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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I'd like to thank those of you who didn't post something regarding Marvin's race. Out of all the things to post about, people decide to bring up his race. It may be a somewhat racist portrayal of him, but it's a touchy subject and shouldn't be brought up. Shame on those who did.

    And there is no "Linda". That just Ada's prototype name in character concept art. It was changed to "Ada" early in development. It even says "エイダ" in the 40% PVB. Stop calling her "Linda" to avoid confusion.


    • Originally posted by Renard View Post
      I'd like to thank those of you who didn't post something regarding Marvin's race. Out of all the things to post about, people decide to bring up his race. It may be a somewhat racist portrayal of him, but it's a touchy subject and shouldn't be brought up. Shame on those who did.
      Hold on, so now it's wrong to point out when something's a little racist ? Look, i thought the racism complaint against RE5 was stupid as all get out but in the case of Marvin's odd looking face the shoe fits. We can and should be able to point it out if we damn well please. As for his face in general, i have a strong feeling it was a leftover asset from the original resident evil beta. it could easily have been Dewey's face slapped on a new model.


      • Originally posted by OfficerRedfield View Post
        Hold on, so now it's wrong to point out when something's a little racist ? Look, i thought the racism complaint against RE5 was stupid as all get out but in the case of Marvin's odd looking face the shoe fits. We can and should be able to point it out if we damn well please.
        Sometimes it's best to just not bring those kinds of things up. Race a touchy subject that could make people uncomfortable or even offended -- I was just trying to help avoid that, and also avoid debate about such a needless subject. That Marvin model is long gone, along with the 80% build.

        Originally posted by OfficerRedfield View Post
        As for his face in general, i have a strong feeling it was a leftover asset from the original resident evil beta. it could easily have been Dewey's face slapped on a new model.
        Now why would Capcom do that? Besides that, I don't think Dewey and Gelzer even made it past the drawing board for the first game.


        • Originally posted by Renard View Post
          I'd like to thank those of you who didn't post something regarding Marvin's race. Out of all the things to post about, people decide to bring up his race. It may be a somewhat racist portrayal of him, but it's a touchy subject and shouldn't be brought up. Shame on those who did.

          And there is no "Linda". That just Ada's prototype name in character concept art. It was changed to "Ada" early in development. It even says "エイダ" in the 40% PVB. Stop calling her "Linda" to avoid confusion.
          who the hell cares if he's black? it's just funny to see how capcom chose to portray him... with stereotypes
          Last edited by Guest; 10-04-2013, 07:34 PM.


          • Originally posted by meer View Post
            who the hell cares if he's black? it's just funny to see how capcom chose to portray him... with stereotypes
            Some people don't find this portayal funny -- they find it offensive. Let's just leave it be.

            Last post I will make regarding the subject.


            • Originally posted by blackpower View Post

              I hope someone out there has this version.
              It's kind of a shame that they left out the mc51 or w.e it's called from the final. I really like that gun haha... Would of preferred it over the other machine gun (it starts with an I, forgot the name) or the gattling gun.

              Must've been like an almost last minute choice to cut it from the game. The beta 2 disc has it still on the item debug, but the weapon file itself is missing
              Last edited by Guest; 10-04-2013, 07:45 PM.


              • Originally posted by Renard View Post
                Some people don't find this portayal funny -- they find it offensive. Let's just leave it be.
                Trust me, anything can be blown out of proportion and be offensive to someone. For example those "big booty" pictures you posted a few pages back, if someone really wants to, they can find them to be sexist. It all depends on two things - if the original comments were made in decent manner, and how much you let it get to you. So far the comments about Marvin had been in good humor.


                • So far the comments about Marvin had been in good humor.
                  As for Marvin, black guys with pink lips are common. Nothing racist in there. You just need to go out and educate yourself.
                  ... seriously guys, can we just not? This isn't about being PC, or being un-PC. I get everyone has their 2 cents on the matter, I was just asking nicely if we could avoid this conversation ENTIRELY.
                  Last edited by doriantoki; 10-04-2013, 08:28 PM.


                  • Originally posted by MiLØ View Post
                    For example those "big booty" pictures you posted a few pages back, if someone really wants to, they can find them to be sexist.
                    Not the best example, but see what you're saying. Besides, it's a non-serious meme and was not intended to be sexist. That meme is applied to both genders (usually males) and was meant as a funny way to showcase a bug. Nobody (apparent) found that sexist. But when I post a picture of Marvin, everyone comments about his race.

                    Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                    ... seriously guys, can we just not? This isn't about being PC, or being un-PC. I get everyone has their 2 cents on the matter, I was just asking nicely if we could avoid this conversation ENTIRELY.
                    I tried but people kept bringing it up and I became argumentative again, so I'm sorry. Forums aren't the best place for me. I'm done posting about it, I feel like I don't know what I'm talking about anymore.


                    • Just something that i've remembered, maybe i'll make a more detailed post later but...

                      Months ago i've noticed that in the characters intro in RE2, two zombies that leon shoots are in fact Kendo and Ben (or a zombie from a 1.5 artwork that have the sameo outfit), even a user put some images comparing them, the helicopter cutscene uses a Brian Irons model.

                      And something that I noticed today, claire's model from the cutscenes could be derived from Elza model for cutscenes, even if there is no 1.5 cutscenes ever shown. Her hair matches this brunette Elza artwork. The promotional CG characters that are present on RE2 japanese cover in 64 version are based from the artwork made for the final product.

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	Art_14-600x300.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	41.8 KB
ID:	403325

                      Also, its funny that we never saw this brunette Elza in game, but this image from bioflames shows her with this color, or maybe it was the photo quality.

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	attachment.php?attachmentid=7498&d=1352457404.jpg
Views:	5
Size:	148.8 KB
ID:	403326

                      And a youtube user commented in a uncut licker cutscene that he did noticed the missing door and body in the CG cutscene, this indicates that the scene was made back at the time the game was shown in e3 1997, when the corridor didn't have that door, but i don't know if there was no headless body.
                      Last edited by pato; 10-04-2013, 09:49 PM.


                      • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                        I am just curious. Are the team limited to PSX specs? Would high resolution textures be possible? Imagine the 1.5 restoration with all new high resolution textures and up-sized backgrounds. :O T'would be amazing.
                        Perhaps this might answer part of your question!

                        Last edited by Guest; 10-05-2013, 12:54 AM.


                        • Comment

                          • According to igas, some of those are dated like from early 2012. Makes you wonder how far they are.


                            • If you watch this video, it looks like the killing of roy in resident evil 1.5 ' when roy asks to be killed before it turns into a zombie, the same thing happened to Murphy in resident evil 3,We hope that the team use the pale skin to transform into zombies by roy.
                              Last edited by blackpower; 10-05-2013, 04:11 AM.


                              • Hmm... Is this another IGAS page on facebook, or is it just a fanpage..?

                                Too tired to pay attention lol

