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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
    Yes, but the images we have are from the 80% build (bioflames), and as you can clearly see, between the incubator room and the train platform (and on the train) Ada has disappeared.
    Right, but since 1.5 apparently rehashed RE1's scenario system, there's always a possibility that multiple versions of the incubator room and train platform scenes are supposed to exist, depending on which sidecharacters you choose to save. Didn't you find it a bit weird that Marvin isn't present in any of those cutscenes?
    Last edited by biohazard_star; 10-08-2013, 06:05 PM.
    Seibu teh geimu?


    • Originally posted by MichelleRockz View Post
      Marvin was also pointless, since he got Roy's role in the retail.
      In the final game? No, Marvin isn't useless. They didn't just copy-paste him over Roy.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • I find things are more interesting with more characters.


        • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
          Right, but since 1.5 apparently rehashed RE1's scenario system, there's always a possibility that multiple versions of the incubator room and train platform scenes are supposed to exist, depending on which sidecharacters you choose to save. Didn't you find it a bit weird that Marvin isn't present in any of those cutscenes?
          Marvin isnt there because no matter what happens he gets injured and doesn't leave where ever hes lying down at the time.

          Actually now that I think about it.. he can't move on his own. So hes only carried a short distance from the lift to the bed a few feet away, so what happens when you have to move him from that bed to the train bed? Shouldered-support event? oooooh! You have to slowly carry him from 1 place to train while countdown is going? Sounds stressing! I love it! This gives you a moral and difficult choice to NOT want to save him. You have 10 minutes til detonation and now theres only 7 minutes left... will you take the cure to marvin and force yourself to shoulder him to train in time?
          Last edited by NEOMEGA; 10-08-2013, 06:55 PM. Reason: More thought


          • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
            In the final game? No, Marvin isn't useless. They didn't just copy-paste him over Roy.
            Correct me if I'm wrong, but Marvin's role in the entire game is to tell you about what happened to Raccoon City, then he gives you an item, and the second time you meet him, he's a zombie.
            Isn't that exactly what happens to Roy? He's probably only there to tell Elza what happened to Raccoon City, and the second time she meets him, he's a zombie.


            • In 1.5, we all know that Ada is scientist, in retail she was just posing as one to get close to the researcher named John to get information. Makes me wonder if some members from the staff added these details to pay homage to 1.5 in a way. Another one could be the special room accessed by getting the fingerprints of Claire and Leon, the 'mad experiment' song, and that room are basically relics from the initial version.

              Not trying to make a conspiracy or anything just thinking aloud really
              Last edited by Guest; 10-08-2013, 07:01 PM.


              • Originally posted by meer View Post
                In 1.5, we all know that Ada is scientist, in retail she was just posing as one to get close to the researcher named John to get information. Makes me wonder if some members from the staff added these details to pay homage to 1.5 in a way.
                Capcom wanted to add more connections to the first game with sibling redfield relation and unknown scientist John's letter to an unknown woman named Ada and when logging into his computer you need to find the password which is mole. I'm not sure if she actually was a mole during the release of the first game, I guess not because of her role in 1.5, but they decided to play on that word in retail.
                Last edited by NEOMEGA; 10-08-2013, 07:19 PM. Reason: Forgot words herp


                • Originally posted by Flak Master View Post
                  Didn't RMandel say that, on the trial disc, it was confirmed that Ada died? (This was in his Leon's game walkthrough) I know it was mostly conjecture, but he acted as if the there was text in the files that would point to an event relating to Ada's death. Since his videos are on a website that I've lost the link to, I don't remember what he said after the episode was done, and he edited out his notes from the re-uploads, so I wouldn't be able to confirm with quoted text.
                  I never said that - not that I can recall, anyway. It's the circumstantial evidence that points to Ada's death in the Incubator Room (or as I call it, the Platform Elevator Room - like in RE2). There are unused camera angles in the 40% build both for something breaking out of one of the big vials and a death scene where someone is lying on the floor. Also, Ada never appears again in the game past this point (Inflames Collection final build images of the Escape Train). And someone's already linked to the Complete Collection video where Leon meets her in here late in the game. Ergo - she died in here, like she dies in the Power Room in RE2 after being attacked by the Tyrant. I wouldn't be surprised if part of that scene in RE2 was recycled from RE15 - animations and all.

                  I've been wrong about circumstantial evidence before - but this time it's pretty strong, and others longer on the scene than I believed this long before the 40% build data became available. So, until a better theory with better evidence comes along .... ;)

                  The REAL mystery of this room is whether or not Ada dies in here ... it's what might have killed her. For that, we have no data - only speculation. So speculate on, folks. =)
                  Last edited by RMandel; 10-08-2013, 08:39 PM.


                  • I always assumed those red tubes held mass-produced Tyrants, and one broke out and killed her. You'd have to fight it and kill it.

                    I figured this zombie here was part of a cutscene where you open the 2d floor shutters and find Marvin shooting this guy. He then falls and slumps against the wall.

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	clean-up.png
Views:	1
Size:	138.3 KB
ID:	403331
                    Last edited by Zombie_X; 10-09-2013, 01:02 AM.
                    My Head-Fi Page


                    • I wish the text in that picture wasn't so blurry. All I can make out it the word "zombie" twice.


                      • I tried to clean it up, but it's too blurry.
                        My Head-Fi Page


                        • There's a few hiragana that I can make out just by glancing at it, like "to" "te" and "so", but it's still a bit too blurry. Kanji would be hopeless at that resolution. It's certainly clearer than the other that I've seen though.

                          Now that I think about it... I think I've seen one where someone outlined all the characters in red and provided a rough translation? If only I could find it.


                          • That's such a interesting picture!

                            I wonder what IGAS is gonna do with this...

                            (the media and radio rooms)

                            There is a medical room...


                            • Do these help with reading the text better?

                              Top is Zombie_X, Bottom is from my own Bioflames collection. Both have their highlights and noise significantly reduced, not that I thought it would do wonders.
                              Last edited by OKeijiDragon; 10-09-2013, 03:25 AM.
                              If you have Twitter, follow me!. =P


                              • Wow! Great work OKeijiDragon!

