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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • The light square patches are the masks. All the old RE games have this issue when you're playing on emulator. They aren't visible if you're playing on real hardware. Seeing as how a good deal of IGAS' fans will be playing the game on emulator, they will probably try to fix it.
    Seibu teh geimu?


    • I really like the touch of the pepsi vendors. They are able to do what capcom clearly wanted to do with that SLIGHT sense of a stronger connection to reality.


      • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
        The light square patches are the masks. All the old RE games have this issue when you're playing on emulator. They aren't visible if you're playing on real hardware. Seeing as how a good deal of IGAS' fans will be playing the game on emulator, they will probably try to fix it.
        Yeah your right, if you turn on Advanced Blending in peops it highlights all the masks.
        Emulators probably aren't matching the backgrounds and mask at the same bit depth.


        • Imma be playing this on my modded playstation 1 ;)


          • Originally posted by Mikhail View Post
            Yeah your right, if you turn on Advanced Blending in peops it highlights all the masks.
            Emulators probably aren't matching the backgrounds and mask at the same bit depth.
            I think IGAS already has it fixed, or at least for their custom rooms anyway. The masks for the 3F hallway do not stand out at all in Bzork's latest 'making of 1.5' video. It could be a different case entirely for the existing rooms though.
            Seibu teh geimu?


            • Could be a palette/gamma issue/mismatch with the decoding/encoding of the backgrounds and layered objects, so all old stuff needs to be manually updated, meanwhile new stuff can be made with it in mind ... or could just be an emulator issue (as some have suggested)


              • Originally posted by Darkness View Post

                To celebrate 2000 subscribers and lack of last update, we make a mix update.

                Please do not rehash pictures. Use “share” button instead.

                I love this! Thank you IGASTeam!
                Last edited by ProjectNight; 01-25-2014, 10:49 AM.
                "Project Night" (indie horror game) will be released on January 22, 2015


                • this is good news and had lost hope that the team believed had abandoned his work on his facebook page note has new images and this makes me crer last upgrade will soon see the release of the shareware friend. solovea the image They prubricaron


                  • Originally posted by Jesus Romero View Post
                    this is good news and had lost hope that the team believed had abandoned his work on his facebook page note has new images and this makes me crer last upgrade will soon see the release of the shareware friend. solovea the image They prubricaron
                    lol what the fuck am I reading? Everyone is crying and so upset they abandoned work LOL


                    • Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
                      lol what the fuck am I reading? Everyone is crying and so upset they abandoned work LOL
                      This guy speaks spanish. Let me try rearranging the words:
                      That's good, I had lost hope and believed the team had abandoned their work. In the facebook page wall, there's no new images and this last update makes me believe we will soon see the release of the [WHAT?]. Just see the picture they published.


                      • The same troll who asked Martin for a nude elza patch


                        • I wish there were a Spanish sub-thread here... Not for me, since I don't speak Spanish, but I know how frustrating it is to have to decipher every bit of news and discussion.


                          • Click image for larger version

Name:	Anchorman_well_that_escalated_quickly_966.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	32.9 KB
ID:	403525


                            • Originally posted by ~Black Crow
                              ALSO... now I am the one who has the 80% build... the collector in the IGAS book is none other than me Black Crow! But you and everyone who steals my maps and supports Enigmatism and NEWS BOT will never have it so be happy with the broken IGAS game!!!!
                              Nice! Made me wished I was a pussy too.


                              • Originally posted by ~Black Crow
                                FUCK Igas... they have the 80% build the whole time and they don't say anything! Don't listen to them.....I received an email from my capcom contact, he said it is all part of Igas and THIAs plot to keep the 1.5 away from us at all times. If you want answers.....ask NEWS BOT or CARNIVOL, they are keeping the 80% build from you and from everyone on the 123 forums!!

                                I know all about it because I do the research.....all THIA is non-stop chaos! But nobody will listen because it's just Black Crow, well everyone who fucks News Bot up the ass like they always do should GET FUCKED!!!!

                                FUCK IT! Now you know the real "truth"...
                                Originally posted by ~Black Crow
                                ALSO... now I am the one who has the 80% build... the collector in the IGAS book is none other than me Black Crow! But you and everyone who steals my maps and supports Enigmatism and NEWS BOT will never have it so be happy with the broken IGAS game!!!!

