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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
I thought retail BIO2 was balanced pretty well, they wanted difference rather than equalization. The latter would be easier and pretty boring if both characters were even keel. I still think they could've cut down on Leon's arsenal a little.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Originally posted by News Bot View PostI thought retail BIO2 was balanced pretty well, they wanted difference rather than equalization. The latter would be easier and pretty boring if both characters were even keel. I still think they could've cut down on Leon's arsenal a little.
I'd take BH1.5's scenarios if they were fully balanced, and I'm guessing that if Leon gets the shitty grenades while Elza gets the awesome Grenade Launcher, they were considering spicing things up a bit for both characters.
Originally posted by Kegluneq View PostDid you think that Chris' and Jill's scenarios were boring? Sure, Jill might be a powerhouse for most of the game but when you go back to the Mansion, that small difference in vitality makes all the difference between being decap'd or not. In Leon's and Claire's scenario there's literally no reason to choose Claire because most of her arsenal is pure shit compared to Leon's. Even her special item pales in comparison to Leon's since all Leon needs is one Special Key which is located 2 or 3 rooms from the desktop he needs to open to get access to his Mod. Handgun.
I'd take BH1.5's scenarios if they were fully balanced, and I'm guessing that if Leon gets the shitty grenades while Elza gets the awesome Grenade Launcher, they were considering spicing things up a bit for both characters.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Originally posted by News Bot View PostIndeed, just depends on how the balance was implemented. I think 1.5 has too many weapons but the vitality of the enemies may have justified them. All depends on the specifics of the game's design... which we're not privy to and probably weren't finished.Last edited by Kegluneq; 01-20-2014, 01:44 PM.
I waited 6 years for Black Mesa to come out I remember there being many months of no updates a few weeks doesn't mean its cancelled it just means they have nothing worthy to update us with. They've also only been working on the project for under 2 years we assume and I believe only 2 or 3 people are even working on the project in the first place. The only advantage they have over capcom is better tools.
Originally posted by News Bot View PostI thought retail BIO2 was balanced pretty well, they wanted difference rather than equalization. The latter would be easier and pretty boring if both characters were even keel. I still think they could've cut down on Leon's arsenal a little.
Originally posted by News Bot View PostSimilarly I can see why they scrapped grenades. You can understand their inclusion in BIO4, with its open areas and ability to aim precisely. But they're not exactly convenient in 1.5, at least from what I can tell. Maybe when IGAS get them up and going again I might think differently. Even for "crowd control" they seem superfluous since the grenade launcher/shotgun do the job faster and with more immediately pleasing results.Last edited by Deathlygasm; 01-20-2014, 02:15 PM.
In terms of the cutscene of marvin in the room before the warehouse, It pretty difficult to read in MZD because the text keeps moving off screen. Its a pretty lengthy cutscene.
Originally posted by News Bot View PostSimilarly I can see why they scrapped grenades. You can understand their inclusion in BIO4, with its open areas and ability to aim precisely. But they're not exactly convenient in 1.5, at least from what I can tell. Maybe when IGAS get them up and going again I might think differently. Even for "crowd control" they seem superfluous since the grenade launcher/shotgun do the job faster and with more immediately pleasing results.
This is one of the few instances I can agree that the limping change in retail was a better choice however it is a shame due to the amount of detail that went into the tearing engine, with different parts of the body showing tear only if the player is hit there like front torso/back torso/leg. It is possible that they wanted to hold off on this feature for future entries for gradual feature introduction but they never did so I dont know about that.Last edited by NEOMEGA; 01-20-2014, 04:36 PM.
Robert only has a crossbow/shotgun because he gave all the shop's guns away to civilians.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Wow, people think Claire's arsenal is bad? I must be the only person who actually prefers the Crosbow and Grenade Launcher over the Shotgun. Claire's arsenal has to be used intelligently; bolts deal decent damage up close and take out walls of zombies with few problems, the grenade rounds all have unique properties and each enemy type has a weakness to a particular round. That I find more interesting than linearly killing enemies with no extra thought besides positioning, distance and aim. With understanding you can finish the game having plenty of ammo to spare, there's nothing bad about it at all.Last edited by Guest; 01-20-2014, 05:44 PM.
Originally posted by News Bot View Postif you weren't so hell-bent on calling me a liar before
"Knowledge" isn't power on an Internet forum about a video game. The reason I'm rather liked is because I'm generally pretty awesome. Whether it be due to being nice to those that are nice themselves, being helpful, good conversation, etc. Some people just don't have behavior or an attitude deserving of respect, so that's exactly what they don't get from me.
I don't think of video games in general seriously either. Even in the most "heated" of arguments, I'm fairly ":|"
There's no anger, hatred or even genuine annoyance. Text isn't the best source to judge someone's character. At the same time, the things you express within text can be pretty shitty. Just like the disrespect and entitlement issues of some people here.
i know what it is like to have statements mistaken for malice, and i don't think you aim to insult people, but you still speak coarsely, knowing it will rub people the wrong way, and justify it by saying it's their fault. i don't mind personally, but it doesn't make for a friendly atmosphere of free discussion.
like grammy flash always says, "the problem with eye for an eye is everybody ends up blind."
@geluda: i agree with you about the weapons 100%, using leons is more fun, but claires arsenal is more intense to play with.Last edited by J0shuaKane; 01-20-2014, 05:56 PM.
Originally posted by geluda View PostWow, people think Claire's arsenal is bad? I must be the only person who actually prefers the Crosbow and Grenade Launcher over the Shotgun. Claire's arsenal has to be used intelligently; bolts deal decent damage up close and take out walls of zombies with few problems, the grenade rounds all have unique properties and each enemy type has a weakness to a particular round. That I find more interesting than linearly killing enemies with no extra thought besides positioning, distance and aim. With understanding you can finish the game having plenty of ammo to spare, there's nothing bad about it at all.
Let's pretend we're going to play Hard Mode. You can scrap that Crossbow. My first mistake was thinking that going through the archive room with the thought that the Crossbow would make my life easier. Wrong. Enemies' HP is so amped up that you need 12 fucking bolts to drop one zombie on the ground. It's pathetically weak and slow against hordes of zombies. If I wanted to take a swing at a Licker with that thing, I needed to be across the room, fire about 12 bolts and immediately switch over to the handgun to finish it. Much faster and simple to walk to it, force it into sonar position, wait for it to come down and move past it. Bosses? G-Creature is a pain in the ass with its devil spawns. Birkin II is better dealt with the Spark Shot. Birkin III and Birkin IV is a waste of free slots for herbs or FAS.
Where the Crossbow really shines, and this is the big fuck you towards everyone who complained about Claire, is Extreme Battle. First because Claire doesn't have the Crossbow - the point is exactly that. Strip away that from her and empower her with the most destructive and powerful weapon of the game and voila. Game breaking character that tears everything apart even on LV.3. Then you move that Crossbow towards a character that actually makes good use of it - Ada. No more bullshit. You need that Crossbow for dealing with two things: hordes of zombies and Ivys. This is literally the developing team admitting that they completely failed to balance the character's strengths' and weakness' and correcting that mistake. Irony: Leon is the most fucking difficult character to complete LV.3 with.
Point being, character balance went sideways when they decided that Claire and Leon would have the same attributes (no two slots gone, no difference in vitality, no new pathway and no extra ammo) and the only thing that would distinguish them would be the weapons they'd had access to. Worse, Claire gets the best and worst deal out of it - an insanely powerful weapon and a pitiful weak pew pew, while Leon is laughing off with his superior 18 bullet Handgun that can be modified for a 3-round burst, a devastating Shotgun that tears multiple enemies apart and the Magnum which is almost on par with the grenade launcher.
Very fair points! To be honest I've never played the game on hard, that's a challenge I might have to take up. For me flame rounds are good for crowds of zombies because they fall to the ground and burn even off indirect shots. Of course flame rounds for Ivy's and acid rounds for Lickers and bosses, explosive rounds are useful filler. The crossbow I just find a challenge and it makes a good alternative to the hand gun for preserving ammo, kind of compensation for not having the useful upgrade that Leon has.
Originally posted by KegluneqWhere the Crossbow really shines, and this is the big fuck you towards everyone who complained about Claire, is Extreme Battle. First because Claire doesn't have the Crossbow - the point is exactly that. Strip away that from her and empower her with the most destructive and powerful weapon of the game and voila. Game breaking character that tears everything apart even on LV.3.Last edited by Guest; 01-20-2014, 07:56 PM.
Originally posted by geluda View PostWow, people think Claire's arsenal is bad? I must be the only person who actually prefers the Crosbow and Grenade Launcher over the Shotgun. Claire's arsenal has to be used intelligently; bolts deal decent damage up close and take out walls of zombies with few problems, the grenade rounds all have unique properties and each enemy type has a weakness to a particular round. That I find more interesting than linearly killing enemies with no extra thought besides positioning, distance and aim. With understanding you can finish the game having plenty of ammo to spare, there's nothing bad about it at all.
I also think the grenades in 1.5 sucked, I mean, who in their right minds would throw a grenade in such confined spaces anyway LOL - shotgun kicks butt enough.
Not bothered either way what IGAS do with them, we don't HAVE to use them right.."I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"
^Yes. Discuss game stuff. Don't murder one another.
Originally posted by News Bot View PostI'm quite fine with "human relations", thank you very much. I wonder how I get along just dandy with literally everyone I talk to personally, even when I argue with them regularly.