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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by geluda View Post
    Spider is locked in the green sewers as of now until someone releases a patch to open up more of the game.
    Ahhh, this is just for the vanilla build. My bad


    • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
      I think it's kind of interesting that the lab zombies are the RE1 zombies imported wholesale. Were the ones in B based on these same models or were new ones constructed?
      Bio 2 Retail? They're a new model, but similar in appearance.

      As for 1.5, it appears they are a direct transfer but this isn't the case, there are differences:

      Biohazard 1:

      Biohazard 1.5

      Biohazard 2

      As you can see with the Bio 1 and 1.5 zombie, the model is different, more detailed in respects to polygons and there is a slight texture difference.
      Last edited by BiohazardFE; 09-30-2013, 04:50 PM.

      "Beware the friends bearing false gifts and speaking with fork tongues. Poor Four-Eyes!" - Rev, New Dominion Tank Police


      • invalid attachment,i dont see xDD

        Guys,make eboot for psp,this eboot put in folder,ok,this folder name don,t have this character(%)for example,BH2 vanilla 40%,psp dont read this simbol and game not work,put other name,without this simbol(%)and game run 100%,i garantized xDD
        sorry for my english,i am spanish


        • Originally posted by BiohazardFE View Post
          Bio 2 Retail? They're a new model, but similar in appearance.

          As for 1.5, it appears they are a direct transfer but this isn't the case, there are differences:

          Biohazard 1:

          Biohazard 1.5

          Biohazard 2

          As you can see with the Bio 1 and 1.5 zombie, the model is different, more detailed in respects to polygons and there is a slight texture difference.
          Well I can't see your attachments, but thanks for the response.
          Last edited by doriantoki; 09-30-2013, 04:38 PM.


          • Should be working now, not sure what happened there.

            "Beware the friends bearing false gifts and speaking with fork tongues. Poor Four-Eyes!" - Rev, New Dominion Tank Police


            • Yes, I see it now. Thanks for the comparison. The 1 and 1.5 models are obviously based on the same base with slight alterations. Kind of interesting - if Capcom were intending it as a place holder, why even bother to make those slight changes in the first place? But it's kind of a cool throw-back to the first game.
              Last edited by doriantoki; 09-30-2013, 06:39 PM.


              • only thing i dislike about 1.5 is the re1 style models.
                retail had great models


                • Originally posted by Aleff View Post
                  One question for the more knowledgeable ones: Was RE 2 made in Sony C Libraries or in Assembly (or maybe a mix of both)? Did they (IGAS) had to disassembly machine code or did they had access to C code? It's still not clear to me.

                  Any links on hacking on more recent consoles (not NES/SNES for example) would be appreciated
                  Bio1, Bio2 and Bio3 were definitely developed in c/c++.

                  If you want do anything like IGAS has done, you'll have to either know or learn MIPS R3000 assembly language, if you haven't already. In addition to that, you'll need a very decent understanding of how to develop in c/c++.

                  Originally posted by Aleff View Post
                  I wonder how one injects C code in machine code if that's the case...
                  MIPS R3000 Dis/assembly and c/c++ programming would be my best guess.

         can't polish a turd with hack.exe.
                  I'm a blackstar.


                  • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                    Yes, I see it now. Thanks for the comparison. The 1 and 1.5 models are obviously based on the same base with slight alterations. Kind of interesting - if Capcom were intending it as a place holder, why even bother to make those slight changes in the first place? But it's kind of a cool throw-back to the first game.
                    Any time. Well Capcom works in mysterious ways as we well know by now. Even more interesting is the progression of polygon reductions from Bio 1, 1.5 and 2. They said they reduced the number to have more zombies on screen at one time in 1.5. Whilst we know through some hex trickery on a retail RDT file we can increase the number to ridiculous amounts, Bio 2 had the lowest polygon count for zombies out of the 3 yet restricted the amount of zombies at one time (5-7 I believe?) in a standard room. This may have been to allow different enemy types in the same area but it's still a little strange to me. If not for a technical reason perhaps for a personal point of view, stepping away from what they wanted to do in the canceled version.
                    Last edited by BiohazardFE; 09-30-2013, 08:03 PM.

                    "Beware the friends bearing false gifts and speaking with fork tongues. Poor Four-Eyes!" - Rev, New Dominion Tank Police


                    • This is a real nitpick, sorry for that, but they should change the intro sceenshot with ''this game contains violence and gore'' text.

                      I think the lobby screen would be more exciting.


                      • I kinda agree in a way. RE1 ahd the mansion, RE2 had the RPD, and RE3 has the streets. I think a main shot of the lobby would be more fitting than the evidence room.
                        My Head-Fi Page


                        • I'm pretty sure that was just a creative way of showing some new content.


                          • The textures definitely look cleaned up (in a really good way). That's the "office worker" zombie (mostly seen in the sewers) on the left, I believe. The face looks much different.



                            • Where did you find that one?


                              • Ancient Chinese secret.


