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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by geluda View Post
    Precisely. All I have ever done in my time researching the Biohazard series is browse the web (besides looking at disc contents of course), and in that time I have came across substantial things which I can no longer find, thus at this point in time the memories aren't valuable to anyone but my self. However it makes the point that things have slipped under people's noses before, I know this for sure, and to question people's legitimacy so badly isn't justified when even the simplest of things have got passed the majority of the public without people noticing.

    The potential public knowledge is what could have been, not what is now, and that's before we even start talking about things like the bioflames build. This is why I've learned to be maticulois in saving everything I find, forums, google, youtube, everything, because you never know how long a piece of material might be up and how quickly it might disappear. I've learned this lesson the hard way on numerous occasions.
    So, I guess I just don't understand the secrecy angle here. Why not just describe what you'd found to the best of your ability? You may have lost your grip on the proof, but someone else may have relevant knowledge or material. At worst, those who choose not to believe you will just overlook what you have to say and move on.


    • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
      So, I guess I just don't understand the secrecy angle here. Why not just describe what you'd found to the best of your ability? You may have lost your grip on the proof, but someone else may have relevant knowledge or material. At worst, those who choose not to believe you will just overlook what you have to say and move on.

      I can understand why contacts and "deals made" would be withheld but if it was once public then that is where it should stay.
      "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


      • Personally I'd believe Geluda I myself remember various things that were once on the net however most of it was probably speculation I used to browse various forums some of which I believe don't exist anymore. Someone once claimed Wesker was written for 1.5 but never made it passed concept art and he was going to possibly have something to do with Salem and Golgatha in fact the head on the tail of one of the monsters actually looks kind of like Weskers face so who knows what Capcom was coming up with at that time


        • I guess since you guys are interested I will just share the story, as long as people realize that the source material is long gone and I can't provide anything to back up what I'm saying, so take it as it is. It was well over five years ago when I first started using the internet to research 1.5. Back then I wasn't any where near as dedicated as I am now and being as naive as I was didn't understand the scope of what I was ever looking at to have the sense to save things. At the time on YouTube there were various videos available, such as the Playstation Museum build as well as the All Footage video collection, but there was one other beta video on YouTube that I found simply by searching for "Biohazard 2 beta" and sifting through twenty or so results, or some related videos to other Biohazard betas. The video was of a Leon player exploring previously and still currently unknown sections of the sewer systems, systems that thanks to the PSM build I now know to be ROOM201.

          Yes, it's hard to believe, but one of the very first true beta videos I ever watched was of ROOM201 and its connecting corridors being played for real years before it was identified as part of the PSM build. Not only that but its connecting corridors are rooms that as of right now most people have never seen. The reason it stuck out in my mind is because those connecting corridors are made up of partially complete and partially incomplete renders and this was the first time that I ever saw an unfinished texture or basic block structure as part of a background. My main focus the past couple of years has been trying to locate these undocumented rooms, but to no avail. In the beginning before the release of the PSM build I couldn't remember where they were from, I've searched every build and every version of the games I could get my hands on, Biohazard, Biohazard 2 and Biohazard 3, and it's only since recent times and the release of the PSM build that I realized, thanks to the shutter room in the ROOM207 Spider Tunnel with the box crate, that I had seen this area before.

          And then it clicked, that video I had watched on numerous occasions was actually a completely undocumented and completely unexpected build of 1.5 that almost no one could have imagined. What's interesting is that for most people they had assumed that ROOM201 was a reject from earlier stages of development, but at two times in the video the player actually picks up items, with the same blue 1.5 pop up window, with no issues from Air Jesus at all. And you all know what that means. At some undefined point in the future ROOM 201 continued development, either that or at some undefined point Air Jesus wasn't a problem in the past. The former however I think is the most likely, given that there is no physical evidence at all that ROOM 201 existed physically prior to 01/10/1996. There are of course other details I know about the green sewers with varying accuracy, such as item position, room function and map layout, as well as other things which I don't want to discuss simply because my memory is so fuzzy and drifting on into territory that I can't 100% attest to without actually having the video its self to verify it for my own purposes let alone for anyone else.


          • Is there any documentation out there where all known official sources are listed? It's interesting to think that someone in possession of a build beyond PSM would upload a video like that. That's what makes me think that the video you saw was publically presented at some point, or at least intended to be. Maybe at a game conference?

            Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
            Personally I'd believe Geluda I myself remember various things that were once on the net however most of it was probably speculation I used to browse various forums some of which I believe don't exist anymore. Someone once claimed Wesker was written for 1.5 but never made it passed concept art and he was going to possibly have something to do with Salem and Golgatha in fact the head on the tail of one of the monsters actually looks kind of like Weskers face so who knows what Capcom was coming up with at that time
            I can't recall what it says on the artwork, and I'm not capable of translating it however I have the image. I've not read anything of Wesker being potentially involved other than the "human face in the monster" concept and how it was transistion to fit Birkin in retail.
            Last edited by Graco; 01-12-2014, 12:31 PM.
            "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


            • Originally posted by Graco View Post
              Is there any documentation out there where all known official sources are listed? It's interesting to think that someone in possession of a build beyond PSM would upload a video like that. That's what makes me think that the video you saw was publically presented at some point, or at least intended to be. Maybe at a game conference?
              I know, and that's probably why people still don't know about it, and partially why I haven't talked about it. But it's been bugging me to no end for years and to be honest it's kind of good to get it of my chest, as all I've ever done was innocently searched YouTube and clearly watched something I probably shouldn't have watched being unable to fully remember or share with people what was learned by it.


              • maybe thats where you saw the interrogation room thats always been bugging you?


                • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                  maybe thats where you saw the interrogation room thats always been bugging you?
                  And there's another one you hit right on the head, although that occurred not too long ago and was seen in a magazine scan I found on Google images. I wouldn't attest to that however as much as I believe it my self, unlike the sewer video I only ever saw it once, I watched the sewer video at least twice over a 6 - 12 month period, once as I found it, and again to confirm things I was confused about as I continued to learn. The next time I came to watch it a couple of years later the video was gone, either removed or lost to the cess pit of "Biohazard beta" video titles flooding the search results.


                  • Do you happen to remember how many views the video had gotten? If it had only a couple of views, then maybe it was supposed to be a private video that had accidentally been set for public viewing. Also, while your memory is fuzzy, I don't suppose you could provide us some more details about the earlier era/green sewers?
                    Seibu teh geimu?


                    • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                      I guess since you guys are interested I will just share the story, as long as people realize that the source material is long gone and I can't provide anything to back up what I'm saying, so take it as it is. It was well over five years ago when I first started using the internet to research 1.5. Back then I wasn't any where near as dedicated as I am now and being as naive as I was didn't understand the scope of what I was ever looking at to have the sense to save things. At the time on YouTube there were various videos available, such as the Playstation Museum build as well as the All Footage video collection, but there was one other beta video on YouTube that I found simply by searching for "Biohazard 2 beta" and sifting through twenty or so results, or some related videos to other Biohazard betas. The video was of a Leon player exploring previously and still currently unknown sections of the sewer systems, systems that thanks to the PSM build I now know to be ROOM201.

                      Yes, it's hard to believe, but one of the very first true beta videos I ever watched was of ROOM201 and its connecting corridors being played for real years before it was identified as part of the PSM build. Not only that but its connecting corridors are rooms that as of right now most people have never seen. The reason it stuck out in my mind is because those connecting corridors are made up of partially complete and partially incomplete renders and this was the first time that I ever saw an unfinished texture or basic block structure as part of a background. My main focus the past couple of years has been trying to locate these undocumented rooms, but to no avail. In the beginning before the release of the PSM build I couldn't remember where they were from, I've searched every build and every version of the games I could get my hands on, Biohazard, Biohazard 2 and Biohazard 3, and it's only since recent times and the release of the PSM build that I realized, thanks to the shutter room in the ROOM207 Spider Tunnel with the box crate, that I had seen this area before.

                      And then it clicked, that video I had watched on numerous occasions was actually a completely undocumented and completely unexpected build of 1.5 that almost no one could have imagined. What's interesting is that for most people they had assumed that ROOM201 was a reject from earlier stages of development, but at two times in the video the player actually picks up items, with the same blue 1.5 pop up window, with no issues from Air Jesus at all. And you all know what that means. At some undefined point in the future ROOM 201 continued development, either that or at some undefined point Air Jesus wasn't a problem in the past. The former however I think is the most likely, given that there is no physical evidence at all that ROOM 201 existed physically prior to 01/10/1996. There are of course other details I know about the green sewers with varying accuracy, such as item position, room function and map layout, as well as other things which I don't want to discuss simply because my memory is so fuzzy and drifting on into territory that I can't 100% attest to without actually having the video its self to verify it for my own purposes let alone for anyone else.
                      Wow! interesting story geluda! thanks for share it! really you see ROOM201 in action years ago?

                      Well, I just hope that this unknown video was shown again sometime...


                      Hey geluda, can you remember how Leon looks like in that "rare" video? I mean, he had normal RPD iniform or civilian clothes?
                      Last edited by Dark Biohazard; 01-12-2014, 03:31 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
                        Someone once claimed Wesker was written for 1.5 but never made it passed concept art and he was going to possibly have something to do with Salem and Golgatha in fact the head on the tail of one of the monsters actually looks kind of like Weskers face so who knows what Capcom was coming up with at that time
                        I never claimed anything, I *stated* that "Wesker or Nicolas" were part of the concept of Golgotha Ex, based on Capcom's Biohazard Archives book.
                        Explanation in English for Bioflames members:
                        Bloodborne: my Facebook page and my Youtube page


                        • Originally posted by imacwesker View Post
                          I never claimed anything, I *stated* that "Wesker or Nicolas" were part of the concept of Golgotha Ex, based on Capcom's Biohazard Archives book.
                          Explanation in English for Bioflames members:
                          so that was your video????

                          Edit: there was also talk at one point that Re3 would be the last one is 1.5 did come out and Wekser would appear in 3
                          Last edited by Deathlygasm; 01-12-2014, 04:34 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Dark Biohazard View Post
                            Hey geluda, can you remember how Leon looks like in that "rare" video? I mean, he had normal RPD iniform or civilian clothes?
                            This is exactly what I was thinking just now too...

                            If the "green sewers" were more complete in the video you saw, my guess is that it was from an Era-3 build (glove-less RPD-suited Leon).


                            • Hmm...i wonder if the team ever got a chance to see the video.


                              • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                                This is exactly what I was thinking just now too...

                                If the "green sewers" were more complete in the video you saw, my guess is that it was from an Era-3 build (glove-less RPD-suited Leon).
                                No need to. Elza's character model is different. Not the same uniform, no fingerless gloves and no ponytail.
                                Last edited by Kegluneq; 01-12-2014, 05:46 PM.

                                BioHazard YouTube Channel
                                BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project

