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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
    Uhhhh, I believe, like the female zombies, this model was still in the vanilla build? So it's not really their interpretation.
    On facebook they said they made it from scratch. I've never noticed that knife though, it's crazy how many new things people keep discovering after all these years.


    • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
      On facebook they said they made it from scratch. I've never noticed that knife though, it's crazy how many new things people keep discovering after all these years.
      Oh is that so? Interesting. Had no idea.


      • Originally posted by Renard View Post
        Oh how lewd!~

        I've been interested in what IGAS's interpretation of the back of Leon's jacket looks like. And I wanna see the knife!

        Cool, by the wat where did you find this concept??
        Was in RE2 extras??


        • I never noticed that knife either, from the quality of the photos I would have assumed it was a belt of something, good find! As for the Team not posting, calm down guys, while they have their own lives, perhaps they're also working hard on the project. A few days without pictures doesn't mean they've thrown away the project.


          • Only the first artwork is in the RE2 Gallery

            The reverse one I'm unsure where that came from as it seems different to the one I saw in Archives too.
            Last edited by BiohazardFE; 11-09-2013, 02:18 PM.

            "Beware the friends bearing false gifts and speaking with fork tongues. Poor Four-Eyes!" - Rev, New Dominion Tank Police


            • I was searching through Google Images a while ago because I was curious about Leon's jacket outfit. I found it in this very thread and saved it. It was originally posted by Biohazard 1995 on Page 38. I'm surprised some haven't seen it yet, but it was over a year ago. Here's the original post:

              Originally posted by Biohazard 1995 View Post
              Old Concept Art (Leon):

              Chief Irons' Office


              • Thanks Renard, I was sure I'd seen it in higher resolution before but it escapes me where and when.

                Here's another one.

                "Beware the friends bearing false gifts and speaking with fork tongues. Poor Four-Eyes!" - Rev, New Dominion Tank Police


                • Ah, rings a bell! There's so much to learn it's hard to remember it all.


                  • Originally posted by BiohazardFE View Post
                    Thanks Renard, I was sure I'd seen it in higher resolution before but it escapes me where and when.

                    Here's another one.
                    That's from BioHazard Archives Reprint Edition. Original magazine scan:

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	biohazard.archives.reprint.edition.pg254.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	972.5 KB
ID:	403412

                    BioHazard YouTube Channel
                    BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                    • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                      That's from BioHazard Archives Reprint Edition. Original magazine scan:


                      Thanks for that.


                      • I like the "Claire-Elza" mix where it is claire with her down, but she is wearing elza's outfit.
                        Visit the Resident Evil 1.5 wiki and contribute to (Hopefully), a central zone for all 1.5 info.


                        • Since information has slowed, I thought maybe I could ask the more techno friendly people here a couple questions about playing Resident Evil 1.5 when it eventually gets released. Here are my questions:

                          1. I was thinking of burning the game onto some sort of CD/DVD/Whatever works so I can play it possibly on my PS2. What would I need in order to do that? Would my PS2 need to be modded as well or would gameshark or some code breaker thing allow me to play burned games on my PS2 such as RE 1.5?

                          2. My hope is that I can put it in a DVD case with some nice looking box art and add it to my collection. Would said thing be worth the effort, or is there a lot to it?

                          3. If Zombie X is reading this, maybe he can create a nice looking box art for a DVD case that would showcase Resident Evil 1.5 (maybe even saying Resident Evil 1.5 so I can put it between 1 and 2, lol.) You seem to have great skills in photoshop. That would be awesome if you can, I know you were thinking of a PS1 case as well.

                          4. If I wanted a digital release as well, do you think an emulator such as WiiSX for the Wii could handle the entirety that is RE 1.5? The MZDB and the PvB work pretty great the for the most part. I wonder if I will try the actual RE2 and see if that works well or not.

                          If anyone has the know how to answer, you would entirely be grateful to me! Thanks.

                          "A can of fizz. It's sure to yellow and mellow those things." - Barry Burton


                          • Originally posted by AJM Ruler View Post
                            Since information has slowed, I thought maybe I could ask the more techno friendly people here a couple questions about playing Resident Evil 1.5 when it eventually gets released. Here are my questions:

                            1. I was thinking of burning the game onto some sort of CD/DVD/Whatever works so I can play it possibly on my PS2. What would I need in order to do that? Would my PS2 need to be modded as well or would gameshark or some code breaker thing allow me to play burned games on my PS2 such as RE 1.5?

                            2. My hope is that I can put it in a DVD case with some nice looking box art and add it to my collection. Would said thing be worth the effort, or is there a lot to it?

                            3. If Zombie X is reading this, maybe he can create a nice looking box art for a DVD case that would showcase Resident Evil 1.5 (maybe even saying Resident Evil 1.5 so I can put it between 1 and 2, lol.) You seem to have great skills in photoshop. That would be awesome if you can, I know you were thinking of a PS1 case as well.

                            4. If I wanted a digital release as well, do you think an emulator such as WiiSX for the Wii could handle the entirety that is RE 1.5? The MZDB and the PvB work pretty great the for the most part. I wonder if I will try the actual RE2 and see if that works well or not.

                            If anyone has the know how to answer, you would entirely be grateful to me! Thanks.
                            1. Yes, the PS2 needs to be modded either using softmods (Codebreaker or gameshark) or by using modchips. Additionally, you can use swap magic. Either way, make sure to follow a guide online on burning PS1 games, because sometimes they do not burn correctly.

                            2. The effort really depends on you. Nobody can answer that, because this type of this is your opinion. If you want box art and such, go ahead. Id recommend using Nero to design ready to print boxarts.

                            3. -

                            4. Yes, WiiSX already does work. I had it up and running myself on the original gen Wii.
                            Visit the Resident Evil 1.5 wiki and contribute to (Hopefully), a central zone for all 1.5 info.


                            • It's nice to see that Kegluneq, I am sure this has been discussed before but it seems a lot of the art work from Resident Evil: Gaiden takes it's inspiration from the early artwork of Resident Evil 1.5. Maybe I am just seeing things, but the vest Leon wears below looks a lot like his orange vest in the scan.

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	Resident_Evil_Gaiden_Boxart.gif
Views:	1
Size:	61.5 KB
ID:	403413

                              "A can of fizz. It's sure to yellow and mellow those things." - Barry Burton


                              • Sure I can make a DVD box art. I'll start on it tomorrow.
                                My Head-Fi Page

