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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by 90s Gamer View Post
    I wonder what IGAS is gonna do with this...
    (the media and radio rooms)

    There is a medical room...
    You're talking about the rooms?

    Radio Room:

    Media Room:

    As for that one screenshot, thanks OkeijiDragon! I might try to read it later when I'm not as tired.


    • Thanks Renard! That clears it up for me. I haven't been able to access the Radio Room yet...


      • Originally posted by Renard View Post
        I find things are more interesting with more characters.
        It's bad storytelling to fill a cast with otherwise pointless individuals just to have "more."

        Originally posted by MichelleRockz View Post
        Correct me if I'm wrong, but Marvin's role in the entire game is to tell you about what happened to Raccoon City, then he gives you an item, and the second time you meet him, he's a zombie.
        Isn't that exactly what happens to Roy? He's probably only there to tell Elza what happened to Raccoon City, and the second time she meets him, he's a zombie.
        The way they're handled is entirely different even though their role is similar. Roy doesn't have any impact because you're already with another person (John) and there are several others running around the same building. He doesn't have nearly the same level of impact. You meet Marvin after being shown first-hand a series of desolation and destruction and narrowly surviving even getting into the building, only to be isolated before and after you meet him.

        A character doesn't have to be explicitly tied directly into the story as a major "mover" to be considered worthwhile either. How they're depicted within the story matters quite a bit too. Roy was pretty much throwaway because he was overshadowed by several others. Marvin's the only person you know of inside the same building at the time. Again, strengthens the feeling of isolation. Roy also has a long scene when he turns into a Zombie (with Elza and John, killing any real suspense or reason to be afraid). Marvin's is sudden and practically throws him at you, so it works well. Marvin's not "interesting" but he enhances the game, and he's only there for the "A" scenarios to mix things up.

        It's also worth noting that Marvin's scene was initially just one scene where you met him, he talked, then asked you to shoot him and turned into a Zombie then and there, which is closer to what happens to Roy except boiled into a single scene.

        The rest of the cast are pretty much just dull as fuck. Annette, William, Irons, etc. A thing that often happens in stories is that characters who appear for only a single scene tend to be the most memorable despite being comparatively unimportant. However, 1.5 can't even chalk up to this.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • Click image for larger version

Name:	photo.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	1.2 KB
ID:	403332

          Last Bzork's avatar in youtube. Seems like a present box??? Or maybe is just my imagination... It would be great have a present from the Team soon.
          Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


          • Originally posted by NEOMEGA View Post
            Marvin isnt there because no matter what happens he gets injured and doesn't leave where ever hes lying down at the time.

            Actually now that I think about it.. he can't move on his own. So hes only carried a short distance from the lift to the bed a few feet away, so what happens when you have to move him from that bed to the train bed? Shouldered-support event? oooooh! You have to slowly carry him from 1 place to train while countdown is going? Sounds stressing! I love it! This gives you a moral and difficult choice to NOT want to save him. You have 10 minutes til detonation and now theres only 7 minutes left... will you take the cure to marvin and force yourself to shoulder him to train in time?
            He's already gravely injured even before you arrive at the cargo/incubator room. Leon helps him get to the B1 security room, then later to B2 Shelter #1, and finally to the cargo train.

            Originally posted by RMandel View Post
            The REAL mystery of this room is whether or not Ada dies in here ... it's what might have killed her. For that, we have no data - only speculation. So speculate on, folks. =)
            Or, you know, does she ALWAYS have to die in this room?
            Last edited by biohazard_star; 10-09-2013, 08:48 AM.
            Seibu teh geimu?


            • Originally posted by OKeijiDragon View Post

              Do these help with reading the text better?

              Top is Zombie_X, Bottom is from my own Bioflames collection. Both have their highlights and noise significantly reduced, not that I thought it would do wonders.

              Whose lines is it?

              He says;

              They were eaten by zombies , or became zombies.
              I'm Japanese. I live in Japan. I like Biohazard (Resident Evil)! The Japanese people wants to play the RE1.5 for Japanese language Ver.


              • Can I just point out the fact that that zombie model isn't the generic blonde cop one or the fat one?


                • Originally posted by Renard View Post
                  Kanji would be hopeless at that resolution.
                  Behold, hope!

                  I've conducted some "forensic analyses" on the Inflames images (read: adjusting brightness and staring at the screen for hours), and I have confidence that these transcriptions are 99% accurate (I had the privilege of working with the raw, unmarked images). At times, I have even exhausted Japanese dictionaries for every possible term. Everything seems to make sense and fit perfectly.

                  AnzuAme's transcription and translation above agree with my own.

                  Originally posted by AnzuAme View Post
                  Whose lines is it?
                  Last edited by Enigmatism415; 10-09-2013, 10:51 AM. Reason: spoilers


                  • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                    The way they're handled is entirely different even though their role is similar. Roy doesn't have any impact because you're already with another person (John) and there are several others running around the same building. He doesn't have nearly the same level of impact. You meet Marvin after being shown first-hand a series of desolation and destruction and narrowly surviving even getting into the building, only to be isolated before and after you meet him.

                    A character doesn't have to be explicitly tied directly into the story as a major "mover" to be considered worthwhile either. How they're depicted within the story matters quite a bit too. Roy was pretty much throwaway because he was overshadowed by several others. Marvin's the only person you know of inside the same building at the time. Again, strengthens the feeling of isolation. Roy also has a long scene when he turns into a Zombie (with Elza and John, killing any real suspense or reason to be afraid). Marvin's is sudden and practically throws him at you, so it works well. Marvin's not "interesting" but he enhances the game, and he's only there for the "A" scenarios to mix things up.

                    It's also worth noting that Marvin's scene was initially just one scene where you met him, he talked, then asked you to shoot him and turned into a Zombie then and there, which is closer to what happens to Roy except boiled into a single scene.

                    The rest of the cast are pretty much just dull as fuck. Annette, William, Irons, etc. A thing that often happens in stories is that characters who appear for only a single scene tend to be the most memorable despite being comparatively unimportant. However, 1.5 can't even chalk up to this.
                    Wow...I'm speechless...
                    Last edited by Guest; 10-09-2013, 12:05 PM.


                    • In a good way or a bad way?


                      • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                        In a good way or a bad way?


                        • Originally posted by The_Wes View Post

                          Last Bzork's avatar in youtube. Seems like a present box??? Or maybe is just my imagination... It would be great have a present from the Team soon.
                          Sorry to disappoint but this is because of Google forcing everyone to create and link their YouTube accounts with a Google+ account, then you get stuck with that boring default style of avatar.


                          • Originally posted by rewak View Post
                            Sorry to disappoint but this is because of Google forcing everyone to create and link their YouTube accounts with a Google+ account, then you get stuck with that boring default style of avatar.
                            a terrible decision by google indeed. stupid google plus.


                            • Originally posted by rewak View Post
                              Sorry to disappoint but this is because of Google forcing everyone to create and link their YouTube accounts with a Google+ account, then you get stuck with that boring default style of avatar.
                              Figures when I first saw it, being Google+ means they have to give even more info about themselves, probably don't want to do that.

                              "A can of fizz. It's sure to yellow and mellow those things." - Barry Burton


                              • Originally posted by yurieu View Post
                                a terrible decision by google indeed. stupid google plus.
                                It's not like Google cares about it. 99% of the users voted against the Youtube layout change of 2012. And they changed it anyway.

