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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I wouldn't want the entire RPD section available, as I want it to feel like an actual demo (A retail release deserves a retail demo, right?). I'd rather a demo that feels like a demo, so with it being a tease - perhaps ending on a cliffhanger like the retail RE2 demo. I know people will want to play as much as they can but then that just spoils it in my opinion - some kind of short demo would be a great tease for the final product.


    • hopefully the demo will just last for about 20 mins, 30 mins if you take your time.
      and Id like it to end on a cliffhanger as well hopefully with leon meeting ada and elza metting john or sherry.
      but like I said I just want to play it and enjoy it , classic Resident evil in 2014 who would of thought it lol , gotta love those classic resident evil style sound effects.


      • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
        what do people think people want to see in preview edition? this is not poll or request. only question of interest!
        No time limit of course. Haha!

        I would personally like to see a puzzle or two. Maybe multiple paths and endings to keep things exciting? Oh, and I think the demo should end in surprise. RE1 Demo ended when the player is ambushed by Yawn and RE2 Demo ended when the player is confronted by a new mysterious character.


        • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
          what do people think people want to see in preview edition? this is not poll or request. only question of interest!
          A playable version of the RPD building that would really showcase all the fixes and improvements made to the original proto by your team.

          Oh, and no time limits, pls. Those are poop. Free roam is best roam.
          Last edited by Northman; 01-29-2014, 05:43 PM.


          • Limit the available rooms so Leon just has a clear path to Lobby with no extra rooms being available apart from the ones already available in the mzd build, adding the full stairwell, maybe end the scenario saving Ada from the fire or when you pickup the Fire Extinguiser in the corridor.
            Do the same akin to Elza with a clear run to the Heliport, ending the scenario when Elza & John find Sherry in the Parking Lot, blocking all the other sewer rooms and access to the factory, not sure how the Sherry puzzle works maybe something to with boiler room power supply, my thinking though leads me to believe the boiler room power supply would limit access to the lift, probably used by Marvin due to his ankle injury.
            Last edited by Mikhail; 01-29-2014, 06:10 PM.


            • which resident evils had good demos or preview and what make it good?


              • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                hello friends!

                over 2000 likes on facebook and recent picture is near 250! that is a lot of like for small facebook group! almost remind me of when first proper video was done and we get nearly many thousands of views in no time! wow! we are not makers of documentary. i think all understood that from our video series. our documentary series got many views. if you like documentary about video games i think i want to recommend backing this kickstarter Outerlands: Season One. many great staff on that project!

                comments on facebook is nice to see! so different audience!

                what do people think people want to see in preview edition? this is not poll or request. only question of interest!
                Hi B.Zork, nice to see you around these parts again. I think a cool preview would be spending some time in the RPD trying out some of the puzzles if there are any finished ones.maybe a good cliffhanger in the parking lot or conference room where we meet the gorillas.


                • @B.Zork
                  I think the example is Biohazard 2 trial edition.
                  Some taste of the beginning of the game. Half part of the RPD, some puzzles and cliffhanger
                  btw that demo didnt have cgi but it did have voice overs.
                  Last edited by GamerTak3r; 01-29-2014, 06:43 PM.


                  • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                    which resident evils had good demos or preview and what make it good?
                    It depends on what the developers intend to show. Back in the late 90s, most of them demos featured just the beginning of the game. The impact that the introduction to the game had was a nice way of generating hype since trailers contained disjointed footage from all locations of the game. We already know what BH2 Prototype starts like and we don't know how far advanced IGAS is. If the starting portion of the game is already finished, then doing it in a traditional way would be quite fitting. A way to relive the 90's.

                    Of course this also depends on what IGAS wants to show. If they intend on delivering a classic BH to the fans, then I guess a demo featuring mostly polished gameplay would also be very appropriate, regardless of the locations played. It would be quite a taste of a traditional BH for everyone salivating for some old-school kickass zombie action.

                    BioHazard YouTube Channel
                    BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                    • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                      which resident evils had good demos or preview and what make it good?
                      In one word, replayability. I only had the RE2 demos.. which I'm sure you are familiar with.

                      There was a short preview edition that came with RE: DC which featured a "to be continued" moment with Ada - to be honest, I always felt this one was kind of boring.. and then later on a timed demo.

                      The good thing about the timed demo was that it had a lot of the RPD available (up to the basement), so you would play it again and again to access more and more. Though this sort of game design tactic doesn't work well anymore obviously (widespread code usage), so I suggest adding something to the demo as a bonus that makes it more replayable (challenges/ranking grade based on first aid spray/herb usage etc). Maybe even unlocking stuff?

                      I guess how much effort you put into it depends on the final launch date, I'm sure RE 1.5's RPD is enough to keep people happy!


                      • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                        what do people think people want to see in preview edition? this is not poll or request. only question of interest!
                        Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                        which resident evils had good demos or preview and what make it good?
                        I really like the Trial Edition, it's a bit short but I think it was a good example of what to expect from the final product, if you consider Elza as well, something of this size would offer fair playability for a demo with two characters. I honestly don't mind how long the Preview Edition is, I just really want to see the game in a polished and coherent state. The Trial Edition is nice because it gives you a bit of everything like setting, cut scenes, enemy introduction, puzzles and action with plenty of ammo to play with without revealing too many secrets. Just exploring the RPD, running into cut scenes, finding items to pick up, like weapons, ammo and keys, solving puzzles and so forth with plenty of zombies to kill, this is something that goes well beyond what people can enjoy with the PSM build and would make the game so much better regardless of how long or short it is. Aiming for something like the Trial Edition would definitely be the way to go in my eyes, even from a purist point of view.

                        If the demo offered a small section through the RPD each, one for Leon on the roof, one for Elza in the lobby, introduced us to the scene and characters like John, Marvin, Sherry and Ada, introduced us to enemies like the zombies, cerberus and baboons, and offered some puzzle solving while providing a small selection of weapons to play with, it would emulate the Trial Edition well and would offer more than enough content to play with and enjoy that would actually make 1.5 feel like a real game for once. I guess for me, don't try and cram loads of stuff in there, just make it short and make it sweet.


                        • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                          I would love to play the entire RPD chapter as either or both protagonists, even if it lacks many of the cut-scenes, special items, weapons, puzzles, or plot points.
                          It won't happen though, they said multiple times they want to release something of retail quality. So the demo has to be representative of the final product.

                          What I'd want from the demo is the first half of the police station playing as Elza, showcasing multiple custom things we haven't seen yet, such as item management, cut-scenes and retail animations. If it really reaches a retail quality level people will definitely be looking forwards to the release of the full game.


                          • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                            hello friends!

                            over 2000 likes on facebook and recent picture is near 250! that is a lot of like for small facebook group! almost remind me of when first proper video was done and we get nearly many thousands of views in no time! wow! we are not makers of documentary. i think all understood that from our video series. our documentary series got many views. if you like documentary about video games i think i want to recommend backing this kickstarter Outerlands: Season One. many great staff on that project!

                            comments on facebook is nice to see! so different audience!

                            what do people think people want to see in preview edition? this is not poll or request. only question of interest!
                            I would stick to one area, unless you plan to make a large preview but I would avoid doing small sections of each. I think it would be nice if the preview showcases some of the additional features the team is implementing and I would hope both Leon and Elza would be available. I would rather it not be timed to be honest, unless you have some sort of special mode planned. Being timed/rushed detracts from the experience. An example of a higher difficulty would be nice too.

                            To be honest, I'd be happy with whatever we're presented but if you're fishing for ideas then there you go.

                            Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                            which resident evils had good demos or preview and what make it good?
                            Like others have stated the RE2 demo is an example of a good preview. It offers a little bit of everything and is very solid in its presentation. I thought the RE4 demo was fun because of the way it ended; you have a large event and when you're finally victorious (I'm not gonna lie I got my ass kicked) it leaves you wanting more.
                            Last edited by Graco; 01-29-2014, 07:51 PM.
                            "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                            • I think people would like to play up to the point where they meet one of their supporting charcters. I'm pretty sure it'll be enough that people will appreciate the demo.


                              • Since demos are there for us to get a 'taste' of the final product, I would like to see the main changes they have done with the engine in action, perhaps showcasing the RPD and a few puzzles. Some little extras to toy around with would make it all the while better maybe collecting something, or including a hidden unlockable

