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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Akimbo View Post
    A comment on the new screenshot asked if there will be any voice acting included in the dialogue, IGAS replied:

    What do you guys think? I hope the picture isn't twisted into thinking that there will be voice acting, but there may be a possibility.
    They only say there´s a possibility, if they find good voice actors -for free-, they could do that, otherwise they won´t, it´s beyond IGAS skills. Anyway, it´s good to know they are trying to, I just hope people don´t get too demanding about this if X character´s voice doesn´t fit to the actual X character.
    The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


    • It shouldn't be hard to phase invert the complete disc footage to get the xa data for the two cutscenes with voiceovers, we already have wave psf rips of the bgm to use.
      It's the same principle as getting acapella / instrumental from songs, irc the knockout vst plugin has been shut down on the 31st of August 2023. Find out what that means for your site and how to move it to another provider.

      is compatible with audacity.


      • Originally posted by Akimbo View Post
        A comment on the new screenshot asked if there will be any voice acting included in the dialogue, IGAS replied:

        What do you guys think? I hope the picture isn't twisted into thinking that there will be voice acting, but there may be a possibility.
        Well, IGAS stated that the tested some dubbed cut scenes and they had satisfactory results, maybe it's a statement that 1.5 is going to have Voice Actors; a Key in the gameplay of every Resident Evil game, hope that IGAS release another Making of Biohazard 1.5 but with the Voice Actors topic (Cutscenes only in the Police Station), Savegame issues and Background Music with the music heard in the Leon Vs. Birkin in some trailers of 1.5 were they fight in the Warehouse and maybe in the Lab. The most important thing is: the game have a good possibilty with the Voice Acting...


        • OMG! New video! Whoooooo!

          I just came!

          "A can of fizz. It's sure to yellow and mellow those things." - Barry Burton


          • Complete disc recreation, IGAS' first video in 7 months, complete with voice overs to show its possible


            • Holy crap that new video was EPIC :O so much has improved.


              • Originally posted by AJM Ruler View Post
                OMG! New video! Whoooooo!

                I just came!

                I love unexpected surprises


                • I'm torn between both alternatives. Voice acting would really ruin the whole experience if it happens to be bad, but at the same time I can't imagine people enjoying a game supposed to be of retail quality but void of voices.
                  Last edited by Rick Hunter; 02-25-2014, 04:30 PM.


                  • Option to turn voices on/off would be best.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • Whoever did irons sounded pretty good. Get every character to have their voice mesh like that and you'll have something.


                      • Ok so a few comments:

                        -Leon's voice sound like it had been slowed down. A bit weird.
                        -Iron's voice is too young! You should ask a smoking 50 years old guy to dub him haha...
                        -Elza has retail animations? Yay. But Leon doesn't. Booh
                        -The grenade launcher doesn't inflict massive damages to zombies? Limbs don't seem to explode.
                        -Can the shotgun cut zombies in half like in the vanilla build and retail RE2?


                        • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                          I'm torn between both alternatives. Voice acting would really ruin the whole experience if it happens to be of bad, but at the same time I can't imagine people enjoying a game supposed to be of retail quality but void of voices.
                          Perhaps there could be an option to disable the voices, sticking with just the subtitles instead, in the case that you don't like the voice acting.

                          That new video was great and it's awesome to see a new video from the Team. One of the parts that caught my eye was at 0:39 with what looked like a Keycard Slot/Machine. Also, wasn't the 'to be continued' text at the end of the video one of D.Birkin's avatars a while back?


                          • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                            Option to turn voices on/off would be best.
                            did you remember the picture with sound volume options?


                            • That's just freaking epic !


                              • I love the inspiration Team IGAS took from this video (hopefully they will do the other 3 videos of the series as well):

                                "A can of fizz. It's sure to yellow and mellow those things." - Barry Burton

