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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • B1 lighting needs tweaking to have more light bleed from the green notice light with the overall room being darker, it's also missing the cracks and chinks in the wall.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Resident-Evil-Revelations-3.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	162.5 KB
ID:	403604
    Last edited by Mikhail; 02-26-2014, 05:44 AM.


    • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
      I really hope that's not the case and he will have his retail animation. I wouldn't really enjoy a mix of both...
      You can see Leon using retail animations right at the start of the video when he's wielding the rocket launcher, same for Elza with the grenade launcher (deduction: new weapons use full new sets, like the flame thrower in MZD). Everything else straight out of 1.5 still uses vanilla motion data, you can see them with Elza's handgun in the lobby office segment - as part of the development process this poses no real problem, given a decent degree of time to craft new animations and a few polishing passes to see how it all glues together.
      Personally what I can't stand a bit about the current 1.5 is the way Leon runs, with his legs going in random directions, very similar to Chris' animations in RE1 (Mikami's early team seems to have issues with male exclusive movements or something). If at least the run animations for Leon are replaced, I won't lose my sleep with the rest of the vanilla stuff staying in place since that looks pretty good as-is. Maybe add to the replacement list a few reload animations that look simply awkward, like for the Remington. I have really no idea how Leon can load the shells by lifting the shotgun like some sort of lightweight handgun, but it could have been yet another placeholder given the state of the engine at that point.

      Speaking of other technical aspect, there is one more rough edge in the video that could be ironed and that needs be fixed to achieve retail quality: ammo clips bouncing correctly. In the footages you can see some of them going through a wall in the basement and in the lobby office, just like on the vanilla build. Given again non-linearity and priorities in development, I'm sure this can be changed later to reflect correct collision detection. For now it's just one minor issue like the toned down gore visuals. If the improvements keep going this route, I'm sure the demo will feature all this stuff fixed for good and retail quality accomplished correctly. Now drop in the mix real gameplay (i.e. not just zombies randomly placed everywhere simply to fill void, like most fan stuff seems to do), a bunch of puzzles of all sorts, and improved cut scenes (for real, not crap where the best addition is random unfitting gestures or air-skating zombies) to figure out how this was supposed to play as if CAPCOM made it.
      Last edited by Gemini; 02-26-2014, 05:35 AM.

      Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
      , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


      • I really like the video, but there are some things that are nagging at me.

        The blood effects - handgun shows quite a lot, yet the shotgun hardly shows any? Surely should be more like RE2/3 and have it at least blow an arm off or something at close range.. It doesn't look right for some reason - same with the grenade launcher, it doesn't seem to have any effect at all on zombies.

        The voices are OK but I hope they are only test/early - Leon's is OK but needs a higher pitch, Irons sounds so forced he is worse than Barry haha ..
        But like you say, we can always mute the voices and just have subtitles is we don't like them - Parasite Eve games played just fine that way for me.. You can almost ''imagine'' their voices I guess LOL
        "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


        • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
          In my opinion only RE1 and CV.
          GS1 and GS4 too, though those were affected more by a non-existent budget than anything.

          The games actually have great voices. It's a shitty script they're usually stuck with, due to piss-poor localization. No amount of good acting can save awful, awkward dialogue.
          Last edited by News Bot; 02-26-2014, 06:02 AM.
          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


          • As IGAS seem quite focused on delivering an all-round retail quality game, I wonder if this means we'll see FMV as well.. I can wait another 1 to 2 years for that

            Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
            It'd be glorious if they somehow managed to pull off any memorable quotes in their script. Don't think I've seen dialog from any fan efforts stick since like ... I dunno ... "... fucks like a tiger", maybe?
            And for that RE1 vibe, you still need a somewhat professional voice actor to pull off it IMO - adding some cool dialog like "we got to the ROOT of the problem" would be nice also, since RE 1.5 is a more instinctive sequel to RE1.

            Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
            CV was okay on Chris and Claire's parts but OMG Steve's voice actor just grated on my ears " ahh Help MEEEeeeeEEEeeeeEEE"

            and as long as the voice acting doesn't sound as bad as this guy in deep fear I will be happy lol.
            Just listen at 1:01

            worst voice in a video game would have to go to that guy lol.
            rofl wtf... not to mention that other guy is Wesker from RE1 (if I'm not mistaken).
            Last edited by Scream; 02-26-2014, 07:38 AM.


            • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
              CV was okay on Chris and Claire's parts but OMG Steve's voice actor just grated on my ears " ahh Help MEEEeeeeEEEeeeeEEE"
              Steve's voice was just painful to listen to at times, I'm sure people would much rather listen to Alfred's laugh on repeat for many hours then listen to Steve speak.

              While people want that RE1 quality of voice acting, it would be nice and would feel more like a classic Resident Evil game. A problem I could see is the voice actor trying too hard to give that cheesy feel with it ending up sounding far too forced - ruining the overall feel of it in my opinion.


              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                GS1 and GS4 too, though those were affected more by a non-existent budget than anything.

                The games actually have great voices. It's a shitty script they're usually stuck with, due to piss-poor localization. No amount of good acting can save awful, awkward dialogue.
                Well .. maybe they should re-write some of the script - if they haven't done so already? Ya know.. maybe get someone who is native english/american english to do it?

                EDIT: To back up what I said earlier ... watch the ORIGINAL version of the video and then watch the IGAS version ..
                See how Leon shotguns the zombies and they split in half in a spray of blood ala RE2/3. Yet in the IGAS version this doesn't happen at all.
                I mean, does the 40% MZD build do this? Why take a step backwards...
                Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 02-26-2014, 10:13 AM.
                "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
                  The blood effects - handgun shows quite a lot, yet the shotgun hardly shows any? Surely should be more like RE2/3 and have it at least blow an arm off or something at close range.. It doesn't look right for some reason - same with the grenade launcher, it doesn't seem to have any effect at all on zombies.
                  Yeah I hope it's just temporary, it bothers me a lot.


                  • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                    Yeah I hope it's just temporary, it bothers me a lot.
                    this thing is controlled from volumetric value that decide thing from damage rate and effective area to chance for gib. such value is maybe last thing we tweak to final state and is now not priority effort yet.


                    • Ok cool, thanks for the reply


                      • i think gemini make good observation of animation set. think is all about right.

                        any other question and concern we maybe help remove confuse from?


                        • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                          i think gemini make good observation of animation set. think is all about right.

                          any other question and concern we maybe help remove confuse from?
                          I have if you don't mind MrBZork.
                          What are you hoping/planning on the differences between the trial version and the full one?
                          Will the trial edition only cover a part of the map IE RPD or something else?

                          Many thanks,keep up the good work and apologies if already been covered!
                          Nicholai,Carlos,Mikhail. Umbrella sure doesn't discriminate against race,huh?


                          • i think maybe preview version will demonstrate some important things in technical perspective. the content can tell story, but important part is technical functionality demonstrated in way that can be enjoyed


                            • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                              i think maybe preview version will demonstrate some important things in technical perspective. the content can tell story, but important part is technical functionality demonstrated in way that can be enjoyed
                              Nicholai,Carlos,Mikhail. Umbrella sure doesn't discriminate against race,huh?


                              • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                                i think gemini make good observation of animation set. think is all about right.

                                any other question and concern we maybe help remove confuse from?
                                1.) I've just a question in general in regards to the process of creating content for the game. How difficult has it been thus far creating balance between ammo and enemies, deciding how many and where, creating the plot and puzzles, etc? A lot of people focus on the technical aspects or specifics but overlook the bigger picture. To set a goal of creating a 90's Capcom quality is no easy task and I'm curious as to how challenging it has been.

                                2.). Video footage of the final build contains music not found in the 40% version. Will the team be recreating these pieces as well as their own original work and if so has any been composed yet?
                                "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."

