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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Last edited by Guest; 12-20-2013, 12:29 PM.
Originally posted by Zombie_X View PostI'm going to be the jackass here and say it's their own fault that people get pissed. If they plan something and build it up and then it gets delayed last second, of course people will be disappointed and get pissed. Look at Xmas last year, that's a prime example. People flipped their shit when they found out it will be delayed.
I agree that they should not announce anything of the such as it only creates headaches for everyone. Not bashing the guys but sometimes its best not to build up stuff or announce stuff if it won't meet the deadline planned. Now the Xmas incident was different as it was from technical issues BUT that video should have been finished in advance a while. It seemed like they did it at the last minute as they didn't update us before hand and people say waiting all day for an update.Last edited by Guest; 12-20-2013, 12:45 PM.
People DO after all have real lives to live hehe - Sure would be NICE to get at least a new pic or two for Xmas, but if not - who cares..
I'd rather they concentrate on making the game itself so it'll be released earlier at least.."I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"
friend gave fuel to the fire but do not bother a good year and we have two beta of the game and there were two new images of the team but it is annoying that none of the members do not say anything about how the game goes, i already half ready or even much methane as Dortor lack birkin and Mr zork was silecion that bothers me so I ask you meno not tell how your work and so we calmed more
Originally posted by drunkdog View PostThe fact anyone gets mad about something they're getting for free is laughable in the first place. NONE of us have anything to be mad about. We're not fucking entitled to anything that the team has and you people act like we are. This place is fucking ridiculous,.(sorry let me rephrase that, this place is awesome but when it comes to anything 1.5 related it's fucking ridiculous)
For me, I'll be honest and say I was a little disappointed, but we don't have to get anything. It's not like we paid them and they are taking forever, this is all for free..
Anyways lets get back to the main discussion. Enough bad memories here.
Originally posted by Jesus Romero View Posta good year and we have two beta of the game and there were two new images of the team
Now, if IGAS indeed have something in store for Xmas, that'd be great. But in no way are they obligated to give us anything.
I think I missed the info about the sewers but are these sewers in our version the final 1.5 sewers or are these replaced before the 80% build? From what I understand, the old, green sewers were created for- and only for- the era 2 build and they looked more like the retail sewers. They then begun the sewers from scratch from era 3 to final which is the grey/traditional styled sewers we see in our version.
Yes the green sewers were from an earlier build and seem to be scrapped altogether. The newer tan sewers are final.
^PCSX2 emulator or a PS2 that can play back-ups using swap magic/HDD/modchip. Both games work online again. You'll need the Japanese version of the games though, as the EU/US versions of the games aren't compatible with the fan server; there's an English translation patch for them though.Seibu teh geimu?
Since they run on different server programs. US version runs on SNAP, JP version on KDDI. The fan servers were developed from packet captures which were obtained from the original JP servers when they were still up and running. No packet captures from the US version of the servers have yet to turn up.Last edited by biohazard_star; 12-21-2013, 12:42 PM.Seibu teh geimu?