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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
    Doesn't work for me:

    The game could not be started.

    I have the same error and the game doesn't start.
    Most anticipated game of 2013? Team IGAS Resident Evil 1.5!


    • Originally posted by Graco View Post
      I'm having a hard time understanding why 1.5 being terrible somehow eluded everyone long enough until the very end. They were either confident of their work, or they weren't. And if they weren't the decision to scrap it would have come much sooner. And I doubt anyone is going to come out in the press talking badly of the people they work with/work for either.

      Because game development isn't a linear process. And who's to say that they didn't like it previous to that, but were just hoping "Once we get this done, we will be okay?" Have you never been really excited about something while youre doing it, then finally take a step back towards the end and said "Oh man, this sucks?" I know I have. Sometimes you have to be confident that it is the right choice, and it is a lot easier when the replacement project is as good as it is.


      • Originally posted by DangerousDave87 View Post
        I have the same error and the game doesn't start.
        Try CFW 6.60 PRO-B9. I sue that on all my PSP's and it works fine. If anything I'll try and re-do the eboot for everyone.
        My Head-Fi Page


        • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
          Try CFW 6.60 PRO-B9.
          Why B9 exactly? I'm using B10. Any reason why it wouldn't work?


          • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
            You should look at other restoration projects for movies, paintings, etc..
            You take "creative liberties" when filling the gaps, but you never blindly just make up shit. It's always an educated guess based on the available reference material. Unless the developer/artist made some really absurd, style breaking choices, it's usually fairly easy to accurately fill in the gaps of something as long as the gap isn't too huge and the overall same message can be communicated, even if you don't know the exact words that were said.
            im sure you have heard of london after midnight. could you re-shoot the scenes and call it a restoration? or the day the clown cried? or greed? or the big boss? or freaks? a restoration only uses what is available, anything else can only follow in the same style. like if someone else would draw parts to the thief and the cobbler.

            i still hope for a good product, but a restoration, by definition, would not use anything not made by the original artists, or, the act or process of returning something to its original condition by repairing it, cleaning it, etc., or the act of bringing back something that existed before. to use the word is misleading no matter what your personal feelings are.


            • This is definition of restoration:
              res·to·ra·tion /ˌrɛstəˈreɪʃən/
              1. the act of restoring; renewal, revival, or reestablishment.
              2. the state or fact of being restored.
              3. a return of something to a former, original, normal, or unimpaired condition.
              4. restitution of something taken away or lost.
              5. something that is restored, as by renovating.
              To restore a prototype to full glory qualifies as restoration.
              “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


              • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                im sure you have heard of london after midnight. could you re-shoot the scenes and call it a restoration? or the day the clown cried? or greed? or the big boss? or freaks? a restoration only uses what is available, anything else can only follow in the same style. like if someone else would draw parts to the thief and the cobbler.

                i still hope for a good product, but a restoration, by definition, would not use anything not made by the original artists, or, the act or process of returning something to its original condition by repairing it, cleaning it, etc., or the act of bringing back something that existed before. to use the word is misleading no matter what your personal feelings are.

                Stuff like the Thief and the Cobbler has a gazillion enhancement effects, manual tweaks, etc., and the Star Wars restorations (unspecialized editions) are full of handmade retracings of special effects and tweaks of various scenes, the Doctor Who episode restorations are a weird mishmash of audio recordings, set photos, flash animation, etc.. Something like this 1.5 project is currently heavily utilizing unused assets on the game disc, stuff from the trial disc, recreated renders of rooms that previously were heavily documented with photos of most/all angles, etc.. Paintings/frescos that're restored often don't even utilize the same type of paint/material that was originally used, simply to avoid having to repair stuff over and over again and generally increase the durability of it. Heck, some "restored" paintings are almost entirely based off of people's memory and/or descriptions of pictures (down to what type of colors are used for restorations severly damaged and/or color faded paintings). Old movie restorations come in either the form of manual tinkering with frames by a human or automatic DNR filters. Old cartoon/animation restorations of severly broken material has often involved full retracing of cells.

                Different mediums require different approaches.
                Last edited by Carnivol; 09-28-2013, 06:44 PM.


                • Look at car restorations. Sure, it would be wonderful (and appreciated even) if every part was available to be purchased. And again, some people go out of their way to find those parts. But the fact is there comes a time where things aren't available anymore, and you work with what youve been given to create the next best thing.


                  • you said it yourself, it's "the next best thing", its just easier and you don't have to spend years hunting. and would adding electronic locks to your 65 mustang be a restoration?


                    • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                      you said it yourself, it's "the next best thing", its just easier and you don't have to spend years hunting. and would adding electronic locks to your 65 mustang be a restoration?
                      Look at building restoration. Sometimes you don't have all the pieces, sometimes you have to salvage similar materials like wood and stone from similar sites in the area, sometimes you use modern materials and up to date construction methods to strengthen the integrity of the building and prevent it from further deterioration; essentially you do the best with what you've got and do the best job you can to do the building justice so it can continue it's function. Same deal here, they don't have all the pieces, they have to salvage stuff from similar resources, they have to use modern programming methods to improve the integrity of the engine, they can only do the best with what they've got and do the best job they can to do the game justice so it can be brought up to retail standards.


                      • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                        Look at building restoration. Sometimes you don't have all the pieces, sometimes you have to salvage similar materials like wood and stone from similar sites in the area, sometimes you use modern materials and up to date construction methods to strengthen the integrity of the building and prevent it from further deterioration; essentially you do the best with what you've got and do the best job you can to do the building justice so it can continue it's function. Same deal here, they don't have all the pieces, they have to salvage stuff from similar resources, they have to use modern programming methods to improve the integrity of the engine, they can only do the best with what they've got and do the best job they can to do the game justice so it can be brought up to retail standards.
                        Amen. You hit square between the eyes.


                        • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                          would adding electronic locks to your 65 mustang be a restoration?
                          That's called retrofitting, but the rest of the work on the Mustang would be a restoration job and there's a "slight chance" that such an invisible tweak as retrofitting electronic locks on a vintage car (a mechanism that is entirely optional to use and a very justifiable change, if it's a vehicle intended for use and not for show) wont somehow detract from the overall appearance of the restoration subject.


                          • Arguments about semantics are my favourite.


                            • unless you have a fucking crystal ball or a magic wand and know what 1.5 would have been like on the have no reason to argue about little things ._.


                              • i try to use words for what they mean, not how i feel about using them. makes it easier to communicate.

                                when you add something that was never there, its no longer a restoration.

                                a representation or reconstruction of the original form (as of a fossil or a building). nothing added.
                                restoring to an unimpaired or improved condition <the restoration of a painting>. fixing what is there like picking up items, that would be restoring. adding trees to a painting to give it more mood or because it was unfinished would not be.

                                and those are the 2 definitions least supporting my case. if you go to restore a movie poster, but change the color of someones shirt, would you claim it as a restoration? if you bought it, would you feel that person was being accurate in their description of a restoration?

                                for it to be a restoration, they would have to leave the gaps. im not saying do that, i want a full game, but to use the word is wrong no matter how many exceptions you want to make.

