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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post

    Are you a bad enough dude to feed useless facebook likes to IGAS?


    • Originally posted by geluda View Post
      I asked this elsewhere and nobody was sure, I've been wondering, has anyone seen any evidence of a player picking up or interacting with an object in the era 5 build which would usually trigger the air jesus bug? Whether in Bioflames images or in video footage available out there. I'm curious as to whether air jesus was ever fixed in the era 5 build, as there's always the chance that the game is just as buggy and unplayable as the era 4 build.
      Pretty sure Air-Jesus was something that IGAS set-off from tampering with the game?


      • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
        Pretty sure Air-Jesus was something that IGAS set-off from tampering with the game?
        No, its in PVB.


        • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
          Pretty sure Air-Jesus was something that IGAS set-off from tampering with the game?
          It's in the PVB, but it's worse in the MZD build.


          • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
            10,000 facebook likes, IGAS cures cancer

            50,000 facebook likes, IGAS ascends to Godhood

            100,000 facebook likes, the Trial Edition releases

            Are you a bad enough dude to feed useless facebook likes to IGAS?
            every 100 likes they release a new image, so for us it's not pointless

            every new like means new publicity for the project so for them it's not pointless

            of course it doesn't have anything to do with trial edition (well maybe if they see more public interest they will work faster on it), but we already knew that.


            • Oh, I look forward to each new image we receive every 100 likes. Those are neat. Maybe they will even throw in something else new with bigger like milestones. More publicity for the Team IGAS Facebook page is great. I was mainly being silly in the above posts, after the "Trial Edition might release faster with likes" speculation.


              • ^I like their little notes on the pictures. Gives a bit of an insight in the development process and the thought process behind it. Shows how deliberate/planned/controlled PR works so much better than random leaks and off putting scene drama. Manipulative? Maybe. But at least it seems to send the right message and looks very presentable and professional.

                Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                Pretty sure Air-Jesus was something that IGAS set-off from tampering with the game?
                It's a bug from the engine itself. They explained in some post waaaaaay back how it works. Basically, the game engine itself lacks all sorts of interaction functions and when the game does a check to see which type of interaction it should use when you try to interact with most type of objects, it'll more often than ever go with the only scripted action existing in the game engine; "Climb".

                It was worse in the first leaked build (the only other working interaction; "climb down" was borked), probably because the build originates from whenever they were in the middle of tampering with the data for these functions.

                Interesting observation made by other people, regarding no pictures/videos of interaction in later builds. It's not unthinkable that the game engine itself was never brought to such a state that the game ever had any proper interaction systems like that. (And, despite background renders/layouts and scripted cutscenes being done to a variety of degress, the gameplay itself and interaction element of puzzle solving and such still being completely borked and shattered into pieces.)
                Last edited by Carnivol; 10-18-2013, 03:29 AM.


                • it could be, but when you create a trailer you usually show the most exciting parts of the game like shooting monsters or cutscenes, not people getting items or solving puzzles.

                  the same could be said about bioflames source, he wanted to show more cutscenes and backgrounds from the game as possible.


                  • wow, i really like this background, it looks as good as retail

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	1383288_222879511206322_822736941_n.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	31.7 KB
ID:	403351


                    • Interesting, to say the least.


                      • Originally posted by warren View Post
                        wow, i really like this background, it looks as good as retail

                        very nice !!


                        • Amazing work! Wonder if it is actually based on (publicly unknown) source material...


                          • I just spread the word about Team IGAS and RE 1.5 to a couple other forums. Got to keep the likes coming, can't wait for more screens of the game.

                            "A can of fizz. It's sure to yellow and mellow those things." - Barry Burton


                            • The size of Leon doesn't fit with the dimension of the room. And the mask of the chair doesn't work properly. Out of that, the design of this room is impresive and I'm sure those little mistakes will be corrected in the final version.
                              Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


                              • It was from an early test according to the description on Facebook.

