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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Newsbot can be a prick but he's right most of the time is the thing.

    People getting mad because there are no updates is idiotic, we're not entitled to anything. Why do certain people not understand something so simple? even so, what the fuck is there to be mad about in the first place? (it's a video game, there are real things in life to be pissed off about.)

    1.5, due to how people act about it, seems less interesting each time I come here (weird, I know)


    • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
      1.5 didn't have any caution or danger poses. These arose when they decided to scrap the damage-torn clothing. Marvin and Roy likely had different animations.
      Which do you like more? While both are a realistic addition the ripped clothing always seemed cool to me. Was it actually impossible to have both in the game?


      • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
        Newsbot can be a prick but he's right most of the time is the thing.

        People getting mad because there are no updates is idiotic, we're not entitled to anything. Why do certain people not understand something so simple? even so, what the fuck is there to be mad about in the first place? (it's a video game, there are real things in life to be pissed off about.)

        1.5, due to how people act about it, seems less interesting each time I come here (weird, I know)
        drunkdog gets it (even about me being a prick!)

        Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
        Which do you like more? While both are a realistic addition the ripped clothing always seemed cool to me. Was it actually impossible to have both in the game?
        From a 1997 perspective, I prefer the movement. It adds more depth to the gameplay overall rather than being merely aesthetic. I don't think it was impossible to have both, it could be that they were time-constrained and didn't get around to making the textures to accommodate the new models, or maybe they thought most people wouldn't be able to physically see the damage on CRTs. Could be worth asking Kamiya.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • I read some arguments against the people who said there is no news. We are afraid of the game will be cancelled, that's the reason of our complaints. Isn't like we are demanding anything. Call the people leeches for wait a game with big expectations, is out of place. I read more than one time, there are more important things in life than a 90's game, but if this game is a minor thing, we would not be talking here. If the game is cancelled, will be a fucking shit for everyone. The same big shit of 1997...
          Last edited by The_Wes; 01-20-2014, 11:16 AM.
          Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


          • Originally posted by The_Wes View Post
            I read some arguments against the people who said there is no news. We are afraid of the game will be cancelled, that's the reason of our complaints. Isn't like we are demanding anything. Call the people leeches for wait a game with big expectations, is out of place. I read more than one time, there are more important things in life than a 90's game , but if this game is a minor thing, we would not be talking here. If the game is cancelled, will be a fucking shit for everyone.
            Except you've been told multiple times that it's not cancelled, people just have lives. Yet complaints continue. That is unreasonable and leans more toward demanding. If the game gets cancelled, you will know.
            Last edited by News Bot; 01-20-2014, 11:24 AM.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • One wonders how you are supposed to accomplish any goal in life without being a prick, unless your reason for existence is to merely exist and consume..

              As for the animations/poses, slowing your character down made it quite tense IMO. Especially when your playing it for the first time and have like 1 green herb left against a boss..


              • @News Bot: But is logical to think, before a group of developers announce the cancellation of a game, exist a dead period of time with no communications or news before the official announce. Soon will be a month without any contact with IGAS.
                Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


                • That's not logical. It's quite the opposite. People have LIVES. Understanding that is logical. There are better and more important things for them to do. If it were cancelled they would announce it immediately.

                  Pointlessly worrying helps no one. It only makes you look impatient, demanding and disrespectful.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • news bot is a prick but also a walking resident evil encyclopedia, we all know this.

                    when it comes to human relations is where his power from knowledge corrupts his opinions, gets in his way of understanding and makes him judgmental. ousting someone as a hypocrite is the first line of defense.

                    "Pointlessly worrying helps no one. It only makes you look impatient, demanding and disrespectful. " no, that is how you judge them because you are afraid to look like that. perhaps they are just interested or concerned.

                    not everyone thinks of resident evil as being so serious you should watch what you say, and not express their thoughts on the forum in fear of looking a certain way or offending someone, they are just talking about a game.

                    it is silly to think the game is cancelled because of lack of updates, but not everyone is familiar with progress like that.


                    • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                      news bot is a prick but also a walking resident evil encyclopedia, we all know this.

                      when it comes to human relations is where his power from knowledge corrupts his opinions, gets in his way of understanding and makes him judgmental. ousting someone as a hypocrite is the first line of defense.

                      "Pointlessly worrying helps no one. It only makes you look impatient, demanding and disrespectful. " no, that is how you judge them because you are afraid to look like that. perhaps they are just interested or concerned.

                      not everyone thinks of resident evil as being so serious you should watch what you say, and not express their thoughts on the forum in fear of looking a certain way or offending someone, they are just talking about a game.

                      it is silly to think the game is cancelled because of lack of updates, but not everyone is familiar with progress like that.
                      I'm quite fine with "human relations", thank you very much. I wonder how I get along just dandy with literally everyone I talk to personally, even when I argue with them regularly. For instance; if you weren't so hell-bent on calling me a liar before, I'd probably think a little higher of you. But I don't. You've always had an issue with me, so I couldn't care less about you.

                      "Knowledge" isn't power on an Internet forum about a video game. The reason I'm rather liked is because I'm generally pretty awesome. Whether it be due to being nice to those that are nice themselves, being helpful, good conversation, etc. Some people just don't have behavior or an attitude deserving of respect, so that's exactly what they don't get from me.

                      I don't think of video games in general seriously either. Even in the most "heated" of arguments, I'm fairly ":|"
                      There's no anger, hatred or even genuine annoyance. Text isn't the best source to judge someone's character. At the same time, the things you express within text can be pretty shitty. Just like the disrespect and entitlement issues of some people here.
                      Last edited by News Bot; 01-20-2014, 12:28 PM.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • I have to agree with the News Bot guy here, IGAS are human beings, and after all, they're doing it for free. People begging for updates are assholes and need to get over themselves and realise IGAS are not their slaves.


                        • I wonder if these same people can go a week without a new trailer or batch of screenshots from any retail game. They'd have been in a furious self-induced Hell if they followed DayZ at all. A couple of weeks is nothing. Go and get a job and watch that time eat itself away.
                          Last edited by News Bot; 01-20-2014, 12:30 PM.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                            From a 1997 perspective, I prefer the movement. It adds more depth to the gameplay overall rather than being merely aesthetic. I don't think it was impossible to have both, it could be that they were time-constrained and didn't get around to making the textures to accommodate the new models, or maybe they thought most people wouldn't be able to physically see the damage on CRTs. Could be worth asking Kamiya.
                            Agreed. Without stating the obvious disadvantage of being in Danger Status, even Caution Station (which does not slow your running animation at all) will wreck some of the necessary timing to pass through some locations unscratched when you need to move your character in idle position. Might not seem that evident, but the limping animations really mess with the depth of the gameplay in some critical moments. Though I don't believe this could have been part of 1.5's gameplay engine, I still feel it's a superior feature in contrast to the ripped and bloodied clothes (which look wicked but doesn't really change the gameplay in any meaningful way).

                            BioHazard YouTube Channel
                            BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                              Except you've been told multiple times that it's not cancelled, people just have lives. Yet complaints continue. That is unreasonable and leans more toward demanding. If the game gets cancelled, you will know.
                              So this, literally everytime i log on here its the same......just let them get on with it and with their own lives

                              Makes me wonder what it would be like if these people were waiting for "Duke Nukem : Forever"
                              Last edited by Don Piano; 01-20-2014, 01:08 PM.


                              • Similarly I can see why they scrapped grenades. You can understand their inclusion in BIO4, with its open areas and ability to aim precisely. But they're not exactly convenient in 1.5, at least from what I can tell. Maybe when IGAS get them up and going again I might think differently. Even for "crowd control" they seem superfluous since the grenade launcher/shotgun do the job faster and with more immediately pleasing results.
                                Last edited by News Bot; 01-20-2014, 01:10 PM.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

