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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • You've basically described the hoops people had to go through to get a build of 1.5 at all now. :p


    • Originally posted by skyrunner14 View Post
      You've basically described the hoops people had to go through to get a build of 1.5 at all now. :p
      Well, with RE1 GBC, the whole "let's not release this build yet, but hold onto it and try to use it as leverage to get a later build of the game" tactic actually worked! But with RE 1.5, just the guy knowing more than one person had a copy of the build (as if the whole TEAM IGAS thing where they are a TEAM working together to complete the prototype wasn't enough indication from the get go that more than one ISO existed) he bailed.


      • Originally posted by Graco View Post
        Maybe they were planning to make that part of Elza's introduction in which the player escapes the dorm to her bike, then proceeds into town and crashes into the police station? I like that a lot actually.
        I've always thought that she arrived back to her college from vacation or whatever, only to find that she was attacked by zombies. So she fled to the police station. Where she thought it was safe. Yet...


        • ^ I see what you did there ;)
          My Head-Fi Page


          • Marvelous, Renard. Marvelous.

            "Beware the friends bearing false gifts and speaking with fork tongues. Poor Four-Eyes!" - Rev, New Dominion Tank Police


            • For anyone looking:

              Here's the 40% build re-ripped and repacked >

              Here's the 40% build in Eboot form for the PSP >
              Last edited by Zombie_X; 09-26-2013, 10:01 PM.
              My Head-Fi Page


              • Thanks for the eboot download =)
                sigpicYou have once again entered the world of survival horror...GOOD LUCK!


                • No problem. It works 100% with BioHazard's SLPS code.
                  My Head-Fi Page


                  • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                    Now I am waiting for the 80% version to eventually be released.
                    You'll be waiting for ever, while i'm sure a few people have a copy of it..... there were far more 40 percent builds "sent" around.


                    • I'm willing to wait. What's another 16 years?
                      My Head-Fi Page


                      • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                        For anyone looking:

                        Here's the 40% build re-ripped and repacked >

                        Here's the 40% build in Eboot form for the PSP >
                        Thanks a lot!
                        Most anticipated game of 2013? Team IGAS Resident Evil 1.5!


                        • Originally posted by skyrunner14 View Post
                          I'd like to put up a vote for 5 and 11. Also...

                          Has this unused track been posted on YouTube? I'd like to hear it.
                          It's nothing new, it's just a bad rip of MAIN0F.BGM here's a proper psf rip converted to mp3.


                          • Another little 1.5 left over in RE2 Retail I spotted the other day.
                            Anybody notice how when Leon is selected (at the select cast screen) in Extreme Battle Mode, he does his 1.5 handgun animation (or at least homage to it)
                            Not to mention Chris's RE1 SFX that were used in 1.5 originally (until they changed them in Era 5) are in there for good measure too, reused.

                            And let's not forget the reused text and borders here also - practically taken from 1.5 Main Character Select screen and the inventory.
                            EDIT: LMAO - Spotted a spelling mistake .. tut tut Capcom! Harb - Herb LOL

                            Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 09-27-2013, 11:27 AM.
                            "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                            • Very cool RaccoonSurvivor , never noticed that. Cool stuff.
                              See No Evil


                              • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
                                Well, with RE1 GBC, the whole "let's not release this build yet, but hold onto it and try to use it as leverage to get a later build of the game" tactic actually worked! But with RE 1.5, just the guy knowing more than one person had a copy of the build (as if the whole TEAM IGAS thing where they are a TEAM working together to complete the prototype wasn't enough indication from the get go that more than one ISO existed) he bailed.
                                He bailed because of the data leaks and the unauthorized redistribution and selling of the 40% build. Obviously if you're gonna be "donating" one of your biggest assets, you're gonna want to be assured that the person you're giving it to is trustworthy enough to not leak info about it and try to make a quick buck out of it. When even idiots like GManWillis suddenly appear to be part of the loop, you start doubting the integrity and credibility of the people who are involved.
                                Last edited by biohazard_star; 09-27-2013, 12:31 PM.
                                Seibu teh geimu?

