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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
    You know me, definitely 6&7!
    Originally posted by crazy2k4 View Post
    7 & 12
    Guys, please pick one of the 7 (.1, .2 or .3), otherwise you're going to spoil all the fun.

    Also, I've been doing some testing around and I don't think TeamIGAS has messed with the AI coding and programming yet. Perhaps D.Birkin would be the best person to confirm this, but none of the enemies or bosses seem to have changes made to them by the MZD build.

    There is something that I've noticed though. The female baboon is missing a character death sequence - that attacks that it does when it latches on the player's back does not cause any damage (seems to connect improperly). My guess is that this attack was meant to be another special death sequence but the developing team hadn't coded it correctly.

    Which reminds me, I have found two more death animations. I'll be sure to upload them to my YouTube channel with better quality in the following days, along with something else which I'll be posting in the WIP thread and providing a good in-depth analysis to help out the team and people who like knife only challenges.

    BioHazard YouTube Channel
    BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


    • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
      Guys, please pick one of the 7 (.1, .2 or .3), otherwise you're going to spoil all the fun.

      Also, I've been doing some testing around and I don't think TeamIGAS has messed with the AI coding and programming yet. Perhaps D.Birkin would be the best person to confirm this, but none of the enemies or bosses seem to have changes made to them by the MZD build.

      There is something that I've noticed though. The female baboon is missing a character death sequence - that attacks that it does when it latches on the player's back does not cause any damage (seems to connect improperly). My guess is that this attack was meant to be another special death sequence but the developing team hadn't coded it correctly.

      Which reminds me, I have found two more death animations. I'll be sure to upload them to my YouTube channel with better quality in the following days, along with something else which I'll be posting in the WIP thread and providing a good in-depth analysis to help out the team and people who like knife only challenges.
      7.1 xDD
      Last edited by crazy2k4; 09-25-2013, 12:08 PM.


      • 7.3 and 3 from me. Two main draws to 1.5 for me were the different settings and the bosses, especially Birkin's later forms.


        • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
          Guys, please pick one of the 7 (.1, .2 or .3), otherwise you're going to spoil all the fun.

          Also, I've been doing some testing around and I don't think TeamIGAS has messed with the AI coding and programming yet. Perhaps D.Birkin would be the best person to confirm this, but none of the enemies or bosses seem to have changes made to them by the MZD build.

          There is something that I've noticed though. The female baboon is missing a character death sequence - that attacks that it does when it latches on the player's back does not cause any damage (seems to connect improperly). My guess is that this attack was meant to be another special death sequence but the developing team hadn't coded it correctly.

          Which reminds me, I have found two more death animations. I'll be sure to upload them to my YouTube channel with better quality in the following days, along with something else which I'll be posting in the WIP thread and providing a good in-depth analysis to help out the team and people who like knife only challenges.
          2 and 11

          I'm curious have you already shared this stuff with IGAS to help them out?


          • I would like to see 3 & 12 !


            • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
              Guys, please pick one of the 7 (.1, .2 or .3), otherwise you're going to spoil all the fun.

              Also, I've been doing some testing around and I don't think TeamIGAS has messed with the AI coding and programming yet. Perhaps D.Birkin would be the best person to confirm this, but none of the enemies or bosses seem to have changes made to them by the MZD build.

              There is something that I've noticed though. The female baboon is missing a character death sequence - that attacks that it does when it latches on the player's back does not cause any damage (seems to connect improperly). My guess is that this attack was meant to be another special death sequence but the developing team hadn't coded it correctly.

              Which reminds me, I have found two more death animations. I'll be sure to upload them to my YouTube channel with better quality in the following days, along with something else which I'll be posting in the WIP thread and providing a good in-depth analysis to help out the team and people who like knife only challenges.
              Looking forward to it.
              "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


              • I was thinking that, it;d be cool if they implemented an option to enable a metroid-like minimap on the corner of the screen. Then again, there is one in the pause screen, and it would look kinda awkward and perhaps have spacing issues if really huge rooms were displayed, like the L tunnel.


                • Originally posted by ajrich17901 View Post
                  Here's a complete list of what does and doesn't work in the 40% Build compiled by myself.

                  102 - Office B - Works
                  103 - Lobby - Works
                  104 - Lobby Rouka (Lobby Corridor) - Works

                  106 - Kaidan 1 - Broken
                  107 - Office A - Works
                  109 - Soto B (Outdoor B) - Works

                  10A - Kaidan 2 (Staircase 2) - Broken
                  10B - Soto A (Outdoor A) - Works
                  110 - Siryousitu Mae (Archive Corridor)- Broken
                  115 - Shocho Room (Irons Office) - Works
                  116 - Heliport Mae (Heliport Stair) - Works
                  117 - Okujyou (Heliport) - Works

                  118 - B1 Rouka (B1 Corridor) - Broken
                  119 - Shooting Range - Works
                  11A - Buki Souko (Armory) - Works
                  11B - Chika Cyuu B (Garage B) - Works
                  11C - Chika Cyuu A (Garage A) - Works
                  11E - B2 Rouka (B2 Corridor) - Works

                  11F - Boira Shitsu (Boiler Room) - Broken
                  120 - Shitai Okiba (Morgue) - Works
                  121 - Ryuuchi Syo (Prisons) - Works

                  122 - Dokubou 1 (Prison 1) - Broken
                  123 - Dokubou 2 (Prison 2) - Broken
                  124 - Dokubou 3 (Prison 3) - Broken
                  125 - Dokubou 4 (Prison 4) - Broken
                  126 - Donubou 5 (Prison 5) - Broken
                  127 - L B1 Rouka (B1 Corridor Lit) - Broken

                  200 - L Tsuuro (Tunnel) - Works

                  300 - Shikichi A (Site A) - Works
                  301 - Shikichi B (Site B) - Works
                  303 - Watari Rouka (Factory Corridor) - Works
                  304 - Koujyou Line A (Factory Line A) - Works (Unfinished Room)
                  306 - Shikichi D (Site D) - Works
                  307 - Souko (Warehouse) - Works
                  308 - Souko Elevator (Warehouse Elevator) - Works
                  309 - Rouka (Corridor) - Works
                  30E - Forkurifuto (Forklift) - Works

                  400 - Labo Entrance (Lab Entrance) - Works
                  401 - Guardhouse (Keepers Office) - Works
                  403 - Meinsyafuto (Main Shaft) - Works

                  404 - Migitsyuuro (R.Corridor) - Broken
                  409 - Jikkenshitsu (Experiment Room) - Works
                  40A - Kensashitsu (Vaccine Room) - Works

                  501 - Guardhouse (Security Office) - Works
                  503 - Kanseishitsu (Control Room) - Works
                  504 - Corridor 2-A - Works

                  505 - Densanshitsu - Broken
                  506 - P4 Laboratory - Works
                  50A - 2-C Tsuuro (2-C Corridor) - Works
                  50C - 3-A Tsuuro (3-A Corridor) - Works
                  510 - 3-B Tsurro (3-B Corridor) - Works
                  511 - F Kanseishitsu (Control Room Fire) - Works
                  512 - F Corridor 2-A (Corridor 2-A Fire) - Works
                  514 - F 2-C Tsuuro (Corridor 2-C Fire) - Works

                  603 - Untenshitsu (Train M Car) - Works
                  604 - Douryokushitsu (Train) - Works
                  I think I found the problem of ROOM118 being broken in the vanilla build,
                  it loads ROOM1030.RDT instead of ROOM1180.RDT
                  then when it goes to load ROOM103.BSS instead of ROOM118.BSS it goes into an infinite loop after loading the first 6 sectors.
                  ROOM110 probably suffers from the same problem also as both the bss & rdt are on the disc so there should be no reason for it not to work over than it pointing to load the wrong files, DB should be able to fix it like his sewer room patch.


                  • Well this was unexpected, although I can't say that I'm surprised. To be honest I'm just glad it's out there because at least now all this drama can end, it's a shame everything has went down the way it has but at least now everyone can move on and look forward to new surprises with all this behind us. Thanks going of course to those who spent the long time and hard work getting it to us in the first place. The build is pretty much what I expected, some things work, some things are broken, lots of random crashes and odd bugs not present in the MZD build, and vice versa. It's an unsurprising end to a year of moaning, bitching, back stabbing and general tom foolery over this prototype.

                    From what I've observed I'd say the vanilla build is a fair bit buggier than the MZD build underneath the skin, at least to me anyway. So far in fifteen minutes of play time I've had air jesus glitch 3D models/icons and crash the game on two occasions, also a baboon somehow escaped the GARAGE A cut scene and froze comedically with its arms and legs spread in mid air as it tried to body slam me while Ada was talking, trapping me inside the boundaries. Never encountered either of these problems in the time I spent with the MZD build. :/ The reason I'd suggest the vanilla build was a bit buggier is because there seem to be a lot more random bugs and crashes appearing in a short span of gameplay time, as opposed to problems which have quite clearly been caused by modification to the game, like weapon crashes for instance. It seems despite all the glitchy features of the MZD build, it is a lot more stable than the vanilla build underneath, even though the MZD build is quite obviously a poor gameplay experience because of some of its changes. That being said, the vanilla build is very clean being trimmed down and locked in the way that it is, however there's not much more to be had that the MZD build didn't offer to enthusiasts, neither are a particularly great gameplay experience.

                    Some things I noticed are that a lot of the original rooms which are playable in the vanilla build actually work in the MZD build, for instance the Lobby, Office A, B2 Corridor, Morgue, Firing Range and Garage A all work fine with no problems at all, rooms which make up the majority of the RPD in the vanilla build. On the contrary a lot of the rooms which are broken in the MZD build are ones that have been unlocked or contain original content, such as the Archive Corridor, B1 Basement and 3F Corridor. Then there's some random rooms like the Lobby Corridor, Heliport, Site A, Site D and various lab rooms which all contain crashes and oddities, like missing blood, weird animations and the likes I have no idea to the causes of. It's interesting to finally compare the two and see just what had changed by that point of the teams development. While some stuff was obviously broken, it seems that some other things were also fixed and improved upon which helped the over all stability of the engine. It will be interesting to see if similar issues arise once people start unlocking the hidden material again this time around.

                    It will be interesting to see comparisons. Kegluneq, I'd love to see 7.1 and 12, although anything you decide to work on will be great!

                    I'm looking forward to seeing the Spider Tunnel once someone gets round to unlocking it, I'm dying to know whether the shutter ledge is climbable and if the box is usable in the room puzzle. I have a strong feeling that it is although that will have to wait to be seen.
                    Last edited by Guest; 09-25-2013, 06:32 PM.


                    • crazy2k4 and geluda, I'm very sorry for a mistake I made, but there are no remodeled backgrounds from Era 2 to Era 3.

                      I must have been confused about something else. I do know that some the enemy placement (or enemy models?) were changed from Era 2 to Era 3, but as far as I'm aware, there is literally no difference between the BGs. Not even the Lobby or the Western Hallway have the changes implemented to Era 4, yet. If you guys want to, you can change your choice for something else. If not, I'll count those votes as remodeled backgrounds from Era 2 to Era 4 (which is actually section 7.2). My apologies for this mess.

                      Anyway, I'm surprised to see the Boss Fights has already gotten 4 votes. I guess that will be the first one. There's not a lot going on with that section because we don't know much about how the Era 5 Build boss fights played out, but I'll be working on something extra for you guys.

                      Edit: Scratch that. Seems like the Different Builds has gotten 4 votes too. Alright, then. I'll be putting out a short summary detailing each of the builds and the main differences between them. That was one of the most fun parts I had when I was researching the development cycle of the game because some things are pretty sneaky. I'll also provide some estimation dates.
                      Last edited by Kegluneq; 09-25-2013, 07:31 PM.

                      BioHazard YouTube Channel
                      BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                      • Man I am excited. Things just seem to be getting better and better past the drama. I swear like 50-100 drama episodes leads to some vast improvement or release of content. Who knows what's in store for later this year...or the next for that matter. Possibly a release or 2 of another build perhaps but that may be asking to much.
                        Last edited by Ultimacloud123; 09-25-2013, 09:44 PM.


                        • Is there any music from 1.5 that we haven't heard yet? Of all the unknown things about this game it is the music which I obsess over the most.


                          • I like 1.5's music because it sounds just like RE1's score. As great as RE2's was, it was not better than RE1's.
                            My Head-Fi Page


                            • Originally posted by Accell View Post
                              Is there any music from 1.5 that we haven't heard yet? Of all the unknown things about this game it is the music which I obsess over the most.
                              sadly, i think what we got is all we're getting


                              • I have music extracted from the disc
                                sigpicYou have once again entered the world of survival horror...GOOD LUCK!

