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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • It's funny how people question things in various ways. I mean, take News Bot here, for instance, me and him have had a good amount of arguements (and me being the greatest of them all; straight out ban him when I grow tired of it ), but if there's one thing I rarely do is; question his sources for stuff (at least not after he started citing stuff on the P-U articles, which was the one thing the site lacked during birth. As far as I'm concerned, he doesn't have anything to prove to me on that front anymore. How he interprets stuff is a completely different case, though, but the discussion there is mostly civil. Now, the type of shit and conspiracy-level speculation bullshit I see people pull regarding some of this 1.5 stuff is just borderline retarded and the type of shit I'd expect to either read in tabloids or see as part of some weird Bizarro version of Days of Our Lives focused on video games.

    Originally posted by RMandel View Post
    Ahhhhhh ... how I miss the days when things were less known, the community was less polarized, and we could engage in free-form speculation and best guesses without everybody jumping down each other's throat.
    To be honest, the fanbase has always been like this (to a certain extent), it just got a little weirder when everyone were moaning about prototypes rather than news/media related to upcoming titles or weird regional exclusive stuff that "back then" was hard to track down (or even share; due to bandwidth/size restrictions) -- heck, you even see people moan about fucking prototypes for games they've not even played, 'cause, somehow, they're more interested in being "first to the party", rather than experiencing a great game others have played before them -- and, of course, the worst was when the focus on new media was about whether or not Jill's nose was identical to her previous incarnation(s), rather than whether or not everything else in the picture could tell us something new about the game.
    Last edited by Carnivol; 01-09-2014, 07:35 PM.


    • Hey I am new here so I apologize but I was wondering, is there a specific website that we can download the latest build of team Igas progress? I have been searching aimlessly on the internet for it and I would much rather have one site that stays up to date on their progress. So is there a site that can keep me up to date, I would love to get my hands on this game when the final build comes out.


      • ^Their Facebook page (and possibly Zork's YouTube?) is probably the best place to monitor if you don't want to miss a thing.


        • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
          It's funny how people question things in various ways. I mean, take News Bot here, for instance, me and him have had a good amount of arguements (and me being the greatest of them all; straight out ban him when I grow tired of it ), but if there's one thing I rarely do is; question his sources for stuff (at least not after he started citing stuff on the P-U articles, which was the one thing the site lacked during birth. As far as I'm concerned, he doesn't have anything to prove to me on that front anymore. How he interprets stuff is a completely different case, though, but the discussion there is mostly civil. Now, the type of shit and conspiracy-level speculation bullshit I see people pull regarding some of this 1.5 stuff is just borderline retarded and the type of shit I'd expect to either read in tabloids or see as part of some weird Bizarro version of Days of Our Lives focused on video games.
          You'll need to drop the passive-aggressive insults if you want to have anything resembling to a civil discussion because I'm having a very difficult time understanding what you're trying to say. What type of conspiracy-level speculation bullshit are you speaking about here?

          At the risk of sounding a pretentious ass, I'm getting the idea you have no clue what the implications of a source might be. Either that, or I'm having some problems communicating its importance. For example, and I'm glad you brought News Bot into this, I had some discussions with News Bot months ago regarding the conceptual stages of BioHazard 4 (Devil May Cry vers., Fog/Castle vers. and Hallucination vers.). At the time, I was speculating on the game on many levels while News Bot was trying to clarify some issues without compromising what he was allowed to share. Although I pressured on the issue of the sources (mainly due to how scrambled Kamiya's how memory regarding BH4 DMC was in his public statements on Twitter), I respected that he could not provide them. I did not question if what he was telling me was legit or not. I understand how sensitive these matters are. The exception was one time when what he claimed directly contradicted the public statements of someone who worked in VA department and had access to his character's information regarding the condition of said character. The source here was important to assert which one of the claims were more legit.

          Extrapolating this to IGAS' project (because that's what I'm focusing on here), it is important to understand if some things will be a product of fanwaking or a legit model out of something tangible. Going back to the Drains example. Let's say that the layout and pre-rendering of the Drains is backed by something. First question. What is that thing?

          1.) A screenshot;
          2.) a conceptual artwork;
          3.) a draft;
          4.) the memory of someone who played it

          Second question (and subsequent questions) for each and every one of these things:

          1.) How good of a resolution/quality is that screenshot? Are these complete segments or only portions of it? Can all enemies, items, details, events and anything else pertaining to level design be shaped accordingly to these screenshots?
          2.) What does that conceptual artwork refer to? The early stages of an area or location? Can other conceptual artworks be cross-checked with other available locations to assert if what's being used is somewhat representative of the final area?
          3.) What information does the draft contain? A rough description of the location? Can an acceptable mental image from a location be crafted out of it? How much is stated about that location, beyond a layout, in that draft?
          4.) How fresh is that memory? Is it 1 hour old, a year old or 10 years old? The american journalists that got a chance to play the full BH1.5 at TGS 1997 almost fifteen years ago barely remember anything from it.

          And this could go on. What the source is important to assert the level of recreation involved in such a project. Nobody is going to be questioning where that came from, what method was used to obtain that resource, what did the contact do for a living at the time it got that resource, and whatever other irrelevant shit someone can cook-up. But there needs to be some degree of explanation, otherwise there's nothing stopping someone from classifying the whole project as half BH1.5 half fanwaking. And if IGAS really wants to fanwank, they'd be better off using a refined game engine than BH1.5's shitty one.

          BioHazard YouTube Channel
          BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


          • Generally, voice actors aren't great sources of anything. They interpret the script, sometimes with little insight or context. In Mercier's case, he recalled a generic death sequence rather than a story event.

            We have two sources against him, one that worked directly on the scenario itself and another who oversaw Mercier's performance in the first place. Not much I can say beyond that, though (and you know I'd love to).
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • ^Yeah. Voice actors are usually external and working in the dark more than anyone else on a project (Heck, I've even been on a few projects were lines were deliberately recorded in ways that ensured actors couldn't spoil stuff). At least back in the non-Hollywood era of AAA games we're in now, they'd get a script, sometimes basic context info (videos if they're extremely lucky, but usually only on loc projects for already released titles), and, if they were super-lucky, they'd see a studio director who oversaw the recording process. Dialog for many video games are often even recorded long before everything's set in stone, with a few pick ups recorded at a later date, sometimes old lines are sliced and diced and repurposed too. I bet people who did voice recoding for XCOM: The Bureau had no clue what the game was about or at least what ended up becoming of their recording sessions, 'cause all VA and the dialog script for that game sounds like it was recorded for a completely different game than what it ended up getting used in.

              Either way, talking to actors (or any other external service provider) who worked on stuff is still often curiously insightful and tends to be the source of many amusing anecdotes.

              Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
              You'll need to drop the passive-aggressive insults if you want to have anything resembling to a civil discussion because I'm having a very difficult time understanding what you're trying to say. What type of conspiracy-level speculation bullshit are you speaking about here?

              At the risk of sounding a pretentious ass, I'm getting the idea you have no clue what the implications of a source might be.
              The joys of drunk posting = Incomprehensibility

              Anyway, yes, it does make you sound like a prentious ass (or more like a complete moron, since we're in the midst of being honest here) when you say you're getting the idea that I have no clue what th eimplications of a source might be ;D

              Now, there are few people I'd say I'd blindly trust, but there are some, who generally have nothing to benefit from lying and who've through their actions, contributions and/or line of work earned a level of general public trust that I feel only the complete ignorance and/or sheer assholeness of certain individuals somehow manages to negate by projecting unneeded amounts of doubt upon. I've kinda said this before; it's just mind-boggling how someone suddenly needs excessive and borderline privileged amounts of evidence when they see something they don't like, but will blindly gobble up anything if it's something they like the sound of. (Of course, "Look, someone is wrong on the Internet!" is a horrible uphill battle not really worth fighting)

              Yes. I've become horribly vocal about my opinion of certain aspects of the community, part of it comes from the fact that THIA had to deal with a lot of silly stuff back when we did releases of various stuff and frequent media updates ... and how we're now seeing history repeat itself with how the RE1.5 project is being viewed/treated by certain people (Not to mention the hostality, name-calling, and all that stuff you see from even long time community members in various corners of the RE community). Despite at least one prominent member of that team being a person who's not exactly a newcomer here in our circles, and whom quite a lot of people could vouch for if anyone bothered to ask or people bothered to do at least a little bit of google-fu before starting to throw shit around.

              Anyway, I agree that a certain level of explanation is nice, even insightful (which is more or less the most interesting aspect, if you ask me), but it's just silly to see how hostile and unpleasant some people seem to get just 'cause everything isn't served fresh on a silver platter to them the moment it came through the door. I think it's sad. Tragic. Shameful. Generally just expect better from people.


              • was this already posted ? it was on bzork youtube channel

                just read post where someone make good story. always fun to read when people write fantasy that mistake reality for fiction to get attention. oh. new year. new possibilities. back to work on something soon with someone


                • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                  Coming from the same guy who, despite me being very active and the site's FAQ detailing its entire history, flat-out stated that Project Umbrella was some derivative knock-off by a disgruntled staff member on another site...
                  You're conveniently forgetting that I corrected my error and apologized for my mistake ... but I expect no less from you, News Bot. Including that particular point would have automatically rendered moot your puerile and rather pathetic attempt to insult me. It's okay. I understand. It's just the way you are, and I learned long ago to accept that about you. That's why I'm forgiving you the error of your apparent oversight. Mistakes from News Bot are rare, folks, so mark this occasion well. It may be quite a while before you see another one.

                  I hope the rest of you will pardon me if I take my leave. The air's become too stuffy in here for my likes. Good day.
                  Last edited by RMandel; 01-11-2014, 01:56 AM.


                  • Only after I called you out on it. Also talk about conveniently forgetting:

                    Granted, you've improved.
                    I'll forgive the error of your apparent oversight, of course. Amazing that you complain of an imaginary insult and go on to start throwing them out yourself.
                    Last edited by News Bot; 01-11-2014, 05:29 AM.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • Hey Newsbot im not sure if you're the one to ask this but was William intended to be more challenging in 1.5? And was 1.5 gonna be more challenging overall? From what I understand the idea even from the start was to make 2/1.5 easier then the first game due to the criticisms they got of the difficulty level.
                      Last edited by Deathlygasm; 01-11-2014, 11:19 AM.


                      • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                        Now, there are few people I'd say I'd blindly trust, but there are some, who generally have nothing to benefit from lying and who've through their actions, contributions and/or line of work earned a level of general public trust that I feel only the complete ignorance and/or sheer assholeness of certain individuals somehow manages to negate by projecting unneeded amounts of doubt upon. I've kinda said this before; it's just mind-boggling how someone suddenly needs excessive and borderline privileged amounts of evidence when they see something they don't like, but will blindly gobble up anything if it's something they like the sound of. (Of course, "Look, someone is wrong on the Internet!" is a horrible uphill battle not really worth fighting)

                        Yes. I've become horribly vocal about my opinion of certain aspects of the community, part of it comes from the fact that THIA had to deal with a lot of silly stuff back when we did releases of various stuff and frequent media updates ... and how we're now seeing history repeat itself with how the RE1.5 project is being viewed/treated by certain people (Not to mention the hostality, name-calling, and all that stuff you see from even long time community members in various corners of the RE community). Despite at least one prominent member of that team being a person who's not exactly a newcomer here in our circles, and whom quite a lot of people could vouch for if anyone bothered to ask or people bothered to do at least a little bit of google-fu before starting to throw shit around.
                        You keep putting yourself on a pedestal above all others and writing in that condescending tone of yours, acting like a schizophrenic female version of Charles Kane. You're not making things easier on my end.

                        You're old enough to know this, and given your experience administrating a website, I don't understand how this bothers you so much. People have their own thoughts and their own opinions. This might be your website, you might consider this your little kingdom, you get to enforce the rules around here but what you don't, no matter how much you try, is shape the way people feel towards a certain project. Yes, this community might act like entitled brats sometimes. Heck, I've had my own childish rants from time to time. What I don't do though is piss and moan without a clear objective and insult the members of all the community like a fucking asshole. Just as you dislike seeing people dissing out the work of IGAS, I too dislike seeing an excessive amount of dick-sucking, for the lack of a better term, when insignificant stuff pops up from IGAS while a lot of contributions, little things, are completely ignored and side-tracked. But I don't bitch about it. Instead my "bitching" is more of a call-out so that people don't forget what other members are doing for the community, on such a massive scale that was pretty much unprecedented in the days, and I make sure to point those contributions out. Doesn't really bother that people really love what IGAS is doing - just that they might miss the hard work of other people is all (especially since it's so easy for valuable stuff to be buried in the vaults of the Internet).

                        But going back to things that actually matter.. Given that all of this heated discussion sparked from my misunderstanding of something that News Bot said, which he later clarified to me and you decided to jump in to say something smart and in riddles, I'm only going to ask you this once before making an effort to understand what exactly you're trying to say or dropping this subject altogether. What part of questioning the team bothers you specifically and what situations have you encountered in the past that might fit that (in regards to what I said earlier about sourcing claims, which I assume is what you were referring to)?

                        BioHazard YouTube Channel
                        BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                        • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                          But going back to things that actually matter.. Given that all of this heated discussion sparked from my misunderstanding of something that News Bot said, which he later clarified to me and you decided to jump in to say something smart and in riddles, I'm only going to ask you this once before making an effort to understand what exactly you're trying to say or dropping this subject altogether. What part of questioning the team bothers you specifically and what situations have you encountered in the past that might fit that (in regards to what I said earlier about sourcing claims, which I assume is what you were referring to)?
                          I know this isn't addressed at me, but I can personally answer this question. Put it this way. There are things that I have quietly seen and learned in the public domain in the past which I have yet to repeat for various reasons, things which answer a LOT of questions people have about many unknown aspects of 1.5. Unfortunately it isn't worth my efforts to repeat those things, especially in public for lack of physical evidence, as without it it's worthless and nothing but conjecture to the majority of people. However it absolutely does not invalidate the amazing things that I have been lucky enough to learn in the past which I know for unequivocal fact. I'd like to think however that people consider me trust worthy in understanding my intentions when it comes to learning and sharing information, I'd like to think that just because I can't provide physical evidence for something that it doesn't all of a sudden make me an untrustworthy and invalid person when it comes to the knowledge that I can actually share. I'd like to think the same remains for other people in the community also, especially those who are in the private domain and likely have on hand the real physical evidence for that which I'd love to be able to give.

                          This is what gives me trust in certain people, and I know I'm now guilty of the whole "I have info but I wont share" crime, there's nothing people hate more than exactly that, but I hope you understand why I'm saying what I'm saying. There are sources of 1.5 information that disappeared from the public domain, in fact these sources of information were one of the first sources of information to surface in recent times and still to this day remain one of the most unique and vital pieces of 1.5 material that any of us have seen, containing material that is completely unique to its content and is still literally unknown to most of the public. And this is what I'm getting at. Yes there are certain people out there who are authorities on this particular subject, people who are so knowledgeable they are almost walking dictionaries of 1.5 facts, but even those people have failed to touch on the very unknown facts which I know exist out there for a fact. As worthless as this is to most, to me this information is still priceless.

                          And this brings us to groups such as IGAS. The very pieces of information I was lucky enough to learn I could have gladly provided to them and I'm a nobody with nothing but a web browser. I'm sure there's someone out there, who unlike me, was actually capable of providing the real physical evidence which is a million times more valuable than what I could have provided. Why then knowing what I know would I doubt certain private groups? This is probably where my optimism and unquestioned support comes from, and oppositely this is probably where people's criticism and unquestioned hatred comes from. I have been lucky enough to learn that our public knowledge base is far from the total extent of 1.5 knowledge, likewise others have been unlucky to not have learned that very same fact and this is where the main difference of opinions comes from. This is why some people are willing to try and defend a group, and why others are willing to try and destroy it; it is simply a matter of knowledge and down to who is a real authority on any one single subject or piece of information. Sadly in this case the authority on this particular set of information is not the public domain; other than I and the hand full of people who were lucky enough to acquire this knowledge from public sources while it was still around.

                          I realize I've raised more questions than I've answered, and I don't want people think I'm doing this for the attention, I just hope this makes some things clearer for those in doubt. Some people are authorities on this subject because they are authorities and that just is the way it is. No amount of providing evidence would make that any different, and no amount of providing evidence in public would make that more valuable to the people which it matters most, in private. And of course now the question is, how much do you trust me? How valuable is my word without physical evidence to back up my claims? I guess someone who is critical will always want that evidence just so they can validate it in them selves, and that is rightly so; but that doesn't make trust and positive support for people any less justified without it. Ultimately I can assure you that various sourcing claims are valid (although I can't speak for anything beyond my own knowledge), and while these sources might not turn out to be what you expect their contents are valuable to the point that they exceed almost anything we can currently provide. It's just down to a matter of trust.
                          Last edited by Guest; 01-11-2014, 09:43 PM.


                          • Geluda, just to clarify, are you saying that what you've learned was once public and now private?


                            • So what graphics settings do you guys use when playing the game on emulator? I know a lot of people like playing the game rendered at 1080p, but I think it ends up making the game lose its visual coherence. The high-res 3d meshes/models and pixelated foreground masks just stand out way too much against the 320X240 backgrounds. Personally, I enjoy playing the game at native res with full-screen smoothing and a CRT shader applied:

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	comp1.png
Views:	1
Size:	313.4 KB
ID:	403500Click image for larger version

Name:	comp2.png
Views:	1
Size:	355.5 KB
ID:	403501

                              Also, here's some mock-ups of how the game would look like if the backgrounds had better resolution (taken from the IGAS advent videos):
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	elza 1.png
Views:	1
Size:	614.8 KB
ID:	403502Click image for larger version

Name:	elza 2.png
Views:	1
Size:	525.6 KB
ID:	403503
                              Seibu teh geimu?


                              • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                                Geluda, just to clarify, are you saying that what you've learned was once public and now private?
                                Precisely. All I have ever done in my time researching the Biohazard series is browse the web (besides looking at disc contents of course), and in that time I have came across substantial things which I can no longer find, thus at this point in time the memories aren't valuable to anyone but my self. However it makes the point that things have slipped under people's noses before, I know this for sure, and to question people's legitimacy so badly isn't justified when even the simplest of things have got passed the majority of the public without people noticing.

                                The potential public knowledge is what could have been, not what is now, and that's before we even start talking about things like the bioflames build. This is why I've learned to be maticulois in saving everything I find, forums, google, youtube, everything, because you never know how long a piece of material might be up and how quickly it might disappear. I've learned this lesson the hard way on numerous occasions. Google Images and YouTube are very much the same, forever growing and evolving cess pits of pointless media and aren't reliable at all at keeping track of its content.

                                Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                                So what graphics settings do you guys use when playing the game on emulator? I know a lot of people like playing the game rendered at 1080p, but I think it ends up making the game lose its visual coherence. The high-res 3d meshes/models and pixelated foreground masks just stand out way too much against the 320X240 backgrounds. Personally, I enjoy playing the game at native res with full-screen smoothing and a CRT shader applied:


                                Also, here's some mock-ups of how the game would look like if the backgrounds had better resolution (taken from the IGAS advent videos):
                                I play on epsxe at 640 x 480 with hi res mode and texture filtering. The backgrounds don't get too stretched but you achieve a higher resolution and the filters I use blend the two nicely. It makes the colours very rich as well.
                                Last edited by Guest; 01-12-2014, 03:06 AM.

