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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Ys1 posted these very early backgrounds from Re2 city, i wonder if there is more of these, also these files were on the trial, beta 2 or the retail?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	ViefE.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	51.3 KB
ID:	403322


    • For Marvin, I'm uncertain if he was playable but it's generally accepted from discussions years ago between us on Bioflames that he injures his leg somehow. That screenshot has always been interesting to me, it certainly does seem like he's being controlled.

      As for the unfinished streets and cel shaded areas, those are from the Beta 2 disc, some of it visible in game.

      "Beware the friends bearing false gifts and speaking with fork tongues. Poor Four-Eyes!" - Rev, New Dominion Tank Police


      • Originally posted by yurieu View Post
        oh, how i wish to see this marvin model.
        Man agreed. You can just tell from those blurry images that it is a hilariously racist caricature. The fact that in that image alone, the only facial aspect you can make out are bright pink lips.


        • I like to believe there's a strange link between overly racist Marvin and overly racist cancelled Dewey ... and western target audience and full character redesign


          • i don't think that those are his lips, you can see that there is pink in his arm too

            (yeah i know that americans are very race-sensitive compared to europeans like me)


            • That's him sticking a tongue out and flipping a middle finger.


              • Originally posted by warren View Post
                i don't think that those are his lips, you can see that there is pink in his arm too
                but all pictures in public of marvin 1.5 is pink lips.


                • Originally posted by warren View Post
                  i don't think that those are his lips, you can see that there is pink in his arm too

                  (yeah i know that americans are very race-sensitive compared to europeans like me)
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Terry+Scott+Taylor+and+the+Neverhood+All+Clay+Band+neverhood2.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	55.6 KB
ID:	403324

                  its hilarious. and the bandages on leg make it more funny.


                  • Seriously, there's something seriously wrong with this marvin


                    • I think i've heard something about marvin and linda being playable. About his leg, he was injured by some enemy judging that Leon had to bring a vaccine to him according to an cutscene, but in the final version, this was replaced by Ada being punched by Birkin and then she was brought into the infirmary room in the labs if i am correct, but this vaccine part was moved for sherry, never completed RE2 though.


                      • Stop calling Ada "Linda", I don't know if it's suddenly a new trend, but there's no Linda in this game.

                        As for Marvin, black guys with pink lips are common. Nothing racist in there. You just need to go out and educate yourself.


                        • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                          Stop calling Ada "Linda", I don't know if it's suddenly a new trend, but there's no Linda in this game.

                          As for Marvin, black guys with pink lips are common. Nothing racist in there. You just need to go out and educate yourself.
                          Can we not bring the racial discussion into this thread please? This can't possible end well ... I implore the mods to be please be sensitive to this.
                          Last edited by doriantoki; 10-04-2013, 01:54 PM.


                          • Yes I saw this cut scene too, when Marvin was infected and we have to find the vaccine for him.
                            In the final of Leon game was everybody inside the train als Kendo was there except for Elza


                            • Originally posted by PROTOBOY View Post
                              Yes I saw this cut scene too, when Marvin was infected and we have to find the vaccine for him.
                              In the final of Leon game was everybody inside the train als Kendo was there except for Elza
                              Everyone except Ada.


                              • I hope someone out there has this version.

