This is interesting! So I guess a complete rework of the sewers can be expected? It makes sense considering it's incomplete nature.
No announcement yet.
Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
A different interpretation from mine, but IGAS is likely much better informed. I'm genuinely curious how old their render is though...
I also noticed something quite peculiar about the "baby gator room" (northwest pool). Notice how far away Leon is from the Camera in the only available image of this area, along with the sections of untextured walls and railing. Clearly this room wasn't finished, but were other camera angles even available to the player? The camera flags seem to be failing here:
Last edited by Enigmatism415; 11-24-2013, 09:45 PM.
Here are some pictures that I've "semi" colour-corrected.
They all still look terrible but it should give you a picture of what it should look like. On some of the images, I used way too much sharpening and others have too much of the TV's scan-lines that I couldn't get rid of. And yes, I understand some of them are still blue or have become too yellow, some just look like complete garbage, I am working on getting them to look nicer. I should do some masking work, that might help.
Originally posted by TableSet View PostSpoiler:
Here are some pictures that I've "semi" colour-corrected.
They all still look terrible but it should give you a picture of what it should look like. On some of the images, I used way too much sharpening and others have too much of the TV's scan-lines that I couldn't get rid of. And yes, I understand some of them are still blue or have become too yellow, some just look like complete garbage, I am working on getting them to look nicer. I should do some masking work, that might help.
Originally posted by V Venom80 View PostWhy are some of you waiting for an 80% build which is incomplete when the Team is clearly working on a Complete Game...makes no sense to me but it has been awhile its already about a month and a half away until 2014 and we still havent even got a Trial demo yet.
There are a lot of reasons why a lot of us want the actual Capcom final build - and that includes the Team, by the way. There are certain questions about what happens in certain parts of RE15 that not even the database compiled by fans over the past two decades can answer. The way the story flows at those points, the way the game might play, certain areas in certain stages that are still missing or not completely understood, and so on. Capcom's actual final build - or the Milestone Build, or the 4.9/5.0 build, or the last build actually compiled, or whatever you want to call it - would probably answer those questions.
There's also the matter of development resources. Both Team IGAS and their, uhmm, "friendly competitors" over at the other board are on record as saying they would like to examine Capcom's final build of RE15 for the resources it might provide for their respective projects. Just by comparing the Inflames image set with what's in the true 40% build, you can see that there's a lot of stuff present in the final build that isn't in the 40% build. The Team would obviously like to look at that stuff in order to make their effort - finish RE15 as a completed retail game - better than it might otherwise be. Even though they've got a lot of talent on their side, and have access to resources that Capcom's original programmers didn't have at the time, they'd still like to look at what they did back then - if only to see how they might do it better. That's another reason for you.
There's also the purist argument - those who think the Team has gotten off track and isn't really doing RE15 like it was intended to be. I don't intend to start all that back up again; I only mention it in passing. There are those out there who want the "real" RE15 (aka Capcom's final build), warts and all, with no fannish interpolations or attempts at reconstruction or whatever. They want the pure final build for whatever reason, same as they wanted the pure 40% plain vanilla build (PVB), and they won't be satisfied until they get it. 'Nuff said, moving on.
Finally, there are those out there - and I suspect this is most folks who are following the RE15 effort/hunt - who simply want to play it, or have it, or whatever. After all, it is THE final build - the way RE15 stood right before it was cancelled. Yes, the Team's build is going to be better, and more polished, and play more like a retail game should - but there's that allure of what might have been, of the way the game actually stood at that time. It's the same thing that kept all those people who drooled over those 40% build magazine images waiting for decades. It exists. It's for real. They want it. Again, 'nuff said.
There's probably more reasons one might list, but I hope that's enough for you to chew on. Anyhow, for a lot of us, for whatever reason, the hunt for the final build of RE15 goes on ... and for any other development builds that might be out there. It'll keep going in some form until either they're found or some other good reason (like a release) comes up not to hunt for them anymore.
Hope that helps.Last edited by RMandel; 11-25-2013, 02:01 AM.
I was expecting a little more hype from IGAS pre-Christmas for some reason, but it's not to be! I guess they are just polishing the gameplay flow for the preview edition, might still be rough around the edges... I'll check in again on 24th Dec.. I'm still hopeful for some kind of 2013 release
Originally posted by TableSet View PostHere are some pictures that I've "semi" colour-corrected.
They all still look terrible but it should give you a picture of what it should look like. On some of the images, I used way too much sharpening and others have too much of the TV's scan-lines that I couldn't get rid of. And yes, I understand some of them are still blue or have become too yellow, some just look like complete garbage, I am working on getting them to look nicer. I should do some masking work, that might help.
Welcome to the boardssigpic
Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post^ The question was about the civilian Leon outfit shown in the picture. The civilian Leon outfit isn't in the 40% build disk, so the team recreated it using official artworks and sketches as a reference.Last edited by ProjectNight; 11-25-2013, 11:14 AM."Project Night" (indie horror game) will be released on January 22, 2015
Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Postto be honest I see this game going the same way card saga wars is , the guys making card saga wars said they are still making it when they can but it's been about 5 or 6 years now , so I would expect IGAS to take just as long , hell they might even just give up without saying a word lol , anything can happen really just have to play the waiting game , but we all have lives ( I hope ) so nothing else to do really , I'm just happy to have the demos and the fan made hacks , that will do for me.
Whereas team IGAS is threading together the pieces while filling in the gaps along the way with their own creations. Making educated guesses based on the little information they have that we don't know, while keeping it original and modern to that ear of gaming. Re-programing enemies so that they are polished and possibly adding elements and creatures (just saying, not official or true) to it of that era of BH gaming.
I understand that this can also have the same fate, BUT given that this game is rare as hell and completely different from the retail BH2 and there is a 15 year demand for this, why wouldn't they keep working on it? I'm pretty damn sure they paid good money for this and to just give up will be time wasted on their side. And also all of those valuable info they have/know that we don't know would be wasted too. Come on they had a connection to a direct source! Not many people can get that.
Just like they said, the worst case scenario would be them releasing all of their work before the restoration is completed. Meaning they will keep working on this no matter how long it takes until it's finished or until some other shit comes up and they're forced to release all of their stuff in raw forms, meaning that the info they have are valuable.
From my observations, the speed of development all depends on the background artist(s). The programming skills working on this project seem to be exceptional and I'm sure the engine is in a very good working state by now, far greater than the PSM build can offer which at least gives them a solid platform to be working from, possibly even better than the Bioflames build at this point. They have the tools to modify rooms, add boundaries, adjust camera angles, add mask layers, add text, write script, implement items, they have the tools and the means for just about everything they need to actually make a game; what they need of course is the fully rendered rooms to make the critical adjustments and without those, progress will grind along and even their project wont make it passed prototype stages. I'd imagine whoever is building the game is fully competent with their tools, they're just limited to the resources they have available, and if the artists don't have renders for let's say, the sewers, then they can't do anything but build basic rooms with rough outlines of everything of the above.
For what it's worth I think this project is actually coming along at a good pace, they've certainly achieved a lot in the short amount of time the game has been available and had there been enough backgrounds to work with we would have seen a whole lot more by now, but doing so much art for such a small team is very time consuming and it's understandable that they want to achieve a certain standard. Four years is the average completion time for a project of this nature and they've done all this in less than two, I'd say they're doing a pretty good job. When it's ready is the official statement they made, let's stick to that and stop getting hopes up every time a holiday comes along.
From my observations, [speculation]IGAS is nearly finished with the Preview Version[/speculation], and the fact that they released a 3D Drains map might even be a hint to that effect. The fully completed game itself will likely take a very long time to complete, but the Preview Version alone will make a huge splash in the gaming world and might lead to many interesting (and perhaps very good) things. I am really anticipating not only the Preview Version, but the response it gets from the gaming community at large and Capcom itself.
Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View PostFrom my observations, [speculation]IGAS is nearly finished with the Preview Version[/speculation], and the fact that they released a 3D Drains map might even be a hint to that effect. The fully completed game itself will likely take a very long time to complete, but the Preview Version alone will make a huge splash in the gaming world and might lead to many interesting (and perhaps very good) things. I am really anticipating not only the Preview Version, but the response it gets from the gaming community at large and Capcom itself.Last edited by Guest; 11-25-2013, 07:27 PM.
Originally posted by V Venom80 View PostWhy are some of you waiting for an 80% build which is incomplete when the Team is clearly working on a Complete Game
Ask that question at im sure they will go into alot more detail about it lol
Originally posted by Don Piano View PostWhat kind of question is that?, its a more stable version of an unreleased resident evil game. There is alot of people who are interested in beta's and prototype versions of games so to them the 80% version still means alot because its unedited and capcoms original work, nothing purist or anything about that attitude because im also looking forward to the IGAS version.
Ask that question at im sure they will go into alot more detail about it lolVisit the Resident Evil 1.5 wiki and contribute to (Hopefully), a central zone for all 1.5 info.