I don't know what type of format or software they'd use to create FMV videos that are compatible, but surely 90's style FMV graphics could just be animated and rendered in real time in this day and age?
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Graphics never was my field, though.
Originally posted by biohazard_star View PostSince you seem to be in the gaming industry, I thought I'd ask: How feasible would it actually be for something like Team IGAS, which I assume is a small-scale work-at-home group, to actually create quality 90's style opening and closing FMVs for the game?
So the first thing you'd have to do is make sure you've got a rendering profile built that basically replicates the "look" of a 90s CG render (and even there you'd might need at least TWO set, one for those "fancy" stillshots and another for when you're doing FMVs). But once the proper rendering profile is built, there's the animation part of things ...
And that's probably the biggest hurdle of bells and whistles to overcome ... Figuring out how to properly animate things, with a 90s style, when you can do things such as AI/physics driven animation calculation, motion captured animation, and hand animated stuff w/ or w/out reference material. Just look at how various modern media utilize various blends of either pure keyframes, AI/physics driven material or a blend of keyframes and "tweens", meanwhile in the 90s you'd be surprised to see anything but straight up hand animation w/simple tweens.
Some might just see it all as "shitty CG" today, but there's a lot of finesse and attention to detail in lots of old CG animation. And most of these things were done by hand, and not just because they couldn't properly do motion capture, but because they're such subtle things that doing them with motion capture in a limit resolution or detail level just doesn't make them elaborate enough for people to properly notice them or to tell the story they need to tell.
When you're studying arts/drawing/painting/etc., one of the things you're often told to do as part of the early lectures is to utilize exaggeration and do "simple" caricatures of things. Why? Because you start filtering out the features that're somehow important to communicate the message of your picture and because you'll later realize that if you didn't exaggerate those features, you'd likely end up having them drowning in everything else that's included in the picture.
tl;dr - I said a lot of obvious crap about computer graphics.
Anyway, I believe, based on their current CG output, that IGAS could most certainly (re)create authentic 90s looking CG FMVs for the game, but I'd honestly be more interested in maybe seeing them aim a little "higher" than just replicating RE2's FMVs in terms of style, either in the form of them utilizing creepy uncanny valley "modern" CG (which at the shrunk down and compressed scale required for PS1 FMVs could very well possibly end up looking like live action) or evt. something that includes a weird and creepy mixture of live-action and CG ('cause nothing's more awesome than getting that 90s Tex Murphy "CD-ROM adventure"-look of the 90s going)
Originally posted by biohazard_star View PostSince you seem to be in the gaming industry, I thought I'd ask: How feasible would it actually be for something like Team IGAS, which I assume is a small-scale work-at-home group, to actually create quality 90's style opening and closing FMVs for the game?
Oh, look at you getting all pissed off. Maybe you should just stop caring about what other people post about then? It's funny how when this board isn't being bombarded by PVB 40% build zealots, you get people finding reasons to hate other people instead. What, are you supposed to be an IGAS zealot? I guess there really is a defense force for EVERYTHING, isn't there?
Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
Last edited by biohazard_star; 02-16-2014, 02:19 PM.Seibu teh geimu?
Originally posted by biohazard_star View PostYour image retort is about as lame as you and your constant hissy fits.
Originally posted by Carnivol View PostAaah! The difficulty of reproducing delicious 90s cheese without it artificially sounding like a try hard ... or accidentally producing stuff that's just of too good a quality to fit into a typical 90s video game! (Soul Reaver says hi)
Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Postwell seeing as I don't post on here much I would hardly call them "Constant" you seem to having the "hissy fit" lol.It looks fine not every fucking room is going to have fucking blood in it !!!!!!!!!!
man these freaky 1.5 nerds are getting on my tits !!!!people are being far to picky and expecting 100% perfect results , there's being helpful , but now people are going overboard not every room would have blood ! , heck zombies can't even climb stairs...yeah exactly it's completely pathetic ! sure some criticism is appreciated but all this crap over some blood that is not needed and a shiny fucking rail !
I've seen shiny rails in the early 90's...Let the moaning commence..................
I think it looks great.yeah certain people think they are resident evil 90's background model experts , it's getting really funny now , how they keep over analyzing every little detail expecting IGAS to change everything...Last edited by biohazard_star; 02-16-2014, 05:28 PM.Seibu teh geimu?
That would be me who started the "overanalyzing" stuff, which seems to be even more true with this last update (and no, I can't ban you, I'm not a staff member, plus I wouldn't do that just because you wanted to state an opinion). People are getting warm over a bunch of pixels, which can sound quite... disappointing. Try using a little more common sense, that's all I'm going to suggest as a few of the observations thrown on here can be laughable if not outright ignorant sometimes. It wouldn't surprise me if people started discussing about hardware limitations defied without even knowing what the actual restrains correspond to in reality.
Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter, also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.
^ Of course. But you have got to realize, without any sort of insight from the developers, it's sometimes hard to distinguish between what is finalized and what is not. To most lay people, the pictures that get posted on the IGAS page might as well be finalized/near-finalized, since their already top notch quality makes them appear to be. This is why you get people asking them to change things like textures/layouts/objects, even though the rooms are nowhere near finalized. For example, if you showed people the prototype conference room in retail, people would have assumed it was the finalized design, and wouldn't have guessed it was going to get such a drastic redesign later on:
I don't know how old some of those renders IGAs posted are, and I won't pretend to know how many month olds/outdated they are, since it's impossible to tell without being told by B.Zork or D.Birkin. But I hope you understand where some of the people who are voicing their suggestions are coming from.Last edited by biohazard_star; 02-16-2014, 07:19 PM.Seibu teh geimu?
Star where did you get that left photo? is that an IGAS render? never seen it
EDIT: Lulz, i Re-read your post. Im fucktarded.
So yeah, that left one looks pretty finalized to me. They decided to go in a different direction. Final one's floor is much more detailed.Last edited by Darkness; 02-16-2014, 08:30 PM.
^It's always a bit funny to see peoples' minds mildly blown when they realize how different even the BH2 trial is to the final game.
Originally posted by Darkness View PostTurning to the community for assistance would help with the voice overs
Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Postyeah certain people think they are resident evil 90's background model experts , it's getting really funny now , how they keep over analyzing every little detail expecting IGAS to change everything lol. It's never going to be 100 % PERFECT .........
And what does 'perfect' even mean here? It's a largely subjective matter until it contradicts the original development team's known plans, and even then it could just be a purposely new direction. Some of us voice our own creative visions and challenge what appears to be contradictory or illogical so that the feedback is out there in the open. If you don't agree with our assertions, just say so and explain why, as Gemini and Carnivol do so eloquently. Please share with us one drawback of such communal participation, since it seems to perturb you. What the hell is this thread for, anyway?