Originally posted by NemesisGenesis
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by NemesisGenesis View PostThis is something that's probably been asked already many times...but what draws people to Resident Evil 1.5? For me, it's the music, environments, weapons, and gameplay mechanics that did not make it into Resident Evil 2 final. How about the rest of you?
So technically I was saw 1.5 before I ever saw retail RE2. But I already knew what the RE2 police station was like from playing RE3. After watching 1.5, I looked up a walkthrough of retail RE2 (Leon B to be exact) and that was quite different. I liked how it started but once they got to the police station it got really boring. Some things I noticed were that the inventory sounds were like RE3's but pitched down and that the Tyrant was like a slow, boring version of Nemesis. It's still a good game though, and I've beat it multiple times. After collecting and playing most of the RE games up until RE4, I can honestly say RE3 is still my favorite. I've also played 1.5 on ePSXe. In comparison, RE2 is too overly-detailed in my opinion. And if 1.5 were completed, it would probably be my favorite alongside RE3. If only they finished it.
(Fun Fact: I was actually shocked that Leon was in RE2, since I only knew him from RE4 at the time.)
For me 1.5 really stood out with the newer realistic Precinct and a different character Elza (Although Claire is still my fave lol)
Everything else like the walking animations of earlier builds, similar lab sections - was pretty mehh about TBQH.."I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"
Originally posted by NemesisGenesis View PostThis is something that's probably been asked already many times...but what draws people to Resident Evil 1.5? For me, it's the music, environments, weapons, and gameplay mechanics that did not make it into Resident Evil 2 final. How about the rest of you?
Originally posted by NemesisGenesis View PostThis is something that's probably been asked already many times...but what draws people to Resident Evil 1.5? For me, it's the music, environments, weapons, and gameplay mechanics that did not make it into Resident Evil 2 final. How about the rest of you?
Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View PostFor me 1.5 really stood out with the newer realistic Precinct and a different character Elza (Although Claire is still my fave lol)
Everything else like the walking animations of earlier builds, similar lab sections - was pretty mehh about TBQH..
for me it was just because it was an alternate version of my favorite game.
thats why it was more widely accepted as a restoration, but making it like retail takes the charm right out of it for alot of people.
so you have 2 different 1.5's people are attracted to for very different reasons. i really think it would help if they came up with a name for their mod so it is clear what people are talking about when they say 1.5, but i guess i am the only one.
Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Postfor me it was just because it was an alternate version of my favorite game.
thats why it was more widely accepted as a restoration, but making it like retail takes the charm right out of it for alot of people.
so you have 2 different 1.5's people are attracted to for very different reasons. i really think it would help if they came up with a name for their mod so it is clear what people are talking about when they say 1.5, but i guess i am the only one.
I think they should pull a capcom and release the game with one difficulty and limited features then release a directors cut XD Only difference is we won't be paying for it so we can't bitch and complain and if the game is successful enough develop a 3rd chapter in their own universe as in capcom had continue the series from 1.5 and end it as a trilogy like Capcom was possibly planning.
I've always liked the art style, it shares much of the same content as retail Biohazard 2 but it's still very unique in its own way, kind of a forgotten chapter in the Biohazard history we never got to enjoy. I guess the games are more like pieces of art to me now, I really appreciate the pre-rendered backgrounds and the over all style of "3D" game that Biohazard is, 1.5 was just something that I never got to see with my own eyes. Back in the day when you used to see images in magazines, it was essentially just seeing pieces of art and I was always intrigued by the colours and lighting of that particular game, seeing the backgrounds and animations in full colour on a CRT screen with my own eyes was something I really enjoyed. But I don't think we have much to look forward to in terms of gameplay or anything that resembles a final product when it comes to legit prototypes, not at least something that lives up to its retail successor.
This is why I support IGAS when it comes to making some changes that stray away from the prototype, I guess if 1.5 is to ever see a final release in this day and age it should have the best graphics and be the most technically brilliant of all Biohazard games from that era. As long as the over all art style and scenario of the game isn't abandoned, as a purist I can get away with updating the graphics, revamping textures or updating old pieces of code, they're minor things which are probably welcomed improvements in the long run. For me I think a lot of things were changed in Biohazard 2 for a reason, and while 1.5 is from an earlier period of development, much of the decisions Capcom made in the retail game were probably good decisions, ones I think that would still benefit us now. I would just like to see 1.5 remade to retails level of quality, to do anything less isn't doing it justice.
Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Postfor me it was just because it was an alternate version of my favorite game.
thats why it was more widely accepted as a restoration, but making it like retail takes the charm right out of it for alot of people.
so you have 2 different 1.5's people are attracted to for very different reasons. i really think it would help if they came up with a name for their mod so it is clear what people are talking about when they say 1.5, but i guess i am the only one.
Hail the heros of the revolution!
I guess there's a difference between recreating a prototype, and continuing the development of a prototype, the latter of which is the more important of the two for me. Sure it could take a long time, but one day people might get to explore the prototypes them selves and that's what purists should be aspiring to. But when it comes to 1.5 as a retail product, as much as I love the game I honestly don't think the quality is there. I think despite the major changes much of what Capcom did in 1997 was the right thing to do, and in some ways still in spirit of 1.5.
It was certainly the natural progression of the game as a whole and while the setting and scenario changed extensively, things like menus, icons, maps, models, textures, all seemed like final and more superior versions of their earlier selves. In a lot of ways 1.5 deserves the same levels of treatment especially in areas where no retail quality exists, and that's where it's not about recreating a prototype but looking to the games future development for the levels of quality you should be working towards. Keeping the scenario intact is the important part, those are the aspects that recieved the biggest changes and the ones that need most preserving, taking inspiration from the retail game in other areas is the logical thing to do to make sure it reaches something that can be called retail quality.Last edited by Guest; 01-28-2014, 08:54 PM.
i know this is a little off topic but since we are all fans of RE 2 there is another team working on an HD Remake of RE 2 and i have to say it looks amazing. Check it out
There name is InvaderGames here's their website if interested on their Project.
This is all fan made free of charge and by their website the release date is sometime in December 2014.
i have a feeling this will be out before the full finished 1.5 Project considering how slow the 1.5 project has been going hopefully thats for a good reason