In that picture Birkins looks like a fusion of Adult-G and the Giant Alligator.
No announcement yet.
Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post^ haha .. so it does (at least look a little like that) although the image is in such poor quality we are missing all the details.
Can almost imagine Harry popping up "Oh Hai. Have you seen a little girl around here. Seven, short black hair. She's my daughter." hahahaNicholai,Carlos,Mikhail. Umbrella sure doesn't discriminate against race,huh?
Official artwork of 1.5 Birkin's mutations were posted quite a few pages back, iirc. Newsbot confirmed that they are indeed that of 1.5 Birkin's, drawn by Ryoji Shimogama:
The one encountered by Leon on the train with Annette is the left-most one that is on walking on all fours. As for the humanoid looking version with black skin, maybe Elza encounters Birkin in this form?
Link to the original thread with more pictures: teh geimu?
Originally posted by biohazard_star View PostOfficial artwork of 1.5 Birkin's mutations were posted quite a few pages back, iirc. Newsbot confirmed that they are indeed that of 1.5 Birkin's, drawn by Ryoji Shimogama:
The one encountered by Leon on the train with Annette is the left-most one that is on walking on all fours. As for the humanoid looking version with black skin, maybe Elza encounters Birkin in this form?
Link to the original thread with more pictures:
Originally posted by Gemini View PostPL0E.PLD is John's model for playable characters, so he was meant to be playable at some point. There's a high chance of the player taking control of him in the factory segment when zombies break through and overrun the place.
I'm just curious because John's presence screams Barry to me. Especially the roof scene where he helps Elza. I don't wanna start thinking of the purposed gameplay section for him if it just wasn't planned to happen. I'm beginning to question if the difficulty was divided for each character to be the "same" as retail more and more.
Apparently I have this power to freeze up the topic by commenting. This wasn't the first time this happens I don't know why..
I was expecting to immediately be shut down with some facts but I guess since no one said anything I guess it is quite possible.
Originally posted by NEOMEGA View PostApparently I have this power to freeze up the topic by commenting. This wasn't the first time this happens I don't know why..
I was expecting to immediately be shut down with some facts but I guess since no one said anything I guess it is quite possible.
Most people don't even bother logging in; they just lurk to see if there's any news (which is why there's always like 3 or 4 members and 55 guests on the forum lol)."One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls
I'm just waiting for something I can actually contribute ,but as there is very little that's new it's hard.
I'll simply say I'm waiting for Igas 2500 update,
Last time I posted that here it was up within an hour,obviously conincidence but Sod's law dictates it'll be up soon just to make me look silly.Nicholai,Carlos,Mikhail. Umbrella sure doesn't discriminate against race,huh?
the only thing keeping this issue is all about the game I believed that it would release the demo soon but it was not like I expected a voiceless difrutar demo of the game and see the actual progress of the team but it was not yet time so demo sight passes the day time and not anything that is why this issue seems fantama people.Last edited by Jesus Romero; 03-23-2014, 02:11 PM.
Originally posted by REmaster View PostIt's not you, this place is just a ghost town these days.
Most people don't even bother logging in; they just lurk to see if there's any news (which is why there's always like 3 or 4 members and 55 guests on the forum lol).
As for Team IGAS, they are literally the only thing worth talking about (other than the various things Newsbot drops in every now and then).
There´ll be allways interesting things to talk about, but not everyone has interest in the same kind of topics. For me, this outgoing generation left a couple of great REs, and some other bad or not good ones.
As for 1.5, there´s nothing to comment at the moment, the later images pretty much don´t show anything revealing, and that´s probably better because the less they show the more surprises we´ll get when playing. And, as the game gets its final form there´s every day less margin for speculation, wild guess and discussion.Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 03-23-2014, 08:35 PM.
Originally posted by Scream View PostConsidering the last "good" RE game was released in 2005, there's really not much left to discuss (at least for a casual observer). I think the fans have done a great job keeping things going, way more than Capcom even. Now it's time for Capcom to pull its finger out.
As for Team IGAS, they are literally the only thing worth talking about (other than the various things Newsbot drops in every now and then).
As soon as RE7 or another title makes an appearance the forums will be swimming again (especially if it's a "good" game lol)."One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls
Originally posted by Scream View Postthere's really not much left to discuss (at least for a casual observer).
I know what that's like.Last edited by OKeijiDragon; 03-23-2014, 09:25 PM.
This thread might be dead for a while, well till the next update from IGAS.
In other news, I found all my old music videos I made to RE. They are from early 2003-2005. All 95MB of them... they are heavily compressed due to WMM. I'll upload them for everyone to checkout, though they aren't good. Heck I made them in high school.
I also found my old remix CD-s, and they have the old Biohazard Extreme remixes on them, and they were thought to be lost forever. I'll get those uploaded too. I also have most of Biohazard Hardcore downloaded.
Biohazard Extreme Remixes >!mExRHLqR!NeA5K_...xnC_hTfysffQRU
Old Music Vids >!WVw0UBoC!5TJ5qE...dPhGHysqTnAIRU