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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Oh man this thread should be closed again until the team releases their game, these ridiculous discussions are getting nowhere.


    • Most of their actions seems to've been strictly reactionary and mostly information control (in the form of correcting misinformation). Doubt there's a way to monitize likes on Facebook, unless you somehow own stocks in an ad company that has ads on Facebook. And no one's asked people to like them on Facebook for any other purpose than to "spread the word." They do ask if people would use the "share" feature instead of just stealing/copying their images when posting on Facebook, but then again, using the sharing feature is just common decensy anyway, as with all forms of journalism, blogging, whatever; citing your a source of something is just common courtesy. They've clearly had a thing for numbers ever since last Christmas, so I don't see the problem with them releasing a new piece of media everytime a "round" number is met ... unless you're somehow a person who intensively hates them for whatever reason and doesn't want 1.5 to be common knowledge or something (Makes you feel special, being part of the "Club 1.5"?)


      • Originally posted by Ohmycod View Post
        As it was meant. I posted my thoughts on the matter and my doubts at where this project is going and all you do is attack me for speaking my mind, do you really believe in free speech?! Free speech usually means don't jump down a persons throat for speaking!
        Free speech means that you have the right to say whatever you want yes. That doesn't make the speaker immune from criticism or responses from others. Not all opinions are equal.

        Whether they are or not, no one knows because as you said they are not transparent for good reasons. Nor did I say for certain they were I just said it was possible. The fact is when you dangle carrots for people it is not a fair thing to do. Any public updates of a project should be free for any fans that are interested, and whether or not they are making money from likes on facebook, asking people to like them for updates just seems wrong to me.
        But fairness doesn't need to come into the equation. They haven't promised new screenshots for every 100 likes. They've just happened to release screenshots every 100 likes (and if I recall correctly the first few were reposts or similar to things from things seen here) - they are under no obligation to continue this. I have never seem IGAS solicit publicity (as I said in the last post my impression was the opposite). At the moment we get screenshots. If they stop we don't. I personally think this is a good thing. You may see it as kowtowing or settling for less; but I don't have any clout to change this, so I wait patiently.
        I don't think anyone is dangling a carrot. Think of it maybe like a rat in a Skinner box. All the rat knows is that if it pushes the lever it happens gets food. There's been no explicit promise of food, and the relationship between the two can be violated any time by the experimenter. But the little rat has learned and keeps doing what brings it what it wants. To further the analogy, the rat can do nothing when the food is taken away. It's totally beholden to the people with power...

        My personal thoughts on the matter (not that any one asked) are no publicity - not even a trial. Any effort gone into making the trial will just slow down the ultimate release. And upon release the trial will be redundant anyways (if it is just a small sampling). I'm happy if the team has no public appearance here, facebook, or anywhere else online. The fact that they do it though pleases me.

        Surely they know by now or have probably even estimated how many people in the world would be interested in 1.5. We have had pages and pages of screenshots and information by IGAS, and now it just seems to of gone over to facebook where likes reveal a prize? This change in attitude does concern me on the future of this prototype.
        I think if the likes stop coming the project will keep on going. I personally don't see how making publicity is such a big deal. And I don't actually think there is that much interest in 1.5 outside a very zealous and vocal but small group. For instance the Japanese community apparently hasn't shown a whole lot of interest in it ever. IGAS is only at 1500 likes, whereas the official Resident Evil page is at 5,544,424. I can't speak for the team but I don't think their motive is money and fame.

        What is to stop IGAS turning around and saying 1.5 is finished now pay us for it?
        Nothing. Despite all our rage we're still just rats in a cage.
        Last edited by TheSelfishGene; 11-27-2013, 08:13 PM.


        • Originally posted by TheSelfishGene View Post
          Nothing. Despite all our rage we're still just rats in a cage.
          The world is a vampire.

          Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
          Oh man this thread should be closed again until the team releases their game, these ridiculous discussions are getting nowhere.

's disheartening to realize that this game brings out the worst in everyone, even after public availability.

          I sincerely believe that everyone needs a break from this topic, at least, for a little while. Maybe not until the next update, but a few days, maybe a week or two would do everyone a huge favor.
          I'm a blackstar.


          • From the IGAS facebook page.
            This thread will be reopened soon...


            • Thread re-opened!


              • Click image for larger version

Name:	biohazard008.JPG
Views:	3
Size:	46.9 KB
ID:	403470

                Originally posted by Team IGAS
                ^ Archive room. - S.
                I guess they've veered a bit from the original design in the spirit of consistent nomenclature. What do y'all think of this change?


                • looks good to me. we dont know if that room is really blue or not. the ridiculous ancient camera picture and tv don't help.


                  • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                    looks good to me. we dont know if that room is really blue or not. the ridiculous ancient camera picture and tv don't help.
                    The room itself looks damn near spot-on (the only big geometrical difference I see is that the Radio Room door's trim is visible in the original image), but I was referring to the signage; the original 'media room' has been changed to 'archive room', which is how the team officially refers to it in the translated debug menu.


                    • Ohhhh, hmm....
                      I would have put evidence room on there myself. but its a small change. tbh i think archive sounds better and makes more sense than media


                      • Great to see this topic is open again how is everyone?

                        Now if only the team has the trial demo finished by christmas would be a great christmas gift dont u all agree?

                        One can only dream lol.


                        • Originally posted by V Venom80 View Post
                          Great to see this topic is open again how is everyone?

                          Now if only the team has the trial demo finished by christmas would be a great christmas gift dont u all agree?

                          One can only dream lol.
                          It would be nice to have, but after what had happened last Christmas, I don't think the Team will be announcing any official dates as of now.

                          I hope the Demo - whenever it is finished is released by surprise. No announcements or dates, just out of nowhere. I think it would be better that way.

                          Nice to see the topic open again though! Welcome back everyone.


                          • Originally posted by Akimbo View Post
                            It would be nice to have, but after what had happened last Christmas...
                            What happened last Christmas?


                            • Failed deadlines.


                              • Essentially IGAS planing to release a big update on Christmas and they had some technical issues. People got upset. That's about it.

                                Here's the DVD case that some of you wanted:

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	case2 copy2.png
Views:	1
Size:	1.78 MB
ID:	403471
                                My Head-Fi Page

