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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
    I can't masturbate to this.
    You are one of the smartest people here, you can do it!

    "A can of fizz. It's sure to yellow and mellow those things." - Barry Burton


    • Originally posted by Ohmycod View Post
      Actions speak louder than words.

      Yes fair to you. You have made it perfectly clear that you are willing to take any bone thrown at you. Forgive me but when a group of people start getting more commercial with things it usually means trouble, and another thing how exactly do you know IGAS aren't making money out of their screenshots? You don't. Nor can you answer that because as you said yourself, the team isn't transparent with what they do for good reasons. Probably one of the things you did say that is true.

      Yes I know, and as I said I am not demanding anything, merely questioning their motives. Something you probably missed in your childish haste to respond to the questioning of the messiah.

      Let me see now, they haven't posted a lot in this forum for a little while and now they seem to want likes to post images on facebook. I think the evidence speaks for itself really as to where the media seems to have moved to.

      Indeed and it really shits me that when someone questions something people attack them. Questioning something is not demanding something, or if your australian education has taught you that then perhaps you should read a dictionary to differentiate between questioning and demanding. Questioning is to ask a fair question, and demanding is to demand something forcefully and expect not to be refused. I haven't done that once. What I have also done is comment on the fact that their motives do not speak of honesty, and that is actually something known as a comment. A comment which the last time I checked was the purpose of a forum.

      Because of uneducated children like you I seldom come here.

      Since when did I mention or question anyone that has earned a place in the loop? You have changed the subject now.

      Yes it irritates me too which is another reason why I seldom post in here.

      Just a cracker head Australian that doesn't believe in free speech or the questioning of the change in motives of a so called open and honest development team.

      Money for posts and likes? "Cracker head Australian"?

      Grow the fuck up and stop acting like people owe you something.
      I'm a blackstar.


      • I think taking the game to facebook was a great idea. Barely anyone knows about this project, let alone the game. By setting up the page, they have managed to make more people outside of the niche fanbase aware about it and generated more discussion about the game. More PR never hurt anyone, especially an obscure cancelled 17-year old game. Also, we have literally seen more than half of what the game has to offer, thanks to media, assets and info that have been shared to the public over the years; they really only have so much leeway for showing the rest of what they have made before they spoil what little they have left to remain unspoiled.

        Lastly, at 1,500 likes, you ain't earning jack shit from facebook. I think the fact that they have set the bar at 100 likes per update speaks volumes about how many people they expect to be interested in the game. Even the Youtube page, which is more than a year old now, hasn't even broken past half a million. :/
        Last edited by biohazard_star; 11-27-2013, 09:43 AM.
        Seibu teh geimu?


        • Facebook is a great place to spread word about the game, as biohazard_star said: they're not earning anything with that amount of likes. Maybe they moved because this thread was becoming really cluttered with drama and hate, a lot of people were only here to find out about how the Team are doing with their project and that's fair enough. With the Facebook page there's no drama and you don't have to dig through hundreds of posts to find out updates on the project.


          • Originally posted by MichelleRockz View Post
            I seriously can't understand why people here are so impatient, it's not like the world's gonna end if you don't receive 1.5 next month...
            Hey, we could all die tomorrow. :p


            • ^Yeah. Taking it to Facebook seems to've allowed them to meet a more mature audience and people less nutjobby than some of the stuff they've clearly had to put up with in the fan communities every day.

              Guess it truly does help (a little) in terms of avoiding stupidity when people have to put their name onto something so all their friends get to see it too. It's kind of funny that I generally get the feeling that whenever someone does something like that (appealing to a wider audience, that is ), some of the fans feel like stuff is being taken away from them. So rather than participating as part of the senior authorities on a subject amongst the new audience, they just gather up in a corner and bitch and moan about stuff ... Not exactly the hightlight of the party, also not something that'll ever make it to the list of things that were positive and memorable about the party either.

              Originally posted by Ohmycod View Post
              Actions speak louder than words.
              If only we'd had less people who took their own time and money and combined it with their connections and talents to not only acquire stuff and accomplish things, free of charge, but also share it with the public whenever they can, and more people like you, who'd rather just bitch, moan, second guessing, and never be pleased by the accomplishments and free offerings of others (Especially those who have a long history of already sharing stuff with the public). 'Cause clearly, there's no such thing as charity, only an ulterior motive to spread aids.
              Last edited by Carnivol; 11-27-2013, 01:04 PM.


              • Originally posted by Ohmycod View Post
                Actions speak louder than words.

                Yes fair to you. You have made it perfectly clear that you are willing to take any bone thrown at you. Forgive me but when a group of people start getting more commercial with things it usually means trouble, and another thing how exactly do you know IGAS aren't making money out of their screenshots? You don't. Nor can you answer that because as you said yourself, the team isn't transparent with what they do for good reasons. Probably one of the things you did say that is true.
                Sure I'm willing to take anything thrown at me. You say this like it's an insult. I haven't been working tirelessly to find 1.5 and then restore it. I DON'T DESERVE TO HAVE ANY INPUT. Deference is a good characteristic to have at times, and knowing when to show it. Entitlement is exactly what ruined previous chances at 1.5 in the past. Granted it also got it leaked more recently, but how many people lost a lot of money because of it?

                Tell me how they you think they've been monetizing their screenshots? You haven't even given people a scenario (plausible or otherwise) to level that accusation. And if they are so what? Why do you care? What if they were even using that money to put it back into the development project? All speculation on my part, but not all hidden motives are necessarily working against your goals.

                Indeed and it really shits me that when someone questions something people attack them. Questioning something is not demanding something, or if your australian education has taught you that then perhaps you should read a dictionary to differentiate between questioning and demanding. Questioning is to ask a fair question, and demanding is to demand something forcefully and expect not to be refused. I haven't done that once. What I have also done is comment on the fact that their motives do not speak of honesty, and that is actually something known as a comment. A comment which the last time I checked was the purpose of a forum.
                You can't resolve questioning and demanding that easily. No one asks a question not hoping for an answer. And the way one words a question conveys the response that's desired. Your original question "why exactly can we not have a working trial now?" is demanding by it's nature. If you think that's not demanding then you're naive. And saying (to paraphrase) "I'm not demanding but..." doesn't remove the tone of the question.

                Since when did I mention or question anyone that has earned a place in the loop? You have changed the subject now.
                Who else but someone in the loop could answer your question regarding why you can't have your trial edition? Were you asking other members of the forum for speculation and input? Because that kind of question could have been asked a whole lot differently...

                Just a cracker head Australian that doesn't believe in free speech or the questioning of the change in motives of a so called open and honest development team.
                Not sure where IGAS ever said they were open and honest. From what I've heard they wanted to be clandestine and were annoyed when the project was made public on facebook.

                I love freedom of speech so much I'll let your blatant racism sit here. How's that?


                • Originally posted by Ohmycod View Post
                  Actions speak louder than words.

                  Yes fair to you. You have made it perfectly clear that you are willing to take any bone thrown at you. Forgive me but when a group of people start getting more commercial with things it usually means trouble, and another thing how exactly do you know IGAS aren't making money out of their screenshots? You don't. Nor can you answer that because as you said yourself, the team isn't transparent with what they do for good reasons. Probably one of the things you did say that is true.

                  Yes I know, and as I said I am not demanding anything, merely questioning their motives. Something you probably missed in your childish haste to respond to the questioning of the messiah.

                  Let me see now, they haven't posted a lot in this forum for a little while and now they seem to want likes to post images on facebook. I think the evidence speaks for itself really as to where the media seems to have moved to.

                  Indeed and it really shits me that when someone questions something people attack them. Questioning something is not demanding something, or if your australian education has taught you that then perhaps you should read a dictionary to differentiate between questioning and demanding. Questioning is to ask a fair question, and demanding is to demand something forcefully and expect not to be refused. I haven't done that once. What I have also done is comment on the fact that their motives do not speak of honesty, and that is actually something known as a comment. A comment which the last time I checked was the purpose of a forum.

                  Because of uneducated children like you I seldom come here.

                  Since when did I mention or question anyone that has earned a place in the loop? You have changed the subject now.

                  Yes it irritates me too which is another reason why I seldom post in here.

                  Just a cracker head Australian that doesn't believe in free speech or the questioning of the change in motives of a so called open and honest development team.
                  Christ, just shut up and don't fucking come back here. No one needs, or wants your garbage


                  • Originally posted by meer View Post
                    Christ, just shut up and don't fucking come back here. No one needs, or wants your garbage
                    And you are?...
                    Last edited by Rick Hunter; 11-27-2013, 05:03 PM.


                    • ohmycod is a troll, don't feed him, just let him starve.


                      • This thread has become a joke.


                        • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                          And you are?...
                          Please don't goad him


                          • I am also very much looking forward to the upcoming preview, but will never complain about the long wait. What would that achieve? Only annoyed people on the forum. The software doesn't compile itself by screaming at it. And you cannot force a creative process because that in itself is uncreative.


                            • Sure I'm willing to take anything thrown at me. You say this like it's an insult.
                              As it was meant. I posted my thoughts on the matter and my doubts at where this project is going and all you do is attack me for speaking my mind, do you really believe in free speech?! Free speech usually means don't jump down a persons throat for speaking!

                              Tell me how they you think they've been monetizing their screenshots?
                              Whether they are or not, no one knows because as you said they are not transparent for good reasons. Nor did I say for certain they were I just said it was possible. The fact is when you dangle carrots for people it is not a fair thing to do. Any public updates of a project should be free for any fans that are interested, and whether or not they are making money from likes on facebook, asking people to like them for updates just seems wrong to me. Surely they know by now or have probably even estimated how many people in the world would be interested in 1.5. We have had pages and pages of screenshots and information by IGAS, and now it just seems to of gone over to facebook where likes reveal a prize? This change in attitude does concern me on the future of this prototype. What is to stop IGAS turning around and saying 1.5 is finished now pay us for it?

                              You can't resolve questioning and demanding that easily. No one asks a question not hoping for an answer.
                              No they don't but whether they get an answer or not it's still a question. Since I said what I did not really expecting an answer it makes it a question.

                              ohmycod is a troll, don't feed him, just let him starve.
                              If it's one thing I will say about selfish, it is that he didn't call someone with an opinion or thought of their own a troll!


                              • This thread has become a joke.
                                Yes people with an opinion are verbally attacked on sight.

