seems to have broke, they don't try to crawl inside they try to get you though the wall instead
                  Lobby corridor music has been removed edit I'm wrong, it only plays for Elza
                  the final camera angle in the lab freezer room shows that the robot arm pads are off but show that they are on from the other angles, in curator's they are always on
                  there doesn't seem to be anyway to get the zombies to become active in the lobby reception area for elza

                  *I would imagine if their gonna use the final game floor 1 theme they might as well use the RE2 demo's replaced one ( Would make it one step closer to possible 1.5 intended theme, no?

                  EDIT:Hmm, Just now while comparing the two I was shooting a zombie and after the usual amount of bullets he did the death animation (falls backwards not fowards) however instead of dissappearing he immediately got back up and would no longer flinch to bullets although after a few more he finally died. This never happened to me before figured I'd mention it
                  ADD I although I knew the zombie that comes out of the the capsule in the morgue had an unique voice but now that I deliberately let it grab me I know without a doubt that it is using the female voice from the removed girl zombies. It is very interesting maybe it will give more insight to why the women disappeared from this build on.
                  Last edited by NEOMEGA; 09-24-2013, 09:53 PM.


                  • It plays perfectly fine for me via emulation and official hardware.

                    Originally posted by Aleff View Post
                    Apparently the leak is poorly dumped or something? I can't run it on EPSXE 1.9 and I'm away from my modded PS2.

                    For now I'll be just playing Dino Crisis I guess.
                    My Head-Fi Page


                    • MZD don't have female zombies???
                      I played I until the train, the end, i didn't see any, but I forget about it, after you talk I see.

                      I hope IGAS put females zombies in the final build.


                      • Originally posted by PROTOBOY View Post
                        MZD don't have female zombies???
                        I played I until the train, the end, i didn't see any, but I forget about it, after you talk I see.

                        I hope IGAS put females zombies in the final build.
                        They are in the patched version, there's a ton of them in the sewer section.


                        • Not to go off topic, but there is something there's a question that I had always pondered.

                          I apologize if this has been brought up before. (I don't think too many people would feel like going through 768 pages...)

                          I'm sure those of you who are familiar with Resident Evil 2 Trial Edition's unused content will know what I am talking about when I bring up the unused screams on the disc. Here's my question: what if those screams were for characters that were playable in 1.5? For example, while it is easy to say the first scream belongs to Leon, the second scream sounds more like Sherry than it does Claire. Not that they wouldn't have had a high-pitched screaming noise for Claire's death noise, but the voice does not convince me a 100% that it would belong to Claire. While we don't know much about 1.5 other than what's shown on the PVB or the MZD build, it might be possible that the players played as Sherry in a part where she would have been vulnerable to attack, like some areas in the final version of the game. My logic for the second scream belonging to Sherry is located in the paragraph below.

                          Now, one of my trains of thought is that the first scream, if my 1.5 theory is correct, (and chances are, it's just speculation) may not actually belong to Leon, but to Marvin instead, as I remember reading that you play as Marvin for some section of 1.5. The reason I say this is that the Trial Edition disc has content on it that belongs to 1.5, such as the later stages of the game. Another reason I have to think this is that I remember reading that the voice actors were interviewed about 1.5 and them saying something along the lines of them being called back for more voice work when RE2's development restarted. I would think that they would have recorded most of, if not all, of the samples for the characters in 1.5 by the time of the final known build for that version of Resident Evil 2. On that same note, I still think it's Leon's voice, but I always wonder if Marvin's voice actor might have been different from the voice used in the final. Another reason for my logic is that, it is my understanding that not all of the information related to 1.5 was overwritten on the disc in regards to rooms. Is it possible that some of the voices were left in as well?

                          Here's the link for the unused voice samples by KeijiDragon:

                          Once again, all of the above is purely speculation based off of what we know about 1.5. Some of the information I've mentioned may be news for some, while it may be known facts for others. Also, some of this information is stuff that I read on the forums here months ago and I can't say that I have all of my facts straight.

                          What do you guys think? Could there be more information on the Trial Disc that belongs to 1.5?


                          • @Flak Master

                            if you rip the music from the ps1 disc of Resident Evil 2 there are a lot of music tracks to me that are very unfamiliar and if you rip the tracks from 1.5 some of those match up with unused tracks on RE2
                            Last edited by Zinyui; 09-25-2013, 12:26 AM.
                            sigpicYou have once again entered the world of survival horror...GOOD LUCK!


                            • @Flak Master

                              Ooh, I remember that video. Very good question. I don't think they would've left voice from 1.5 on the disc though. They did leave backgrounds and sprites from 1.5 on the disc, but voicing is too important to just be like "Whoops, we left that in there." Especially since 1.5 had a completely different voice cast before it was scrapped.

                              Personally, I always thought the unused were death screams and were never used because they were too loud and intense. They do sound a lot more like the voice actors in RE2 rather than the ones in 1.5.

                              Interestingly enough, I was listening to an interview with Alyson Court --voice provider of Claire-- and she noted how doing voice recording for Resident Evil 2 was refreshing compared to the work she had done previously (she had done a lot of children's work before that). She said it was fun to have to scream at the top of her lungs for a recording (and watch the executives overseeing from Capcom JP jump in their seats!) Which I found strange because Claire's death scream in RE2 isn't quite an "at the top of her lungs" scream. When I saw the video, I thought "That's the scream she talked about in the interview!"


                              • There, it's finally leaked..... Was it worth 15 years of craziness? haha.... Now we shall search for the other builds. There are probably others besides the "80 percent" build.

