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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Ah, I was just there before, never noticed it.


    • I am just curious. Are the team limited to PSX specs? Would high resolution textures be possible? Imagine the 1.5 restoration with all new high resolution textures and up-sized backgrounds. :O T'would be amazing.


      • 1000 likes before Halloween... Can we make it happen?


        • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
          I am just curious. Are the team limited to PSX specs? Would high resolution textures be possible? Imagine the 1.5 restoration with all new high resolution textures and up-sized backgrounds. :O T'would be amazing.
          I think this is specifically a PS development so whatever limitations the console has is what they have to play with. I'm sure nothing is stopping them from experimenting with other platforms, their talents seem to be quite capable of it, however I think working with some of the original artwork might pose some problems for a high res version of the game.


          • Oh, most definitely. And I am aware of that. The backgrounds, specifically. They can't do really do anything with the original 1.5 backgrounds. And the original resolution on those is pretty atrocious. They could render their own backgrounds at a high resolution, sure, but they'd have to redo the old backgrounds or filter them in some way (which would probably end up looking like poo). Anyway, the idea just came to mind because of how startlingly clear some of the images posted on the facebook page have been. But I guess it's in comparison to the grainy/blurry images we are so used to seeing when it comes to 1.5.



            • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
              1000 likes before Halloween... Can we make it happen?
              Between the two facebook pages (I have no idea why they set up two? It's confusing and splits the amount of like), they are pretty much there already.
              Last edited by doriantoki; 09-30-2013, 11:38 PM.


              • Originally posted by Don Piano View Post
                An actual correction that isnt about forgot the normal spider
                should be all corrected now,so all good i hope!!


                • Originally posted by Robert_Kendo View Post
                  whats your problem?
                  "My" problem:

                  Kennendy --> Kennedy
                  Zomby --> Zombie
                  Linda? --> エイダ = eida = Ada, not Linda.


                  • ok,mr. perfect..
                    like i said before,its all fixed


                    • Originally posted by Robert_Kendo View Post
                      like i said before,its all fixed

                      You forgot:
                      enemys --> enemies


                      • you got me


                        • Comment

                          • NOW,its all fixed


                            • Wow .. I noticed the lab zombies in 1.5 were same as RE1, but I thought it was a direct port - but the 1.5 version looks better now I see it in HD and close-up.

                              And the whole background grainyness thing with that image, it doesn't help that it appears to have been screenshot from EPSXE with Hi def models and bad backdrops.
                              Its a graphics setting - makes 2.5d games like Parasite Eve etc backdrops look like crap while keeping 3D models HD.
                              Play it in PSX and the backgrounds are sharper, but 3D models are blocky (same as on a real PS1 via a TV) which I think looks better anyway, lighting and model wise.
                              I play it on my Galaxy Note so backgrounds look super HD coz of the screen resolution and it isn't all blown up onto a big screen LOL

                              EDIT: I am confused. Looked on their FB page - what's the deal with the 2 different Leon ID cards in the inventory. Which one is 'newer' or more final.. the Chris RE1 pic or the Leon RE2 'concept' looking one?

                              It just looks weird having a pic that's clearly Chris Redfield in there by Leon's name. Which one will the Team be using?
                              I know it's only an image and doesn't effect the gameplay in anyway - which can be ignored obviously, but i was just wondering..
                              Doesn't bother me as such..
                              Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 10-01-2013, 05:56 AM.
                              "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                              • on facebook they are asking if fans want a blog or a forum about the restoration project

                                anyway, i think that the facebook page is managed by at least two guys. One is clearly birkin, but who is "-S." ? it's crearly not bzork because his english is pretty good (no offence to bzork of course, it's not like my english is that better).

