If you're playing the 40% build on an emulator, you can actually just map out your controller's analog stick to the D-PAD inputs and it works perfectly.
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by NEOMEGA View PostAt first, I didn't think of it anything more then the 1 time use key item but then again why in the world would Claire keep an empty extinguisher in CV, she isn't a firefighter either.
Overthinking is an inevitable issue that will occur during this lengthy time of wait. Peoples imaginations will begin to run wild whether they like it or not then the game gets released and their ideas don't occur and they get disappointed. This, of course isn't IGAS fault, its just unfortunate. But yeah I was just starting to think out of the box for unseen recycled elements. If CV and Outbreak has recycled so much they might be good resources to keep weight on our ideas. I don't know about the team that made CV but I'm sure the devil may cry team that made Outbreak, trying to make the game fit in, especially looked to cancelled RE elements that they can recycle into the game
Also thanks for replying to my post
Well, the game identifies the fire in the rear area of the RPD as a bunch of enemy entities; the game even auto-aims at them. It's likely they planned on having the fire extinguisher as an equippable weapon for putting out the flames. I wonder if IGAS will choose to implement it this way or as just a plain key item.
As for the lab, only the major hallways on B2 are ever accessible when it is burning down. There doesn't seem to be anything notable to block off with flames.Last edited by biohazard_star; 11-13-2013, 12:46 PM.Seibu teh geimu?
That whole "use the fire extinguisher in the Lab" thing might have started with me and my now-down videos, I must admit. At the time, though, it seemed like a sensible idea, given that the fire extinguisher had "ammo" and could be "reloaded" (read - recharged). I looked to CODE: Veronica for inspiration on that issue, since it's the only other RE game I've ever played with a fire extinguisher in it. Just trying to use what's known about RE15 and making reasonable projections from there. Sorry if I confused the issue for anyone.
My idea was that once the explosion in the Lab took place and you finally came out of the shelters, the fire would be so bad that it would block whatever path you wanted to take. You would then grab the nearest fire extinguisher and then use (fire) it at the right spot in the fire (enemies) to clear a path to where you needed to go. The game engine might even be set to re-ignite (respawn) the fire some time after you had put it out, which would require you to clear your path again. Just an idea ... that's all.Last edited by RMandel; 11-13-2013, 08:18 PM.
Originally posted by Zombie_X View PostSure I can make a DVD box art. I'll start on it tomorrow.
I like how it looks like PS2 game art but with a splash of the original playstation. Hope it helps.
"A can of fizz. It's sure to yellow and mellow those things." - Barry Burton
Originally posted by RMandel View PostThat whole "use the fire extinguisher in the Lab" thing might have started with me and my now-down videos, I must admit. At the time, though, it seemed like a sensible idea, given that the fire extinguisher had "ammo" and could be "reloaded" (read - recharged). I looked to CODE: Veronica for inspiration on that issue, since it's the only other RE game I've ever played with a fire extinguisher in it. Just trying to use what's known about RE15 and making reasonable projections from there. Sorry if I confused the issue for anyone.
My idea was that once the explosion in the Lab took place and you finally came out of the shelters, the fire would be so bad that it would block whatever path you wanted to take. You would then grab the nearest fire extinguisher and then use (fire) it at the right spot in the fire (enemies) to clear a path to where you needed to go. The game engine might even be set to re-ignite (respawn) the fire some time after you had put it out, which would require you to clear your path again. Just an idea ... that's all.
Originally posted by RMandel View PostThat whole "use the fire extinguisher in the Lab" thing might have started with me and my now-down videos, I must admit. At the time, though, it seemed like a sensible idea, given that the fire extinguisher had "ammo" and could be "reloaded" (read - recharged). I looked to CODE: Veronica for inspiration on that issue, since it's the only other RE game I've ever played with a fire extinguisher in it. Just trying to use what's known about RE15 and making reasonable projections from there. Sorry if I confused the issue for anyone.
My idea was that once the explosion in the Lab took place and you finally came out of the shelters, the fire would be so bad that it would block whatever path you wanted to take. You would then grab the nearest fire extinguisher and then use (fire) it at the right spot in the fire (enemies) to clear a path to where you needed to go. The game engine might even be set to re-ignite (respawn) the fire some time after you had put it out, which would require you to clear your path again. Just an idea ... that's all.
I didn't even make that connection of the auto aimable flames. I would imagine it wasn't too time consuming for the programmers to animate a fire extinguisher anyway. Just take the flame thrower fire animation from RE1 and which will be given to 1.5 anyway then turn the orange flames white. The physical extinguisher itself would be alittle more complicated. You can always say that this feature was fated to be removed by planned retail like how I image the multiple standard weapon feature like the pipe were going to get. Hence the programmer 80% and Shinji's 60% ideas.
This is just another example of folks in the community taking what is known and making reasonable extrapolations based on that. Still, if you're looking for RE15 stuff in CV, look no farther that the freight conveyor belt system in the Ashford Antarctic base. That appears to be an obvious reuse of an RE15 concept -- possibly the most obvious of all in CV itself, in fact. Name me another RE game before CV that had you get an item from a conveyor belt, and you win the booby prize ... whatever that is. (grin)Last edited by RMandel; 11-14-2013, 07:26 PM.
Animated 2D textures, aka sprites, or in this particular case, "flames", are flagged as enemy entities. This is a result of something commonly referred to as a "Work In Progress" programming.
If these theories were actually true, it'd mean that the fire extinguisher could be aimed at and 'fired' upon enemies, such as zombies, Birkin, etc. This is Resident Evil, not Dead Rising.
If it's of any further indication that WIP programming is being over-analyzed, put this into perspective - in retail Bio2, a cut-scene is triggered to extinguish the flames of a crashed helicopter; it's likely the same could be said for what would have been finalized if Bio1.5 ever came to completion.
If only this imagination could be used to figure out the layout and puzzles of the sewer, or something...I'm a blackstar.
Originally posted by MarkGrass View PostIf these theories were actually true, it'd mean that the fire extinguisher could be aimed at and 'fired' upon enemies, such as zombies, Birkin, etc. This is Resident Evil, not Dead Rising.
But again this is purely spectacle. Just for the amusement of the idea. It's keeping the topic from degrading is it not?
The sewers are simple, there is just not enough for us to go off of without completely going on a tangent. No foundation that can have us looking at retail, the very limited re3 sections and outbreak's sewers for ideas. We have what, a very blurry alligator room, spiders climbing down from vents, and the two room crate puzzle that is quite simple to figure out what its intended for.
I honesly think survivor would b3 a better tie in to 1.5 then it did with 2. In fact I am sure if someone was bold enough they could turn survivor in to a better game. Maybe it should have been 3rd person in the very beginning. Also you can have events and areas that were never in survior in the 1st place.
Originally posted by MarkGrass View PostAnimated 2D textures, aka sprites, or in this particular case, "flames", are flagged as enemy entities. This is a result of something commonly referred to as a "Work In Progress" programming.
If these theories were actually true, it'd mean that the fire extinguisher could be aimed at and 'fired' upon enemies, such as zombies, Birkin, etc. This is Resident Evil, not Dead Rising.
If it's of any further indication that WIP programming is being over-analyzed, put this into perspective - in retail Bio2, a cut-scene is triggered to extinguish the flames of a crashed helicopter; it's likely the same could be said for what would have been finalized if Bio1.5 ever came to completion.
If only this imagination could be used to figure out the layout and puzzles of the sewer, or something...
AFAIK, the sewer layout has already been deduced. Everything falls into place once you realize the sewer map in the 40% build depicts two levels in the same map and that the center room of the sewer has a balcony just like in retail. Although the big question is if there's supposed to be more rooms than what the map is showing, since the two manholes in the RPD do not line up with their respective locations in the sewer map. Could be just the layout designers being lazy though.
As for the general progression and puzzles in the sewer, here's my take on it:
While it's hard to figure out the specifics, the layout and arrangement of the rooms seems to pretty much give away the general progression you're supposed to take.Seibu teh geimu?
Originally posted by RMandel View PostThis is just another example of folks in the community taking what is known and making reasonable extrapolations based on that. Still, if you're looking for RE15 stuff in CV, look no farther that the freight conveyor belt system in the Ashford Antarctic base. That appears to be an obvious reuse of an RE15 concept -- possibly the most obvious of all in CV itself, in fact. Name me another RE game before CV that had you get an item from a conveyor belt, and you win the booby prize ... whatever that is. (grin)PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium