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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • When I play as Claire I don't even pick up the crossbow.
    Playing her scenario on hard/nightmare is the most challenging. She has damage output, but I find her problem to be that she doesn't really have a great way of dealing a lot of damage to one target far away. On nightmare mode (where you get less ammo and bosses are tougher) I would use the handgun for Birken G2&3 for this reason. If you try use grenade or flame rounds he's too close and mauls you. And you don't have enough acid rounds to kill him. It just takes patience but the challenge is great.


    • So are Hard and Nightmare basically the same thing?


      • Originally posted by TheSelfishGene View Post
        When I play as Claire I don't even pick up the crossbow.
        Playing her scenario on hard/nightmare is the most challenging. She has damage output, but I find her problem to be that she doesn't really have a great way of dealing a lot of damage to one target far away. On nightmare mode (where you get less ammo and bosses are tougher) I would use the handgun for Birken G2&3 for this reason. If you try use grenade or flame rounds he's too close and mauls you. And you don't have enough acid rounds to kill him. It just takes patience but the challenge is great.
        nightmare mode could be a nice refreshment for RE2 in these days.


        • Do you guys think that different difficult settings should be added to the Team's 1.5? Or would you prefer one mode?


          • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
            So are Hard and Nightmare basically the same thing?
            Nope. they are very different.
            Enemies are A LOT stronger in nightmare - and all ammo pickups are 2/3 full.
            The only compensation is that your handgun can randomly headshot zombies. Always feeling when the first shot kills it, but not so nice when it's the 15th

            Originally posted by Akimbo View Post
            Do you guys think that different difficult settings should be added to the Team's 1.5? Or would you prefer one mode?
            Personally I'd just like one well balanced one. It's not like you can't do knife only runs, or knife&handgun only like we used to do for challenge...
            Last edited by TheSelfishGene; 01-22-2014, 04:06 PM.


            • Originally posted by geluda View Post
              Very fair points! To be honest I've never played the game on hard, that's a challenge I might have to take up.
              Definitively do so. It will change your look on Resident Evil 2's difficulty. The first playthrough is particularly tough because you'll try to rely on the decaps until you get better used at evading zombies, cerberus and lickers. It completely changes your image of the pathetically easy game that Resident Evil 2 was.

              Originally posted by TheSelfishGene View Post
              When I play as Claire I don't even pick up the crossbow.
              Playing her scenario on hard/nightmare is the most challenging. She has damage output, but I find her problem to be that she doesn't really have a great way of dealing a lot of damage to one target far away. On nightmare mode (where you get less ammo and bosses are tougher) I would use the handgun for Birken G2&3 for this reason. If you try use grenade or flame rounds he's too close and mauls you. And you don't have enough acid rounds to kill him. It just takes patience but the challenge is great.
              You can use the spark shot against G2&3 if you know what distance to keep and how to evade his attacks. I had good results with the handgun against the G-creature as it keeps the little devils in control if you can predict when they are coming.

              Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
              So are Hard and Nightmare basically the same thing?
              Yes, they are the same. Hard Mode is for the PC. Nightmare Mode is for the Dreamcast. You always get 20 handgun bullets, 5 shotgun shells, 4 magnum rounds, 4 grenade rounds and 12 crossbow bolts (someone correct me if I'm mistaken). Enemies are a lot more tough to defeat (a zombie can eat as much as 30 bullets and he does not go down until the very end, that is if his head does not explode - imagine twice the vitality of 1.5's zombies and without falling on the ground when shot 3 or 4 times..) and you'll be dealt more damage (almost on par with Extreme Battle Lv.3 but a little bit less).

              Originally posted by Akimbo View Post
              Do you guys think that different difficult settings should be added to the Team's 1.5? Or would you prefer one mode?
              Depends on what they do. If they're gonna half-ass it the way that West did with Resident Evil 1, I'd prefer not to have alternative difficulties. If there's some deepness added to the gameplay such as different enemy placement and ammunition allocation (ALA Resident Evil 2), then I wouldn't mind. If it goes beyond that and they decide to revamp the item placement (ALA Resident Evil: Director's Cut), then it would be wonderful to have an Arranged Mode to play with and would spice things a lot more in a second playthrough. And if it's something that adds a significant degree of difficulty (ALA Resident Evil 2's Nightmare Mode and/or Extreme Battle Lv.3) then I'm all for it.

              Lots of things for them to pick up from, so if they want to put some extra effort in it, they'll have plenty ideas to be inspired from. I just hope that if they do decide to go forward with such an idea that they actually give it some thought instead of rushing. Maybe even an update or something like that, as I'm guessing the team itself will be surprised by stuff that gameplay aficionados will come up with. Think of something like Street Fighter where a lot of the technical tweaks came after you get the feedback from the community.

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              • Leon has a one-shot zombie kill shotgun when you aim to the head and the awesome Desert Eagle, and he also takes advantage on the upgrade reloading glitch. Claire´s Crossbow is completely useless on hard mode, since it´s better to use the handgun and pray for a critical hit.

                On hard mode though, I found Leon needs two shots shots from Enhanced Magnum or 3-4 close shots from Enhanced shotgun to kill a Lab licker, and a bunch of 4-5 magnum bullets for an Ivy, so Leon is not as badass on that mode and has to fight Ivys with the Flamethrower which is an awful weapon, while Claire can do the job with a single flame round, even on hard.

                And you guys are forgetting the Sparkshot, you can kill Birkin on Factory with about 55% of the Sparkshot charge without spending a single grenade or handgun bullet, and you can also save both the side pack and the Mac10 for Claire and it makes her game easier.

                Also, I´ve read somewhere that Claire´s handgun is slightly more powerful than Leon´s, since the fact it´s called Browning HP for High Power, but I never confirmed that. It´s quite hard to figurethat out since most times I ended up killing zombies with a random headshot.
                The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                • Originally posted by Akimbo View Post
                  Do you guys think that different difficult settings should be added to the Team's 1.5? Or would you prefer one mode?
                  I say why not? It's something worth considering, as it wouldn't involve that much additional work, just some additional script that tweaks the enemy health and weapon damage stats. And I did enjoy the Hard mode on the retail PC port. Also, how about an Arrange mode that relocates all items for additional challenge?


                  • any clue on what expert mode is? Its unlocked before nightmare im playing it and fail to notice a difference


                    • Once I realized I could put my ps1 dualshock re2 disc in my pc to play I was playing a lot it. I never really played the arrange mode but once I found out you needed to beat it to unlock further difficulties for arrange that was a good push to play it. Then I beat it with Claire. No additional difficulty when selecting claire again. OK maybe I have to complete the scenario. Beat it with Leon. No additional difficulty. After looking online it appears that arrange mode setting was just unfinished for the ps1 version and future ports injected the increasing difficulty replays.
                      Ok then, but why would you make a new suboption appear after selecting the Arrange Mode option if you cant switch off of the rookie choice then?? Dicks.


                      • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                        Also, I´ve read somewhere that Claire´s handgun is slightly more powerful than Leon´s, since the fact it´s called Browning HP for High Power
                        all hanguns, including the custom, beretta, and colt deal a maximum 16 points of damage.


                        • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                          all hanguns, including the custom, beretta, and colt deal a maximum 16 points of damage.
                          Where can I find this damage gauge? Like what tells how much damage all the guns in RE2 do


                          • three damage values indicate maximum damage at close, medium, and long-range.


                            • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post

                              three damage values indicate maximum damage at close, medium, and long-range.
                              I guess I just found what the Crossbow is good for on Hard Mode.

                              BioHazard YouTube Channel
                              BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                              • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                                I guess I just found what the Crossbow is good for on Hard Mode.
                                Looks like gibberish to me can't understand haah

