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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • wow i completely forgot about that photo at 1.32

    anyway, that we have all these photos it's simply a miracle. That we have someone who thanks to these photos can create a complete version of the game it's an even bigger miracle.

    i wish something like that would be possible for ocarina of time betas.
    Last edited by warren; 10-08-2013, 03:01 AM.


    • Been lurking this thread for months, finally decided to jump in the convo and join the forum all.

      Seems like a war zone at times, but there has always been an interesting debate going on to keep me coming back. Funny, as I am writing this, close to 20 guests are reading this thread, pretty interesting.

      Anywho, what pisses me off about Facebook is all these fan pages for Team IGAS and Resident Evil 1.5 that simply retread everything Team Igas has said. Funny they have almost as many likes as Team IGAS simply re-posting what they post. What a waste in my opinion. It seems every 100 likes they post a new picture, so it would make sense just to delete their pages and let everyone flock to Team IGAS page. The more likes, the more pictures as it seems they have stopped all together posting new pictures or real updates here because of all the stupid requests and nonsense people have to complain about.

      A shame, but when the convo does get good, it really makes me think of how much of Resident Evil 1.5 I never knew about.

      "A can of fizz. It's sure to yellow and mellow those things." - Barry Burton


      • Originally posted by towerofpowerx View Post
        Question: assuming that Annette dies in the Incubator Room, how does she make her way down to the Subway to say hello to Birkin?
        Assuming that really is Annette, and not just a non-related character model just standing around......
        I think you've mistaken Ada for Annette. Ada is the one that is rumored to die in the incubator room, while Annette escapes to the train with Leon.

        Originally posted by AJM Ruler View Post
        Seems like a war zone at times, but there has always been an interesting debate going on to keep me coming back. Funny, as I am writing this, close to 20 guests are reading this thread, pretty interesting.

        Anywho, what pisses me off about Facebook is all these fan pages for Team IGAS and Resident Evil 1.5 that simply retread everything Team Igas has said. Funny they have almost as many likes as Team IGAS simply re-posting what they post. What a waste in my opinion. It seems every 100 likes they post a new picture, so it would make sense just to delete their pages and let everyone flock to Team IGAS page. The more likes, the more pictures as it seems they have stopped all together posting new pictures or real updates here because of all the stupid requests and nonsense people have to complain about.
        'Tis the essence of a mega thread. It is pretty silly seeing so many guests always viewing this topic. I joined in the first day I found this forum, but not before reading through all 500 or so pages of this thread lol. Didn't uh... Didn't get too much sleep that night...

        That 1.5 fan page was made long before Team IGAS made their own page. I think a few of the photos on the fan page were even supplied by IGAS a few months ago. It acts as a fan page for the game itself. And I think they've mentioned in numerous statuses something like "Go like our friends over at Team IGAS!", so I don't think stealing glory is their intention. I didn't know there were multiple 1.5 pages though...

        Your signature reminds me that I need to fix mine. The animation is a tad broken...


        • Originally posted by Renard View Post
          I think you've mistaken Ada for Annette. Ada is the one that is rumored to die in the incubator room, while Annette escapes to the train with Leon.

          'Tis the essence of a mega thread. It is pretty silly seeing so many guests always viewing this topic. I joined in the first day I found this forum, but not before reading through all 500 or so pages of this thread lol. Didn't uh... Didn't get too much sleep that night...

          That 1.5 fan page was made long before Team IGAS made their own page. I think a few of the photos on the fan page were even supplied by IGAS a few months ago. It acts as a fan page for the game itself. And I think they've mentioned in numerous statuses something like "Go like our friends over at Team IGAS!", so I don't think stealing glory is their intention. I didn't know there were multiple 1.5 pages though...

          Your signature reminds me that I need to fix mine. The animation is a tad broken...
          Yeah I agree, maybe so for a few, but there are a lot of Resident Evil 1.5 facebook groups. (Probably with any type of game/sport/celebrity having tons of imitators)

          But the vast majority of new Resident Evil 1.5 pages were made AFTER Team IGAS, with some even copying the Team IGAS logo in their Facebook Cover picture to further confuse people. Oh well. what can ya do.

          These 2 are the most blatantly bad:
 (Even copies their logo)

 (This one copies their logo too)

          Granted, they do say they just want to get the word out, let the official page do that, and not confuse people. Look at the "likes" for both, it just confuzzles me.

          Also, Renard, I really was trying to get a "Caution" ECG of your gif image, but I just could not find it anywhere so I gave up and used the one I found, lol.

          "A can of fizz. It's sure to yellow and mellow those things." - Barry Burton


          • Originally posted by AJM Ruler View Post
            Yeah I agree, maybe so for a few, but there are a lot of Resident Evil 1.5 facebook groups. (Probably with any type of game/sport/celebrity having tons of imitators)

            But the vast majority of new Resident Evil 1.5 pages were made AFTER Team IGAS, with some even copying the Team IGAS logo in their Facebook Cover picture to further confuse people. Oh well. what can ya do.

            These 2 are the most blatantly bad:
   (Even copies their logo)

   (This one copies their logo too)

            Granted, they do say they just want to get the word out, let the official page do that, and not confuse people. Look at the "likes" for both, it just confuzzles me.

            Also, Renard, I really was trying to get a "Caution" ECG of your gif image, but I just could not find it anywhere so I gave up and used the one I found, lol.
            Well, the biggest thing i like from these fan pages are the lack of Resident Evil 5, 6 ORC stuff. i am such a hater so posting RE4 i do cancel subscription.


            • Originally posted by MichelleRockz View Post
              Well, in my opinion, she sacrifices herself to slow down Birkin and allow the others to escape, leaving her fate ambiguous, just like retail.

              ummm, that's annette in the second photo. you can tell by the hair


              • Originally posted by Don Piano View Post
                ummm, that's annette in the second photo. you can tell by the hair
                Ummm....I clearly stated that the girl in the incubator room was Ada and Annette came a while after.


                • That's an interesting theory about the Incubator room. The idea that Birkin breaks in and chases Leon and Annette would be intense, rushing the player to the area where they fight Birkin again. We could probably find more scenes similar to that by using the camera angles in certain rooms.

                  Originally posted by AJM Ruler View Post
                  Anywho, what pisses me off about Facebook is all these fan pages for Team IGAS and Resident Evil 1.5 that simply retread everything Team Igas has said. Funny they have almost as many likes as Team IGAS simply re-posting what they post. What a waste in my opinion. It seems every 100 likes they post a new picture, so it would make sense just to delete their pages and let everyone flock to Team IGAS page. The more likes, the more pictures as it seems they have stopped all together posting new pictures or real updates here because of all the stupid requests and nonsense people have to complain about.
                  I agree, while a lot of people are excited for the final release, there will be some people that will just make a Facebook page and rehash everything IGAS say just to get attention and likes. Even the Team say at the end not to rehash their pictures. The good thing about the page is that there aren't as many arguments anymore because now people can just move over to the Facebook page and catch all of the news there. Now 1.5 related discussions can take place, it's great. That being said, welcome to the forums!


                  • I believe it's been brought up before, but the cutscenes that happen on the train in the 40% build are far from finalized. Even the dialogues are missing. It's likely that they were just meant to be placeholders until they were done implementing the scenario system (just like in RE1) and finalizing the story. So, you know, Ada being absent in the train area could just have just been something temporary.
                    Seibu teh geimu?


                    • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                      I believe it's been brought up before, but the cutscenes that happen on the train in the 40% build are far from finalized. Even the dialogues are missing. It's likely that they were just meant to be placeholders until they were done implementing the scenario system (just like in RE1) and finalizing the story. So, you know, Ada being absent in the train area could just have just been something temporary.
                      Yes, but the images we have are from the 80% build (bioflames), and as you can clearly see, between the incubator room and the train platform (and on the train) Ada has disappeared. I think what people have conjectured is a good guess, considering it's basically just ANOTHER retread of a RE1 scenario (Wesker unleashing Tyrant, getting impaled, having to take down Tyrant, him running away, reappearing again later).
                      Last edited by doriantoki; 10-08-2013, 02:27 PM.


                      • How disappointing, even roy scenes are barely completed in the 80% build as well because his role might not be important in the game after all, so they left his scenes in the final development stage until they scrapped the game of course, and then when they started with RE2 they scrapped his character completely and placed marvin in the same fate as his in the retail, maybe because they felt 1.5 was too crowded with characters, so they got rid of those two miserable bastards ! that is all just a speculation of course.


                        • This is the reason I strongly believe that I would have preferred 1.5 over 2. Am I saying 1.5 is superior? No. Inferior? nope. I liked the fact in 1.5 the cast is bigger, it complicates the story further slightly and is more realistic. This is an entire city that WAS fulled with people. Chances are high that there ARE people in it that weren't infected but were stranded during the escape time period (Ada and John) and would band together to escape. Although from what I understand however, in 2 the city was ambushed and unprepared due to the corrupt incarnation Brian Irons hiding many of the umbrella related events unlike in 1.5, I'm kinda getting the impression that this innocent Brian Irons listened to STARS and the city already went though an organized escape.

                          I admit my reasons for preferring 1.5 are contradictory to themselves: The modern design of the 1.5 prescient would have been a healthy step away from the mansion-like setting and provide variety between the two unlike 2 which tried to "1 up" 1. The diverse nature of the change of vibe is probably the reason I MUCH prefer 1.5 station.
                          My second reason is the bigger cast, having a support; the ability to save or let your supporting character die. There WAS great potential for the characters John and Marvin-John and Marvin have been living in this city longer (Leon and Elza aren't?) John would probably have a goal to make it back to his residence before deciding to escape, maybe to safe a family member? Marvin was a cop longer than Leon is, Marvin KNOWS these officers hes shooting..
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2_rpd_2ndfloor_1hallway05.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	20.8 KB
ID:	403330
                          He must be going though some mental stress more than Leon would.
                          This contradicts me due to it being the exact same factor from the first game and capcom tried to, again "1 up" themselves (In the first game they had a supporting character... so in the sequel now you have TWO!). However after playing the vanilla 40, I'm getting the impression that neither of them were going to have any impact and were pretty much "attachments" to the main 2. I still satisfied with the control to save them or not though.
                          Last edited by NEOMEGA; 10-08-2013, 04:19 PM. Reason: Their not so inevitable fates


                          • Cast was one of the problem's with 1.5's scenario.

                            Just because the cast was bigger doesn't mean it was more complicated. All it meant is that you had a few extra faces to not care about. Having a "partner" removes the feeling of isolation, so this was greatly toned down in the final game to get that feeling back. BH2 takes place in the midst of the incident when most people are already dead, and it's hard to convey that when you have a clown car cast who don't have much purpose or relevance to the story.

                            There was no organized escape. The outbreak in 1.5 happens much like in the final game and decimates the town fairly quickly, there's no prior warning. Irons in 1.5 authorized an investigation into Umbrella but that's entirely off-screen, making his whole presence in the game rather small and pointless. Roy was also pointless. Issues like this were what Sugimura addressed, making the story more concise and interesting.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • Well I said I would PERSONALLY prefer this feature because of the sense of randomness that would happen realistically. I'm not speaking for the majority of the fans. I would like their lives to con-volute the story, gives a better feel for the caliber of what has occurred. They would have their goals, and you would occasionally get the sense of their personality. But the course of the game will continue on. I guess they would act is "filler" (biohazard 1.5 director's cut extra add-ins!) to the story that many wouldn't like, but I would appreciate. I DO agree with the isolated feeling that retail did VERY well... I guess in the event of what was happening overall.. I'm understanding of the ups and downs of it. It is pretty hard to convey it all in a 6-7 hour story.
                              But it wouldn't have mattered tho cause if it was released, they would not have taken any advantage of them which lead to their fates in retail. This is nice for projects like this and the inevitable future projects to add onto the unfinished "20%" of the game up for debate.


                              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                                Roy was also pointless. Issues like this were what Sugimura addressed, making the story more concise and interesting.
                                Marvin was also pointless, since he got Roy's role in the retail.

