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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by 90s Gamer View Post
    At least it's not a 3D Realms "When it's done" ...
    Yea, and ending up turning out to be a flying steaming piece of cow dung too. (Duke Nukem Forever)
    Visit the Resident Evil 1.5 wiki and contribute to (Hopefully), a central zone for all 1.5 info.


    • Originally posted by ajrich17901 View Post
      No idea why they wanna keep showing early stuff xD I'd rather see how much they have progressed to this point.
      because is no fun to show finished product that people can not play
      also people are clamor the what could have been. maybe when we make release of game and people say "i think old igas build look so much better" and we can say "no. is garbage"


      • All of this stuff is a billion times better than RE4,5, and 6.
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        • Originally posted by RetroRain View Post
          All of this stuff is a billion times better than RE4,5, and 6.
          This x 1.000.000...

          Quite frankly, I haven't looked so much forward to a Resident Evil title since...Zero...


          • Originally posted by 90s Gamer View Post
            This x 1.000.000...

            Quite frankly, I haven't looked so much forward to a Resident Evil title since...Zero...
            My thoughts exactly.
            Zero was the final RE game I looked forward too. While I loved outbreak, it was not exactly on par with the games released before it.
            Visit the Resident Evil 1.5 wiki and contribute to (Hopefully), a central zone for all 1.5 info.


            • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
              Also this looks to be the furthest spot in the room. When you look through the shades, you can see a window, so I assume the character is the furthest end of the room.

              Judging from the image, I would say the room in in three sections. I've worked out the first room shown (where Leon is) but don't know what else there is.


              Seems reasonable to me. I have a different interpretation, however:

              Click image for larger version

Name:	RPD_medical_map.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	8.2 KB
ID:	403390


              • Originally posted by RetroRain View Post
                All of this stuff is a billion times better than RE4,5, and 6.
                and this is not a personal choice, this is technically so much better than these games.


                • Originally posted by yurieu View Post
                  this is technically so much better than these games.
                  Well "technically" speaking, each new installment in the series is an improvement over the last.


                  • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                    Seems reasonable to me. I have a different interpretation, however:

                    I think the same.
                    Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


                    • Originally posted by ajrich17901 View Post
                      No idea why they wanna keep showing early stuff xD I'd rather see how much they have progressed to this point.
                      It's still something we haven't seen before though, which is fine by me. If they showed all of their progress, it would spoil a lot.

                      Originally posted by 90s Gamer View Post
                      Quite frankly, I haven't looked so much forward to a Resident Evil title since...Zero...
                      This will be my first haha.


                      • Originally posted by 90s Gamer View Post
                        This x 1.000.000...

                        Quite frankly, I haven't looked so much forward to a Resident Evil title since...Zero...
                        Same, but I was looking REALLY towards the N64 version. I remember checking the game store back in the late 90s always asking if they had any new info on the release date, lol.

                        "A can of fizz. It's sure to yellow and mellow those things." - Barry Burton


                        • This tune looks so 1.5ish.


                          • Originally posted by yurieu View Post
                            This tune looks so 1.5ish.

                            For some reason, I feel I heard a remix of that song in Outbreak File 2 in the Underbelly Chapter.
                            Visit the Resident Evil 1.5 wiki and contribute to (Hopefully), a central zone for all 1.5 info.


                            • Originally posted by AJM Ruler View Post
                              I was looking REALLY towards the N64 version. I remember checking the game store back in the late 90s always asking if they had any new info on the release date, lol.
                              Me too. It looked so amazing. Hell, to me it still looks amazing.


                              • I have a suggestion by the way for Team IGAS...

                                The outdoor ambiance soundtrack of the BioHazard 2 Trial Edition is more fitting than the retail one I think. This can be heard on the helipad for instance. There isn't that distinct noise (scream I believe) in the minimalistic Trial Edition track where crows can be heard in the background.

