That facebook page is the best thing they could possibly make (besides 1.5), period. Much more control and much less pointless discussions.
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
One question for the more knowledgeable ones: Was RE 2 made in Sony C Libraries or in Assembly (or maybe a mix of both)? Did they (IGAS) had to disassembly machine code or did they had access to C code? It's still not clear to me. I wonder how one injects C code in machine code if that's the case...
Any links on hacking on more recent consoles (not NES/SNES for example) would be appreciatedHail the heros of the revolution!
From a conversation between MarkGrass and Gemini on 123 a while ago regarding disassembly.
Gemini: "I've checked so many functions in the RE2 engine and they all look like compiled C code (with a few exceptions, like "desld" and "desld_set", the functions responsible for RDT mask decompression), in fact the disassembly follows the GCC standard for MIPS as in all the PSX era games.I think the team responsible for the N64 was complaining about SDK dependencies for the most, since the game heavily relies on the PSY-Q API. It's so eradicated in the code that even the PC port still uses the very same structure! Of course, there's is an abstraction layer to make things work as intended. I believe this abstraction API is called "Marni System" and it's assigned to converting GTE stuff to DirectX commands and other neat stuff like managing TIM pictures as if they were regular bitmaps."Last edited by BiohazardFE; 09-30-2013, 11:44 AM.sigpic
"Beware the friends bearing false gifts and speaking with fork tongues. Poor Four-Eyes!" - Rev, New Dominion Tank Police
Originally posted by geluda View PostCare to post a picture Renard? It's interesting to learn they left it in there.
I'm sure hes just kidding around however it is kinda indecisive with the retail/prototype names- Robert=retail Linda=early 1.5 development. Even then we know what your talking about, its not like this is gonna go into the resident evil archives vol.3